5 Core Strengthening Yoga Poses

5 Core Strengthening Yoga Poses

Yoga has taught me a lot about my body. It’s made me realize I had muscles I didn’t even know existed, has given me better flexibility, eased some back issues I was having and made me understand the importance of building a strong core.

Your core region consists of your obliques, pelvic region, hip muscles and those that support your spine. Vaguely speaking, they are responsible for keeping your torso upright.

A lot of people don’t understand the importance of strengthening all of these muscles, but they are missing out on some great benefits.

A strong core can help you improve sport performance. Sports, like tennis that require dynamic movements between your upper and lower body, can seriously benefit from a stable core.

Did you know that your risk of injury reduces significantly when you take care of your entire midsection? Many injuries are caused from a lack of balance and excess strain on the lower back. Core strengthening exercises build your back muscles so you can protect it from unnecessary strain.

Other benefits include better posture, improved ability to complete everyday activities, and of course, flatter abs.

If you’re interested in reaping all these rewards, here are my five favorite yoga poses for a strong, lean core!

  1. Boat Pose – The boat pose can be a real abdominal killer. To do this sit on your mat, lift your knees so they are parallel to the ground and stay balanced by leaning back on your sit bones. It’s important to keep your back straight while doing this pose.

If you can, straighten your legs. If your back starts to curve, bring your knees back into a bent position. Hold this pose for five complete breaths then release. This pose always makes my midsection quiver, but makes me feel oh so strong afterwards.

  1. Side Plank – Remember when I mentioned the importance of obliques? This is a great exercise for targeting that muscle group.

Start in downward dog then step both feet together so your big toes are touching. Move your right hand over to the left so it’s centered with the top middle of your mat. Roll over to the left and plant your left heel down. The key here is to balance on your outer left, flexed foot. Reach your arm straight up above you and take five full breathes. Release and repeat the movements on the other side.

  1. Crow – This one looks tough, but I assure you it’s not so bad. Begin in a wide squat with your hands firmly planted on the ground with your fingers spread wide. Slightly straighten your legs and place your knees as high on your triceps as possible. Shifting your weight forward, balance on your arms and slowly begin to lift each foot off the floor. Again, remain here for five breaths.
  2. Four-Limbed Staff/ Chaturanga Dandasana – This position is frequently used when doing Sun Salutations. When held for longer it is a great core strengthener.

Come into a Standing Forward Bend with your palms flat on the floor. As you inhale, jump both feet back so your shoulders are above your wrists and your body is straight. Exhale and bend your elbows as you lower your torso towards the ground. Once your elbows are parallel with your back, stop and hold for five deep breaths.

  1. Plank – I like to call this the old faithful because it’s simple, yet effective.

From Downward Facing Dog, draw your torso forward until your shoulders are above your wrists. You want your body to be in one straight line. Pressing your hands firmly on the ground, press back through your heels. Keep your neck in line with your spine, broaden your shoulder blades and hold for 60 seconds. Don’t forget to breathe!

If you add these five core savvy yoga exercises into your daily routine you will have a slender and strong core in no time at all. Namaste.

Yoga Every Day: More Than A Hashtag

If you’re a yoga practitioner in 2016, chances are you have had some exposure to the yoga of social media. You may even be familiar with the “yoga every damn day” hashtag that unites a community of yogis in the pursuit of a devoted daily practice. But what does #yogaeverydamnday really mean and is it in the realm of wise practice? While some are quick to condemn this social media movement with cautions of injury, demands for moderation and a strict adherence to tradition, perhaps it warrants closer examination.

Maybe #yogaeverydamnday is meant to celebrate the yogic lifestyle and encourage committed daily practice. Or maybe there exists a deeper level of embedded insight in this seemingly innocuous hashtag than what can be communicated in a well-staged image or video. At the very least, it serves as an entry point for discussing how Yoga Everyday is actually a lifestyle choice.



Among the numerous sacred texts that comprise the ancient body of yoga philosophy, the Yoga Sutras include some of the clearest and most readily applicable teachings for the modern yoga practitioner. There are two words in Sanskrit that are commonly translated as “practice” in English: abhyasa and Sadhana. These two words may be synonymous in their shared English equivalent, but in Sanskrit they illustrate, in two very different ways, what is meant by yoga “practice”. As we begin to examine our own personal reasons for practicing yoga every day, it is important to develop an intimate understanding of both.


Abhyasa is the collective of devoted practices and lifestyle choices (thoughts, words, actions) that allow us to grow in the direction of truth and spiritual realization. Abhyasa can be thought of as a set of natural behaviors that are informed by our personal values and our deepest spiritual aims. In Yoga Sutra 1.13, we are given Abhyasa as descriptive of all practices that maintain a state of tranquility. This maintenance is achieved with a commitment to sadhana.


Sadhana refers to the specific methods and techniques for interacting with the physical world through the vehicle of the body. Sadhana addresses body, breath and mental awareness through prescribed practices such as those offered in Ashtanga Yoga, The Eight-Limbed Path.


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