Another Mysterious Hum Has Been Reported Near Rochester, NY

Another mysterious humming noise is plaguing residents in the community of Highland Park outside of Rochester, NY. The monotonous droning sound adds itself to a growing list of cities across the world experiencing a similar phenomenon that persists without clear explanation.
Described as a throbbing pulse, or distant fog horn, residents of Highland Park are demanding an answer, or at least a stop to the insufferable hum heard throughout the day. They say the hum keeps them awake at night and distracts them from being able to focus on daily tasks or enjoy leisure time.
According to one Highland Park resident, the hum never stops. And though she says she has only found about two dozen others in her city who hear it, a recent investigation by a local news affiliate was able to record the hum in multiple locations with the same tone.
Other cities from disparate points on the globe have reported a similar hum, including Windsor, ON; Taos, NM; Bristol, UK; and Auckland, NZ. But what makes these strange sounds so bizarre is that they are only naturally audible to a small fraction of the population. The hum has driven those who hear it wildly frustrated, while most of their neighbors are entirely unbothered.
Gaia recently spoke to a resident of Taos who is, unfortunately, privy to its hum, describing it as sounding similar to an idling diesel truck engine or the low end of a stereo system – sometimes droning on for weeks at a time. She said it occasionally leads her to consider moving out of the city.
The Windsor Hum in Ontario has probably received the most media coverage as of late, with thousands reporting it to government agencies. Most residents believe its source is a massive, and somewhat clandestine, steel operation in the middle of the Detroit River, on Zug Island. Access to the island is restricted by local and federal authorities, leading many to believe the steel industry’s operations are not only the source of their sonic sorrow, but also incredibly detrimental to the environment.
Residents of Windsor say the hum is more than a mere annoyance, but that it has started to cause health issues, including insomnia, nausea, heart palpitations, and depression.
Aside from industrial operations, a number of other theories have surfaced in an attempt to explain the hum. Some say it could be caused by top-secret military programs involving ELF radiation. Others say it may be the result of subtle vibrations given off by the microseisms; faint tremors caused by the ocean moving against the planet’s surface. While others say it’s simply tinnitus — though it seems silly and offensive to write off a phenomenon this large with such a simple explanation.
For now, residents experiencing the hum continue to conduct their own research with some help from local news stations. But unfortunately, most explanations have not sufficed. As this obnoxious phenomenon continues to spread, one can only hope that their range of hearing won’t pick up on the hum if it ever plagues their local neighborhood. But just because we can’t hear it doesn’t mean it might not have negative health impacts on the population at large. It seems this may be something worth paying more attention to.
Jeromy Johnson provides information on how to create an EMF-free zone in this episode of Open Minds:
Is a Parallel Universe Changing Our Reality?

Sometimes referred to as the Berenstain Bears Conspiracy, the Mandela Effect is a phenomenon in which people report having the same false memories, leading to a belief that something is changing reality.
We all experience life through our own subjective lenses, interpreting day-to-day happenings differently than everyone else. This contributes to individuality, free will, and the ability to think for ourselves. But of course, the way that we witness our world often results in lapses of memory or perception. We sometimes seem to remember events happening differently than others or our perception of time is skewed.
And individual memory lapses are easily written off when everyone else’s memory says otherwise. But how does one explain false memories that are held by a significantly large portion of the population?
Confabulation is the psychiatric term for replacing a gap in your memory with a falsification. So, what about mass confabulation? Well, that’s become a conspiracy of sorts, referred to as The Mandela Effect.
Examples of The Mandela Effect
The Mandela Effect was given its name by Fiona Broome, who seemed to remember hearing about the death of Nelson Mandela on the news while he was imprisoned in the 1980s. In “reality,” Mandela survived until late 2013 and did not even become president of South Africa until 1994. But as it turned out, her memory was shared by a deluge of similarly convinced people, resulting in many other instances in which large swaths of the population have claimed to experience the same confabulated memories.
Could this be the result of one person incorrectly remembering a historical event or cultural icon propagating their misinterpretation to be inaccurately remembered by the masses? Or could it be evidence of a multiverse in which waves of events from a parallel universe have washed over into ours, creating subtle nuances in the time-space continuum, where there was once a children’s book called the Berenstein Bears, instead of the Berenstain Bears? It’s more interesting to explore the latter.
While the Berenstain Bears is ostensibly a mundane and inconsequential example of the Mandela Effect, there are other instances that are so uncanny, they’re hard to ignore. For example, when Darth Vader reveals his paternalistic relationship to Luke in Star Wars, most remember him saying, “Luke, I am your father.” In ‘reality,’ he says, “No, I am your father.” While an intransigent Star Wars fan might scoff at someone who misquotes such an important scene, it can’t be ignored that most people remember it in the former. Even James Earl Jones, who voiced Darth Vader, remembers the line incorrectly.
Movie quotes aside, an example of a famous real-life event that has been brought into the mystery of the Mandela Effect regards the famous protester at Tiananmen Square. The ‘Tank Man,’ whose defiant act of rebellion, standing in front of a tank with grocery bags in hand, is remembered by many as resulting in his death from being run over. In fact, he was not run over and there is no evidence of it, but many remember his crushing demise distinctly.
This is nothing new to those familiar with the theory and there are many other examples that support it; so many that there is an entire subreddit devoted to the effect. With topics ranging from movies that never existed to discrepancies in historical events, people vehemently claim to remember very particular things differently, but on a large, collective scale. Some people’s reactions are visceral when they experience new revelations due to the Mandela Effect, to the point of incurring panic attacks or questioning reality.
Mandela Effect Theories and CERN
One pragmatist theory for explaining the Mandela Effect is that it is simply a failure in the collective memory. Our brains are very easily influenced by our own filters, as well as the perception of others. Many common instances of the Mandela Effect are trivial and maybe just went unnoticed in the past, or are the result of conclusions that our brains jump to based on the context of an image or video. But some are substantial, like an entire country hundreds of miles out of place.
One of the more intriguing theories that attempt to explain this phenomenon points a finger at CERN and the large hadron collider in Switzerland. CERN’s experiments are intended to find elusive particles that could potentially show evidence of a multiverse, create tiny black holes, or discover dark matter. While all of this sounds very exciting, it also sounds potentially dangerous. What could possibly go wrong if we opened up a black hole in Europe, or tapped into another dimension with consequences unknown? While the scientists at CERN assure us their experiments are conducted on such a controlled, small scale as to have little, if any, negative consequences, some believe that their meddling in quantum fields has led to some strange effects, resulting in some kind of interdimensional entanglement.
One of the quantum particles that CERN has been searching for is the graviton. These elusive particles correspond with how gravity would react between different dimensions and are still only hypothetical, but the way CERN describes them is intriguing.
“If gravitons exist, it should be possible to create them at the LHC, but they would rapidly disappear into extra dimensions. Collisions in particle accelerators always create balanced events – just like fireworks – with particles flying out in all directions. A graviton might escape our detectors, leaving an empty zone that we notice as an imbalance in momentum and energy in the event. We would need to carefully study the properties of the missing object to work out whether it is a graviton escaping to another dimension or something else.”
Is CERN inducing these gravitons, creating holes to other dimensions, and swapping idiosyncrasies in our world? Or are we just having a collective memory lapse?