Upavistha Konasana: Wide-Seated Angle Pose

Upavistha Konasana: Wide-Seated Angle Pose

Upavistha konasana (oo-pah-VEESH-tah cone-AHS-ah-nah) is a soothing – or intense – pose depending on the style and intention of the practice. This seated pose stretches the hamstrings and groins, while strengthening the supporting muscles of your spine. This pose is said to help improve your posture and promote ease and comfort in your body.

Wide-seated angle pose offers very different experiences depending on the intention and style of yoga. Yin and restorative styles will offer a relaxed variation, often with the use of props to support minimal effort.  In a more active practice like vinyasa, the pose may be used to actively stretch and build heat.


  • Place a rolled blanket under your knees for extra support.
  • Place a folded blanket under your seat to help encourage your pelvis to tip forward and prevent rounding in your spine.
  • Sit against a wall to support your spine.


  1. Begin sitting in staff pose (dandasana). Slide your heels out as wide as you can without strain.
  2. Lift your hips up, send your tailbone back, then place your hips back down.
  3. Rotate your inner thighs up toward the ceiling so your kneecaps face straight up. Extend through your heels.
  4. Press your thigh bones into the ground and walk your hands forward. As you move forward, keep your torso long and your spine neutral. Bring your hands as far forward as you can while maintaining the length between your pubic bone and your navel.
  5. Hold the pose for up to 60 seconds. Gently lift your torso, then use your hands to bring your knees together to release.





  • Upavistha = seated
  • Kona = angle
  • Asana = pose


  • Stretches the groin, adductor muscles, and hamstrings.
  • Strengthens the muscles along the spine.
  • Thought to improve posture.

Paschimottanasana: Seated Forward Bend Pose

Paschimottanasana: Seated Forward Bend Pose


Paschimottanasana (POSH-ee-moh-tan-AHS-ah-nah) invites space to the hamstrings and lower back as well as the mind. While there’s no need to touch your toes in this pose, practicing regularly can help lengthen the muscles in the legs and back to encourage flexibility and ease.

Philosophy + Origin

Paschimottanasana is one of the earliest-known yoga postures, dating back to the Yoga Pradipika. This pose is commonly known as seated forward bend or seated forward fold, but is also referred to as the stretch of the West, referring to the back side of the body.

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