Purvottanasana: Reverse Plank Pose

Purvottanasana: Reverse Plank Pose

Purvottanasana (PUR-voh-tah-NAH-sah-nah) is a sibling of bridge pose and plank pose. Reverse plank may look intimidating for the shoulders, but there are several variations of the pose, all of which can help open the front of the body while strengthening the back.

Philosophy and Origin:

This pose goes by many names including “reverse plank,” and “upward-facing plank” pose. The Sanskrit name translates to “intense east stretch.” Ancient yogis considered the front of the body to be the “east” side as yoga was practiced while facing the rising sun.


  • Purva: east
  • Ut: intense
  • Tan: stretch
  • Asana: pose

Physical Benefits:

  • Opens the chest and shoulders.
  • Builds and tones the core muscles.
  • Counters forward-facing tasks like sitting at a desk, driving, and looking at a phone.

Energetic Benefits:

  • Releases tension from the body.
  • Relieves fatigue and stress.

Preparatory Poses:

Sequential Poses:

Counter Poses:


  • Use a block: Build inner core strength by placing a block in between your thighs, then squeeze the block as you lift into the pose.
  • Half reverse plank: Place the soles of your feet on the ground with knees bent for a variation of full reverse plank.


  1. Begin seated with your legs out in front of you.
  2. Reach through the ball mounds of your feet, halfway between pointed and flexed.
  3. Place your hands behind you, fingertips pointing toward your hips. Roll your shoulders behind you.
  4. Press into your palms and through the ball mounds of your feet. Exhale to lift your hips off the ground, tailbone pointing toward your heels.
  5. Lift your heart. Option to lift your gaze to the ceiling.
  6. Hold for five breaths, then release hips to the ground.


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Virabhadrasana II: Warrior II Pose

Virabhadrasana II: Warrior II Pose


Warrior II, or virabhadrasana (veer-ah-bah-DRAHS-anna) II, is a strengthening pose that improves physical and mental endurance. Its ability to stretch your upper legs and ankles while also expanding your chest and shoulders makes it an essential foundational pose for most asana-based (pose-based) yoga practices.

Philosophy + Origin

While warrior II is a strong pose, it also requires balance and steadiness. Although many origin stories for virabhadrasana II describe the shape of the pose as the stance Virabhadra took as he drew his sword to remove the head of his enemy, any student who has practiced the pose will learn that, while fierce, there’s also a gentleness within the physical lines. The yogic philosophy of sthira sukha, or balancing effort with ease, can be applied when practicing warrior II. How can you harness your warrior spirit while not losing sight of your gentle spirit and your commitment to ahimsa, non-violence?

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