Initiation to a Mystical Life
1 Season . 4 Episodes TV-PG

Neil Kramer, philosopher and mystic guides us through the most revolutionary and beautiful adventure of all: choosing a life of conscious evolution.

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Initiation (FREE)

A mystical life of initiation and ascension is a lifelong journey with no set destination. This is not a road to tread lightly upon, as the true seeker must be committed to a life of learning with a willingness to look deeply into the profound nature of the universe. Neil Kramer, philosopher and mystic, guides us through the most revolutionary and beautiful adventure of all: choosing a life of conscious evolution. Together, we explore the wisdom, attitude and techniques used to engage with a higher order of being in order to take on your own individualistic growth.

Host: Neil Kramer
Audio Languages: English
Subtitles: English, French, Spanish, German
18 mins TV-PG
Neil Kramer discusses the need for initiation, and self-initiation, as one passes through the five main initiatory levels which are part of the mechanics for developing a mystical life.
11 mins TV-PG
There are stages of spiritual development, lasting roughly seven years each, in which you are given the opportunity to cultivate a new understanding of self and your connection with the universe.
16 mins TV-PG
Neil Kramer relays the value of learning to stop and witness all that is going on around us, as it affords the opportunity for wisdom to arise.
11 mins TV-PG
Perhaps, the only true measurement of spiritual attainment is the change it brings into our lives. Choosing this type of spiritual transformation requires witnessing and understanding, as a devotional practice, in order to have profound interaction with the world where reality is both received and transmitted.