3 Spirit Animal Meditations

Whether you’re seeking your power animal or you’ve already found these spirits, meditation is a powerful tool to contacting with your animal guides. These three in particular are great ways either to establish that connection or strengthen it, thus adding valuable guidance to your life and direction.
Regardless of which meditation you need, it’s a good idea to have pen and paper ready to go to record these encounters; a journal is preferable. Write down the images, feelings and sounds as much as you remember while it’s still fresh. This will help establish the connection similar to lucid dreaming. The more often you meet with your animal guide, the more you will feel their presence in your conscious state, thus eventually lessening the need for meditations.
Want to read more about your spirit animal? Here are a few characteristics of the top five most common animals, each with their own personalities, strengths and weaknesses.
Lastly before you get started, remember a few things. You may not see your spirit animal right away, even in the first few times that you try. This is a process, and like any other process, it may take a little time and patience to get underway. Plus, we must respect the animal spirit world and their timing, even while knowing that our animal spirits are just as eager to communicate with us are we are. Lastly, don’t feel the need to stick TOO closely to these steps. The journey is obviously very personal, so no one will know better how it works for you other than you.
Meditation for Initial Connection with Your Spirit Animal
(This meditation is adapted from whatsyoursign.com)
- Meditate around the same time of day or night in order to train your subconscious into allowing easier relaxation and smoother connection with the spirit world.
- Create a relaxing, calming environment free of distractions and disorder. In order to help your subconscious’s love of order, it is a good investment to have your ducks in a row without cluttered space.
- Begin your meditation session by setting your intention. It’s important to set forth a firm directive to both your subconscious mind and your spirit, as well as the animal spirit realm that you wish to contact your animal totem. Silently to yourself, repeat your affirmation to meet your animal spirit in your dreams. You can use the following phrase, or create your own:
“This moment, I receive the gift of animal sight.
This moment, my animal spirit takes flight.
Reveal to me what I must see.
This moment, my animal totem connects with me.”
Repeat this until you are in alpha state of meditation. Relax to aid your subconscious and the connection with your spirit anima. Wait and be patient, listening for contact.
- Upon stopping your meditation, write down your experience in your animal totem journal. This is critical. We record our experiences so that our minds can further digest the events surrounding our animal symbol. Writing these events also gives us a point of reference when determining the characteristics of our animal symbol, and helps us interpret the messages our animal is conveying to us.
- Be sure to write each detail. For example:
- What was your animal doing when you saw it? Flying? Swimming?
- What exactly did it look like? Healthy? Sick?
- What color was it? Natural color? Unusual?
- What were the surroundings? Rain forest? Desert? Murky water?
- Take a break. After awhile, a few hours, or even a day – come back to your animal totem journal and read what you wrote for that session. Begin to do research on the animal that revealed itself to you. Begin to piece these characteristics together, along with the other details surrounding your animal’s appearance during sleep/meditation. Eventually, you will begin to piece together a beautiful tapestry of deeper understanding of yourself, your life and your reality.
- Repeat this process for continuous messages, and deeper understanding.
By continually following this guideline, you will become stronger in your interpretive abilities, and trust your intuition more in working with you animal totems. Furthermore, as you grow in this process, the animal spirits will show themselves more frequently, as they will sense your confidence as well as your respect for their presence.
Meditation for Communicating with Your Spirit Animal
- Relax your mind and body in a calm environment.
- Close your eyes and take two long deep breaths, breathing slowly in through your nose and holding the breath as long as is comfortable for you. Breathe out slowly through your mouth. Still your thoughts.
- Set your intention similarly to the process above.
- As you are still, open your receptiveness to any and all images of shapes, colors and so on. As things become more clear, silently or aloud ask your spirit animal to show him or herself to you at this time. Watch what comes into view. Be patient; you are engaging your Third Eye, which, if you are not regularly maintaining, may be a little rusty or slow.
- Wait until your spirit animal shows up, and again, be receptive and free of preconceptions. It may or may not be the animal you were anticipating, or it may be more than one animal. It may even be a mythological animal. Once you see the animal, watch it carefully to see what it does. Open your spiritual ears to any and all messages, whether they are feelings or words.
- Note the details of the scene; the colors have significance.
- Wait until the image fades or until you are ready to stop. Write or draw what you have seen.
Meditation for Journeying with Your Spirit Animal
- Relax your mind and body.
- Close your eyes and take two long deep breaths, breathing slowly in through your nose and holding the breath as long as is comfortable for you. Breathe out slowly through your mouth.
- Connect with your power animal through images as you open your third eye. If you can see the animal in movement – follow the animal to see where it takes you and what messages it wishes you to learn. If you are having trouble following the animal, first visualize the animal, then see it moving away. Be open to where it goes; it might be through an ordinary Earth scene, or even though time and space!
- Once you have connected with the animal, mentally tell the animal that you wish it to take you on a spirit journey so you can learn more about your soul journey at this time.
- Keep your mind open and willing to go on the journey. We can’t tell you specifically what will happen, as each animal is very different, but be prepared to go someplace that the spirit animal wishes to show you. Pay close attention to everything that happens.
- Make notes about your journey when you return.
Who are our spiritual guides and how do they manifest?

Spiritual guides are beings that accompany us and offer guidance on our life path. They can manifest in different ways and through various signs that help us make decisions and find our purpose. In this article, we explore who these guides are and how we can recognize their presence in our lives.
Table of Contents
- What are spiritual guides?
- Types of spiritual guides
- How many spiritual guides do we have?
- Are our spiritual guides always with us?
- How do our spiritual guides manifest?
- Can we communicate directly with our spiritual guides?
What are spiritual guides?
