3 Magical Mantras to Stop Procrastination and Fire Up Enthusiasm

3 Magical Mantras to Stop Procrastination and Fire Up Enthusiasm

According to Psychology Today, 20% of people are true procrastinators who consistently avoid difficult tasks and deliberately look for distractions. They don’t realize that procrastination is actually a manifestation of being unable to regulate emotions and accurately predict how we will feel tomorrow, or the next day.

However, when you learn that procrastination is really self-sabotage in disguise, you can break the pattern and become inspired to achieve.

With these powerful mantras, you’ll quickly overcome your personal resistance to change the negative patterns in your subconscious mind. You will tap into the passion and enthusiasm that you may think that you have lost, but is simply dormant and waiting to explode anew.

By using theses Magical Mantras throughout the week you will:

  • Go from passive to proactive.
  • Rediscover your motivation.
  • Become unstoppable.

So, now, if you’re ready, here are your three mantras to eliminate procrastination and boost your enthusiasm. With your hands on your heart, repeat these three mantras throughout the day and feel their vibrational energy entering in your being:

  • Today and everyday I will take one bold action step toward my dreams.
  • I connect with and visualize my dreams as reality everyday and this motivation catapults me toward my goals.
  • I possess the wisdom, the power, the motivation, the inspiration and the passion to accomplish anything and everything I choose.

Power up these mantras by repeating them in a proud, strong voice, as you look deep into your own eyes in the mirror. They will penetrate into your soul and be expressed in your being.

Alternatively, you can permanently rewire you subconscious mind to accept these affirmations by listening to them in a deep meditative state with guided meditation.

3 Magical Mantras to Boost Your Libido and Reignite Passion

Everyday life can drain us of energy and enthusiasm, especially when it comes to our libido! When that happens, a loving relationship can begin to unravel, as you and your partner feel further and further apart. But when you give yourself the time and space to rediscover your forgotten fire, you will begin to re-experience the giddy fun and joy of being a vibrant sexual being.

Once the hormones of infatuation and new love wear off, it takes concentrated attention and effort to keep even the best relationship interesting and exciting.

By meditating on and repeating these mantras, you will increase your desire and help you reconnect with the fire of lusty love that is still burning within you. And as you learn once again to express your desire, the laws of attraction will bring satisfaction back to your love life.

By using theses Magical Mantras throughout the week you will:

  • Make sparks fly.
  • Jump-start your relationship.
  • Get ‘Love-Drunk’

So, now, if you’re ready, here are your 3 Mantras to boost your libido and put that spark back into your relationship. With your hands on your heart, repeat these three Mantras throughout the day and feel their vibrational energy entering in your body, mind and spirit:

  • I reconnect with loving and passionate feelings for my partner.
  • I feel a stirring in my heart and feel lucky to have this person in my life.
  • I experience a balanced and loving relationship with my partner.

To “turbo-charge” these feeling I suggest that you take out a piece of paper and answer the following questions:

  1. Five things that I love about my partner NOW are:
  2. Five reasons that I fell in love with my partner are:
  3. Where was I and what was I wearing when we had our first kiss? How did that make me feel?

This can be a difficult exercise once we let our relationship take on a “ho-hum” existence. After the feeling of “new-love” wears off our mind seems to only want to focus on the negative and annoying aspects of our partner. But, those initial feeling of love and passion are still within you, and you and your partner will feel great joy as you reconnect with them and bring them to the surface.

You can permanently rewire you subconscious mind to accept these affirmations by listening to them in a deep meditative state with guided meditation.

(Don’t forget to share the juicy details with your friends over a little glass of wine!)

Enjoy and let me know how you go!

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