4 Ways to Move Through Your Emotions: LOVEolution Project

4 Ways to Move Through Your Emotions: LOVEolution Project

I’ve written extensively about how humans like to repress their emotions and the side effects that result. Now, let’s look at how we can experience all of what our emotions have to offer so that we can move through any roadblocks to our personal and transformational growth.

Emotions are energy in motion.

Panache Desai

Here are four steps for how to experience emotional health.

  1. Become Aware

We have repressed our feelings for so long, it can be intensely uncomfortable when we become aware of our emotions, especially sadness. The word depression has become our “go to” because we do not know how to transform our sadness into an authentic state of happiness; this is a lost opportunity for growth. Instead, we quickly turn to pharmaceutical intervention, which makes us numb. Pharmaceutical companies will continue to prey on us while we play right into their hands of marketing illness. Feeling sad? Take this pill.

A dear friend of mine who experienced some very challenging events in life did decide to turn to medicine, and she said for two years she didn’t cry.

I very much believe that medicine can bridge the gap to health, but YOU need to cross the bridge.

  1. Sit with your emotions

When you have lost your way, the only thing left is to slow down and just observe with a desire to understand. We need to remember what emotions are—a wave of energy that offers an opportunity to evolve in our human experience. It is that simple. Don’t judge, just be the observer and look for ways to progress.

Additionally, you may want to become aware of the behaviors you may engage in to avoid your emotions. Many try numbing with an addiction (food, drugs, sex), and this only results in a moment of instant gratification instead of long-term emotional health. Numbing can quickly take control, causing you to lash out and misdirect frustration, which really comes from the lack of understanding your emotions. These are just a few of the many behaviors that stem from emotional repression.

  1. Move Emotions Up and Out

Many, including myself, have taken the route of traditional talk therapy. For years it was even considered cool to go lay down on a therapist’s couch. However, there we sat talking about the same things in life, over and over. At some point, in order to evolve, we must move how we feel forward; this means letting go of how this will look in the future or how it looked in the past.

Feelings are a gift to help you transform, and there are many tools to move emotions through you. However, you have to find what works best for you. Here are a few places to start:

Forgiveness of self

Forgiveness does not have to be a two-way street; just let go of your story and recognize we are all here to make mistakes in this human experience.

The physical practice of yoga and breath

Yoga asanas allow you to focus on the releasing of emotions. The practice of yoga is intended to help you surface your emotions in a gentler way. This is why when we attend a hip opener class we may feel emotional afterward, as we store emotions in our physical body. Pranayama is personally my favorite way as I intentionally set a breath cycle to visually release things that are no longer serving me.


Crying is one of our greatest emotional releases. Yes, our society has turned this into a form of weakness by telling us big boys and girls don’t cry. We need to work together to change this perception. We ALL need to cry! Next time, instead of telling your friend not to cry give them a hug and let them cry it out. Give your friend the space to be vulnerable and release. You do not have to be the “fixer.”

  1. Let Life Teach You

Many of the challenges in our life come as a gift to teach us a lesson. With this gift we need to accept responsibility for our own healing, as only YOU can be your FIXER. Start with the relationships in your life, as this is usually a great source of emotion for us all.

Just as with our emotions, we need to evolve in our relationships, too. This means we sometimes get angry or frustrated within the relationship. Instead of reaction and blame, sit down (face to face) and have a gentle conversation to understand how you got there and how to move forward. Maybe it is time to let go, but finding and appreciating the love with compassion will pave a beautiful road with the gift of a lesson.

Understanding emotional wellness will be the greatest gift we can give our children and ourselves.

Now more than ever, we need to embrace our emotional wellness as we continue to live in a world that is moving at epic speeds.

The increasing level of technology that continues to remove emotion and connection from our conversations and experiences is ‒ and will continue ‒ to negatively impact us if we don’t start to pay attention.

The good news is that many of us are sensing that we need to find the courage to break this cycle. This will only allow for us to grow and re-align with our whole, authentic being.

Explore Your Emotional Authenticity

Want to raise your vibration? If you have been ignoring your emotions, then you’re creating vibrational density. Learn to let your emotions become your allies through your life’s journey.

Take the next step and move past judgment, away from fear, and beyond the boundaries of your comfort zone when you become a member of Gaia. Start your streaming here with Signing Your Soul Signature with Panache Desai.

11 Positive Affirmations to Attract Money and Abundance

Positive affirmations are powerful tools that help us transform our mindset and attract financial prosperity. By repeating these phrases daily, we can reprogram our beliefs and emotions towards a vibration of abundance. In this article, we explore 11 positive affirmations that will help you attract money and abundance into your life.

Table of Contents

The Power of Positive Affirmations for Money and Abundance

Positive affirmations work at the subconscious level, helping us replace limiting beliefs with thoughts of abundance and prosperity. When we repeat affirmations, our mind begins to accept these statements as truths. This gradual acceptance transforms our perception of money, allowing us to see and seize financial opportunities that previously went unnoticed.

The power of affirmations lies in their ability to change not only our thoughts but also our emotions. By focusing on positive phrases, we cultivate feelings of hope and confidence. These elevated emotions are crucial for attracting the energy of abundance, as our energetic vibrations play a fundamental role in what we manifest in our lives.

How to Incorporate Positive Affirmations into Your Daily Routine

Incorporating affirmations into your daily routine is simple and can have a significant impact on your life. Choose a quiet time of day, such as in the morning upon waking or at night before bed, to repeat your affirmations. This consistent habit reinforces new beliefs and keeps your mind focused on abundance.