All human beings have spiritual guides who accompany us throughout our lives. These guides can be permanent, continuously supporting us, or they may appear at specific moments to offer particular assistance. Their main objective is to help us grow spiritually and overcome the challenges we encounter on our path.
Spiritual guides are entities that exist in the spiritual plane and are dedicated to our evolution and well-being. They can be ancestors, angels, or nature spirits who have attained a high level of wisdom and compassion. Each guide has its own way of communicating and a specific mission in our lives.
In addition to offering guidance, spiritual guides help us stay connected to our spiritual essence and life purpose. They accompany us in moments of doubt, protect us from dangers, and inspire us to move forward when facing difficulties. Their presence reminds us that we are never alone on our journey.
Types of spiritual guides
Spiritual guides can vary widely in their nature and purpose, offering support in different areas of our lives. They can be ancestors, guardian angels, nature spirits, or other types of light beings. Each of them provides a unique and valuable perspective on our spiritual path.
Master Guide or Primary Spiritual Guide
The Master Guide or Primary Spiritual Guide is the main spiritual being that accompanies us throughout our entire life. They have deep knowledge of our mission and purpose and offer constant guidance, helping us stay on the right path. Their wisdom and insight are essential for our spiritual growth and decision-making.
Ancestral Guides
Ancestral guides are spirits of our ancestors who belong to our family, even if we have not met them in this life. They offer their wisdom and protection based on their connection with our family and cultural roots, helping us understand and heal generational patterns and find strength in our heritage.
Guardian Angels
Guardian angels are celestial beings assigned to protect and guide us. They are always near, ensuring that we are safe and directed toward our highest good. Their presence is a constant reminder of divine love and protection, offering us comfort and support at every step of our journey.
Nature Elementals
Nature elementals are spiritual beings that inhabit the natural realm, such as fairies, gnomes, and tree spirits. They help us connect with the energy of the Earth and harmonize with the natural environment, teaching us to respect and care for our planet while providing a deep sense of peace and connection with nature.
Animal Totems
Animal totems, also known as “power animals,” are spiritual guides that appear in the form of animals, symbolizing specific qualities we need in our lives. Each animal carries a unique message and lesson, connecting us to ancestral wisdom and the natural cycles of life.
How many spiritual guides do we have?
The number of spiritual guides we have varies significantly throughout our lives and depends on many factors, including our spiritual and personal needs. Generally, we have one primary spiritual guide who accompanies us throughout our incarnation, offering constant guidance and support. Additionally, it is common to have one or more guardian angels.
There are also other spiritual guides who may enter and exit our lives at specific times, providing their assistance in particular circumstances or during periods of transition and growth.
Are our spiritual guides always with us?
Yes, our personal spiritual guides are always with us. These guides accompany us constantly, offering us support, protection, and wisdom at every stage of our lives. However, there are other light beings, such as angels, archangels, and ascended masters, who may appear at specific moments to provide their assistance according to our particular needs.
These entities come to offer their help in special situations and, once their mission is fulfilled, they may withdraw, leaving space again for our permanent guides.
How do our spiritual guides manifest?
Recognizing the signs from our spiritual guides requires being attentive to the various ways in which they try to communicate with us. These signs can manifest through synchronicities, repeated numerical sequences, messages in dreams, and the use of divination tools.
Being receptive and aware of these signals can help us better interpret their messages and feel their presence in our daily lives.
Signs through synchronicities
Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences that seem too perfect to be mere chance. These situations indicate that our spiritual guides are trying to communicate with us and guide us on our path.
For example, thinking of someone and receiving a call from them shortly after, or repeatedly seeing a specific symbol in different contexts.
Repetition of numerical sequences
The repetition of numerical sequences is a common way in which spiritual guides send us messages. When we frequently observe numbers like 111, 222, 333, and other similar sequences, it is a sign that our guides are communicating with us.
Each numerical sequence has a specific meaning, offering guidance and particular messages about our decisions and actions.
Messages through dreams
Dreams are a powerful channel for communication with our spiritual guides. During sleep, our conscious mind relaxes, allowing guides to send symbolic and direct messages. These messages can provide clarity on difficult situations, offer answers to important questions, or simply bring comfort and support. Keeping a dream journal can help us remember and analyze these messages.
Divination tools
Divination tools such as tarot, oracle cards, angel cards, and pendulums are useful methods for receiving messages from our spiritual guides. These practices allow us to establish a more direct and structured connection with our guides, making it easier to interpret their advice and warnings.
Using these effective tools to communicate directly with our spiritual guides with an open mind and receptive heart can deepen our understanding and relationship with them.
Can we communicate directly with our spiritual guides?
There are practices that allow us to develop the ability to receive and transmit clear messages from spiritual guides. We can try these connections ourselves through techniques such as meditation and visualization, or seek an experienced channeler who has cultivated this skill.
Meditation and visualization
Meditation and visualization are effective tools for communicating directly with our spiritual guides. Deep meditation allows us to quiet the mind and open ourselves to subtle energies. By entering a state of calm and receptivity, we can mentally ask our guides to manifest and send us clear messages.
Guided visualization complements meditation by allowing us to imagine an encounter with our guides in a safe and sacred environment. We can visualize a peaceful place, such as a garden or a temple, and invite our guides to appear. This practice can be enriched with automatic writing, where we allow our hand to write freely without conscious intervention, thus channeling the messages from our guides.
Channeling and direct messages
Another way to receive direct messages from our spiritual guides is to seek an experienced channeler who has developed the ability to receive and transmit clear messages from spiritual guides. By consulting a channeler, we can obtain more direct and specific guidance that may be difficult to access on our own.
A common practice in this context is the reading of Akashic Records, where the reader connects with our spiritual guides, who, in addition to sending us their own messages, also transmit messages from the Akasha.