The Alternative 3-Secret Space Program Connection
In 1977, a British television program titled Science Report: Alternative 3, part of an Anglia TV documentary series, aired and planted the seed of fear about an alien invasion in society at large. The program focuses on the disappearances of prominent scientists, engineers, and astronomers. The speculation is that the Earth is collapsing and will soon be unable to support human life, so these people have been taken by several governments acting together in an intergovernmental Secret Space Program (SSP) with the goal of developing colonies on other planets, using the moon as a way-station.
If you ever have a chance to view the program, it is so convincing that you will want to volunteer for the SSP, pack up your family, and head for Mars. However, there is only one known copy: it is in the possession of Alternative 3’s director. It is thought to be fading and grainy due to the passage of time. All other copies of the program were destroyed as were all contracts and any paperwork referencing the show as if the program never existed.
Although the TV program aired in June of 1977, the producers claimed it was originally intended to air on April Fool’s Day. Workers in the industry were striking, so the air date was postponed. When it did air, the reaction of viewers was reminiscent of the 1938 radio broadcast by Orson Wells of “The War of the Worlds,” which created civil unrest and havoc. The broadcast was meant to be a joke, but thousands of people in the U.S. thought the Earth was being invaded by Martians. They hit the streets in panic, not knowing what to do next or how to escape.
The program was so disturbing it was only shown once in England and once in Australia. The U.S. refused to air the program. It was never shown anywhere again. Even though the directors and producers of Alternative 3 were adamant that it was fiction, questions still abound. Is there some truth to the Alternative 3 theory?
Are there three alternatives for Earth inhabitants in case there is a catastrophic event that threatens the habitability of the planet? Thousands of people disappear every year, never to be heard from again. Could these people have been abducted to develop a Breakaway Civilization on the moon or another planet, like Mars?
Fact or Fiction?
Immediately after it aired, the producers of the program announced it had been fiction. The slot where Alternative 3 aired was one that routinely ran documentary episodes. The title of the series was Science Reports and Alternative 3 was the title of just one segment; it was the last program of the season of the Science Reports.
The program was created by reputable reporters and researchers who were well respected for their documentaries. Why would they risk their reputation by airing such a hoax? Was it really a hoax or was it a disguised message to the public about a secret space program?
A book with the same title, Alternative 3, was subsequently written by Leslie Watkins. It presented some of the theories of the alleged hoax as truth. The book and the television program promoted the idea that astronauts had landed on Mars in 1962 in a joint U.S./U.S.S.R. effort and definitively identified intelligent extraterrestrial life. It also promoted the idea that climate change was just one thing that could soon make the Earth uninhabitable.
Dr. Carl Gerstein: Fictional Physicist
Dr. Gerstein was a role played by an actor on the Alternative 3 broadcast. In the program, he is a climate change physicist who predicts there will be changes so severe that people on Earth will need to find a new place to live. The actor said he did not rehearse any of his lines because he wanted them to come across as true. His “findings” came across to some as a veiled warning. His three alternatives were:
- Fix it. Blast a hole in the ozone layer, which would cause the death of many people and result in a reduction of the population.
- Mitigate it. Construct underground shelters for the protection of the Elite, including government officials and those deemed important enough to save until the danger was over and they could resurface.
- Survive it. Build civilizations on Mars with a way station on the moon.
The program concluded that options one and two were not viable. Therefore, building off-planet Breakaway Civilizations on Mars was the only option.
Alternative 3: A Warning
Olav Phillips, a researcher and writer who focuses on the SSP, believes Alternative 3 was “the most dangerous television program in the world.” He also equates the three alternatives presented in the television program with what he believes is really happening in the world today. He believes there is evidence that all three alternatives have either been explored or are currently under exploration:
- Fix it. Phillips points to several scientific tests that have been conducted in an attempt to modify the atmosphere. In 1958, Operation Argus was an attempt to manipulate the radiation belts. There is evidence that the government is still trying to manipulate the atmosphere to make it safer for mankind. All attempts to change the atmosphere have been failures, which means the focus likely moved to alternative 2.
- Mitigate it. There is evidence that this is happening right now. The Nordic Seed Vault is a storage facility for original, non-modified seeds of all foods. Other such vaults are either planned or are in progress around the world. There are known underground shelters in many locations in the U.S., France, the United Kingdom, Norway, and other countries. More shelters are planned, which points to the problem with this alternative. They cannot be built large enough or fast enough to accommodate the number of people that would need protection.
- Survive it. Although the proof for Alternative 3 does not compare to Alternatives 1 and 2, Phillips believes there is a 50-year government conspiracy that has been hiding space exploration and advanced technology. This has allowed travel to the moon and Mars where colonies already exist.
Phillips references former President Eisenhower who discussed the military-industrial complex, inferring space exploration was part of this. Astronaut Buzz Aldrin reported seeing a man-made monolith on one of Mars’ moons. Phillips also discusses Breakaway Civilizations that some whistleblowers of the SSP have recently revealed their experiences traveling by teleportation to the moon and Mars. They tell credible stories about their experiences living and working in those places, including living in colonies that were built and developed many years ago.
The Alternative 3 and Secret Space Program Connection
- Consider the advances in technology we experience every day when we use the internet and smartphones, modern security measures for our homes that are activated remotely, and more. Is it reasonable to believe that similar advancements have been made in space travel so that traveling to the moon and Mars in a short amount of time by teleporting through portals could easily be a reality?
- The Earth is being polluted. Glaciers are melting and the results can be catastrophic. Planet X is on a collision course with Earth. The Earth is becoming overpopulated and there may not be enough resources available to sustain the planet.
- According to David Paulides’s Missing 411 books, thousands of people disappear each year in the United States and beyond. Could they be plucked away by the SSP to be workers in the Breakaway Civilizations on the Moon and Mars?
Our government, along with other countries, maybe working on Alternative 3, developing Breakaway Civilizations on the moon and Mars. This will make it possible for masses of people to be transported off-planet as the only way to save their lives and humanity.
China's Yutu-2 Rover Finds Mysterious Gel-Like Substance on Moon
China’s Chang’e 4’s Yutu-2 probe is on the dark side of the moon, making conspiracy theorists slide to the edge of their seats. As part of the China Lunar Exploration Project and China National Space Administration, the moon landing took place earlier this year, setting its unmanned rover loose on the most mysterious lunar landscape. And it seems they have found something unique — a gel-like substance that is, thus far, unexplainable by scientists back on Earth.
China on the Dark Side of the Moon
For millennia people have stared up at the moon and speculated what might be going on in the regions that seem always to be on the opposite side of what appears to be illuminated from Earth. This dark side stares out onto the cold, endless, forbidding landscape of deep space.