Honor Your Inner Goddess Through Energy, Rituals, & More

Honor Your Inner Goddess Through Energy, Rituals, & More

In our yang-driven world where action and accomplishment reign supreme, it’s easy to neglect our yin-ness, the softer side of us that prefers to be, not do. With so many things begging our attention on a regular basis, it’s easy to get caught up in life’s demands that sometimes we forget to take a moment for ourselves. We forget to take a moment to remember how truly special and sacred our lives are.

As women especially, connecting with our feminine energy on a regular basis is vital to our sense of self, hormonal health, and overall happiness. Ancient Goddess traditions understood and honored the many gifts of the divine feminine, and reclaiming them now can be just the balance us modern goddesses need. Even if you already practice self-care that honors your inner beauty, there can always be room for more reflection and love.

What is Your Inner Goddess?

Each one of us is a reflection of the divine. Though you may not always feel like it, or even realize it, there is a divinity in you. Connecting with the inner goddess in your soul is simply understanding, recognizing that divinity. 

Your inner goddess is always there, though occasionally she might not express herself or might be forgotten about. Life’s many distractions can keep her suppressed, so take time as often as possible to evoke and honor her. 

How Do I Connect with My Inner Goddess?

Spend time alone in an area conducive to introspection. Understand when your divine feminine hasn’t had the opportunity to shine or has been under too much pressure from outside forces. Hold a ceremony or do something for yourself focused on self-reflection and self-appreciation. 

It may be worthwhile to set up space in your home where you can set aside time for rituals related to self-care and reflection. Going out and spending time in nature is also another great place to put you in the right mindset to honor your inner goddess. Anywhere that’s quiet, peaceful, and allows you to go within.

10 Ways to Honor Your Inner Goddess

If you’re ready to reignite your feminine side, here’s how to get started:

1. Guard your being time

Take back your feminine power by booking in some much needed me time to reconnect with your inner self. Whether it’s morning meditation, an afternoon catnap, or watching the sunset, treat this time like any other appointment by not canceling on yourself to do the laundry or more work.

2. Be open to receiving

Receptivity is the essence of feminine energy, enabling us to live in the flow instead of frustration. Next time someone offers you a compliment or support, graciously say, Thank you! And don’t be afraid to ask for help from family, best friends, kids, peers, and professionals. Remember, the more you allow yourself to receive, the more you have to give.

3. Surround yourself with beauty

Turn your personal space into a goddess sanctuary by clearing out clutter and adding things that delight your senses and your spirit. Try beautiful plants and fresh flowers, essential oils, lush fabrics, wind chimes, seashells, crystals, or other gifts from Mother Nature. Adorn your walls with art and pictures that uplift and inspire you. Make every part of your home fit for the divine goddess that you are and that reflects your inner beauty.

4. Nourish your dreams

Just as we conceive and support babies in our wombs, the Goddess approach to manifesting our desires is to nurture them while they are still ideas and daydreams. As we cultivate quiet time to connect with our inner vision and guidance, we take action from a place of joy and trust. In doing so, we birth our dreams into being in divinely inspired ways and divinely perfect time, just as we do our babies.

5. Slow down and relish

Multitasking is not the way of the Goddess, especially when it comes to appreciating life’s simple pleasures. Instead, become fully present and engage all your senses to enjoy daily delights: inhale the scent of your morning coffee and sip it slowly, let a piece of chocolate melt in your mouth, stop power walking, and savor the sights.

6. Love your body

Aphrodite had small breasts, a soft belly, and full hips. Her huntress niece goddess Artemis was lanky and lean. Do you think they apologized for their shapes? Heck no. They owned their bodies’ divinity to express their goddess’ gifts, be they love or tenacity. Embrace your own body as a beautiful, sacred vessel for your spirit to experience itself and treat it with the love and reverence it deserves. Try self-love with this flow sequence based on the goddess Lakshmi, who represents beauty and abundance.

7. Live from your heart

We are naturally feeling beings, but life’s busyness can hinder us from hearing the voice of our hearts – the true source of our happiness. Reconnect by placing your hands on your chest and resting your awareness in this sacred space. Here, the mind’s constant activity will surrender to the heart’s calm clarity, leading you to live in greater faith and deeper love.

8. Connect with divine energy

Instantly connect with Goddess energy by spending time with Mother Earth. Walk barefoot on the grass and lie on the ground. Release all your cares to her for healing and transmutation. Allow her to hold you in her loving embrace and fill you with maternal love. Doing this regularly will help you become a strong and grounded goddess in your own world.

9. Honor your boundaries

Forget trying to please everyone and love yourself enough to say no to draining demands. Bless and release toxic relationships and patterns while keeping the lessons and growth. Stand firm in the power of an authentic no. A goddess isn’t a superwoman who does it all, but a happy woman who does only what she wants and values.

10. Infuse your life with ritual

Goddess traditions, like those in this practice, are full of ritual because they bring deeper meaning and sacredness to any act. Invite extra blessings into your daily activities by turning them into mini ceremonies. A great place to start is your existing sadhana (daily spiritual practice), by perhaps creating a meditation altar where you can light a candle, burn incense, play music, and offer flowers.

While effort and achievement will always have their place in the world, balancing them with sacred feminine practices will bring us much greater flow and fulfillment. As we learn to be as much as we do, the inner Goddess and God meet in divine union, creating perfect yin-yang harmony within and without. Now that is something worth striving for. For more insight on how to honor your inner goddess and empower yourself on a daily basis, check out Gaia’s incredible content on yoga and meditation. Gaia offers a wide range of classes for every ability level and body type, in addition to content on lifestyle, healthy eating, and spiritual growth.

Flowing Through the Throat Chakra with Saraswati

Flowing Through the Throat Chakra with Saraswati

A while back I finally had my Vedic astrology chart done and was informed I had the goddess Saraswati in my chart as well as the lord Hanuman. I love to sing and chant in my classes and lead Kirtan, so this all made sense to me because Hanuman loves to fly and was known for his love of singing. Meanwhile, Saraswati rules the throat chakra and is the goddess of music, clear speech, knowledge, and communication—things I’m always striving towards.

 Leading a retreat in Bali, I had been drawn to statues and images of Saraswati and brought some home. I realized that my own need to balance my throat chakra through chanting was an aspect of Saraswati in me. And if you’re ever in need of speaking your truth or communicating more clearly, invoking the essence of Saraswati can be very helpful.

Saraswati and the Sound of Om

At the beginning of everything, when the Universe was a swirling mass of nothing and everything, Brahma stood staring at the chaos. Brahma, of the Holy Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, was well-known as the Creator and representative of brighter, new beginnings. He stood scratching one of his four heads in confusion. He wasn’t sure how to get started with his task of creating something of a Universe out of a gurgling, swirling, bubbling mass of chaotic energy. Saraswati, who was Brahma’s wife at the time, saw Brahma’s confusion, so she decided to help in her own way. 

Brahma heard the sound of a great rushing cascade of water, but looked around and saw nothing. It was from the depths of his being where the water moved and flowed through his throat. A great waterfall poured out of his mouth, and with the waterfall came Saraswati.

She was fascinating and beautiful to behold. Her skin as luminous as the moonlight, her hair as black as night with no moon. She held a stringed instrument in her arms and began playing. And with her music, she spoke. She told Brahma she would give him one sound, which he was to use to create order from chaos. The sound held three syllables: A, U, and M.

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