To maximize the effect of affirmations, you can accompany them with creative visualizations. As you repeat each phrase, imagine in detail what your life would be like with that affirmation realized. Feel the emotion of already having that prosperity and let that sensation fill your entire being.

Examples of Positive Affirmations to Attract Money and Abundance

Here are 11 affirmations to incorporate into your daily routine. Practice them consistently and watch how your relationship with money transforms positively.

  • Money is good, I love it, and it loves me.
  • I deserve all the money I want because I am worthy.
  • I am infinite and unlimited abundance.
  • Everything I give returns to me multiplied.
  • Money always finds ways to reach me.
  • Abundance reigns in my reality.
  • I am capable of generating everything I desire.
  • The more I value myself, the more money comes to me.
  • I am open to receiving wealth.
  • Abundance is within my reach.
  • My thoughts create my reality, and I am abundant.

Strategies to Enhance Abundance

To amplify abundance in your life, in addition to using positive affirmations, you can apply other strategies, such as visualization, meditation, and gratitude. These techniques not only raise your vibrational frequency but also align your thoughts and emotions with the frequency of abundance, creating an environment conducive to prosperity.

Prosperity Visualizations

Visualization is a powerful technique for attracting prosperity because it connects your conscious mind with your deepest desires. Spend a few minutes each day closing your eyes and imagining in detail what your life would be like if you had already achieved your financial goals. Visualize your surroundings, the people around you, and the feelings of joy and security that accompany your financial success.

To intensify the power of visualization, include all your senses in the practice. Imagine not only what you see but also what you hear, smell, touch, and taste in that prosperous state. This sensory immersion sends clear signals to your subconscious that abundance is a real possibility, making it easier to manifest in your daily life.

Meditation to Attract Wealth

Meditation is a powerful tool for attracting wealth because it calms the mind and centers your intentions. During meditation, visualize a golden light surrounding you, symbolizing the energy of abundance. This golden light penetrates every cell in your body, clearing energy blockages and opening pathways for prosperity.

Let the golden light flow freely within you, feeling how it balances your internal energy. This practice not only aligns your mind with wealth but also prepares your being to receive abundance, creating a space for new financial opportunities to flow into your life.

Gratitude as an Abundance Amplifier

Gratitude is a fundamental practice for amplifying abundance. By focusing on what you already have and expressing gratitude for it, you raise your energetic vibration, attracting even more good things into your life. Take a few moments each day to reflect on the blessings you have received and write them down in a gratitude journal.

Practicing gratitude not only makes you feel happier and more fulfilled but also opens your heart and mind to new opportunities for prosperity. By recognizing and appreciating what you already have, you send a clear message to the universe that you are ready to receive even more. This positive and receptive attitude is essential for maintaining a steady flow of abundance in your life.

Methods to Improve the Flow of Money

To improve the flow of money in your life, it’s essential to adopt practical methods that complement your spiritual practices. Some of them include:

  • Set aside 10% of what you earn each month and gift it to yourself: Save a portion of your income to invest in yourself and activities you enjoy. This reinforces abundance and self-care.
  • Always carry cash in your wallet: Having cash with you helps maintain a prosperity mindset. This simple act can boost your confidence in your ability to attract more wealth.
  • Techniques to attract debt payments: Use visualizations and affirmations to attract payments for pending debts. Imagine yourself receiving the money with gratitude and certainty.
  • Find value in everyday purchases: Appreciate each purchase as an investment in your well-being. Recognizing the value in every expense helps you maintain a positive attitude toward money.
  • Ask money to appear in your life: Talk to the universe about your financial needs and ask for money to come to you. This practice keeps communication open with the energy of abundance.

Identify and Change Limiting Beliefs About Money

Besides practicing positive affirmations, it’s important to identify and replace limiting beliefs that may be blocking your abundance. These beliefs, often formed in childhood or through negative experiences, can prevent us from reaching our financial potential.

Replacing these beliefs with positive affirmations can reprogram your mind toward prosperity. Here are some examples of limiting beliefs and how to transform them into positive thoughts that attract abundance:

  • “Money is the root of all evil.” Replace it with: “Money is a tool to create well-being and opportunities.”
  • “I’m not good at managing money.” Change it to: “I’m learning to manage my money efficiently and responsibly.”
  • “You have to work very hard to earn money.” Substitute it with: “I can earn money easily and in harmony with my life.”
  • “Rich people are selfish.” Replace it with: “There are many wealthy people who are generous and compassionate.”
  • “I will never have enough money.” Transform it into: “There is always abundance and enough money for everyone.”
  • “Money doesn’t grow on trees.” Change it to: “There are many creative and abundant ways to generate money.”
  • “I don’t deserve to have a lot of money.” Replace it with: “I deserve all the abundance life has to offer me.”

Recommended Books to Improve Your Relationship with Money

To improve your relationship with money, it’s helpful to explore books that offer valuable perspectives and strategies. Here are five recommended books that can help you transform your financial mindset and attract more abundance into your life:

  • The Soul of Money by Lynne Twist: This book explores how our attitudes toward money can transform our lives and society, promoting a more balanced and generous view of wealth.
  • Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think by Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler: An optimistic analysis of how technology can solve global problems and create wealth, presenting a future full of opportunities.
  • Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money by Ken Honda: Teaches how to have a healthy and happy relationship with money, combining financial wisdom with emotional well-being.
  • The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham by Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks: Explains how to use the law of attraction to manifest abundance and financial success, offering practical techniques to change your energetic vibration.
  • The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles: A classic that offers practical principles for attracting wealth and prosperity, based on the idea that positive thinking and determined action can create abundance.
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