Are Humans Actually Aliens on Earth?

Whether you believe in creationism or evolution, humanity's inception is the ultimate perennial question. If you dig deep enough, you may even wonder if humans are native to earth. Dig even deeper and you may wonder if are humans a product of an alien progenitor race.
Evidence of Seeding
In January 2015, the British publication The Express published a photo of a strange looking microscopic rock that was shooting out biological material. Scientists speculated that the biological material could contain genetic material, “the precursor to life.” Several scientists expressed one theory of its origin: “It was sent to Earth by some unknown civilization in order to continue seeding the planet with life.” Seeding refers to plantation of foreign organisms in a designated place, with the intent of propagating life. The rock appeared to be designed by an intelligent species.
Are We Being Watched?
Professor Milton Wainwright from the University of Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology and his team inspected and analyzed the rock and its biological contents. They theorized that it not only pointed to the existence of extraterrestrial life, “but to complex and civilized beings watching our planet.” Could this be true? Have aliens been seeding Earth since the beginning of time and are now watching us to see how we respond? If so, what is their purpose and why do they not make themselves known to us?
Want to learn more about Aliens on Earth? Watch this full-length video free!
A Missing Planet May Be a Clue
In the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter, scientists have noted there appears to be a missing planet. Was the asteroid belt formed by an exploding planet whose ancient civilization escaped to earth? Could we be descendants from an alien race that previously occupied another planet? Could some of those aliens still be living among us, either unrecognized or in hiding? Perhaps the progenitors of life on Earth before humans escaped the annihilation of life on their own planet and are now hiding on Earth, watching to see if we destroy ourselves.
Is Human Life on Earth Related to Extraterrestrials?
Panspermia is a mechanism that allows biology to spread through space without needing a spaceship. Living matter “hitches a ride on sunlight or inside rocks.” Some scientists believe that Mars was indeed inhabited at one time. Some space rocks were “kicked” off the planet and landed in a “suitably welcoming patch” on Earth. Biological material from Mars that was in the rocks may spur exploration into the search for the solution to the age-old question: Where do we come from and why are we here? There are several theories that relate to extraterrestrials.
For example, did aliens escape from an unknown planet and come here due to dire circumstances on their home planets? Are we descendants of this race? Environmentalist and ecologist turned author Dr. Ellis Silver believes this is the case.
In his book, Humans are not from Earth: A Scientific Evaluation of the Evidence, Dr. Silver presents 17 reasons why humans are not suited for living on this planet. He believes these reasons indicate we originated from another planet. He says that while Earth meets some of our needs as a species, it is not as good a fit for us as much as “whoever brought us here initially thought.”
Silver gives some examples of our unsuitability for living on Earth. For example, he states that humans do not do well with large doses of sunlight, which we receive every day. He also notes there are a large number of people in the world who have chronic back aches, which he attributed to evidence that we originated from a planet with lower gravity. He also notes that we are better programmed to exist with a 25-hour day instead of a 24-hour one.
Silver suggests we may have come from Alpha Centauri. The planet may have suffered some type of cataclysmic event from which a few residents were able to escape and come to Earth.
Are We Descendants of Refugees From Mars?
Scientists and researchers believe that, eons ago, Humanoids inhabited Mars but a war destroyed the livability of the planet. This could have been due to the equivalent of two hydrogen bombs exploding on Mars 300,000 to 1 million years ago. Is it possible some living beings were able to escape to Earth before the destruction?
Are Aliens Among Us?
In 1999, a contact inside the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency told a reporter his job was to analyze and monitor three extraterrestrial groups who were, and likely still are, inhabiting Earth. The source said the alien species lives inside mountains, under the earth and sea in deep caverns.
The source expressed his belief that the ETs have a great deal of control over the planet and its inhabitants. He said the aliens have links to Mars, Sirius and Zeta Reticuli 1 and 2. The aliens living on Earth look very similar to humans. They have a head, two eyes, a mouth, two legs and two arms. They regularly study humans and take sperm, DNA and other bodily samples.
The aliens may be trying to manipulate human genetics in order to create artificial mutations. Is it is possible we are a product of an ancient alien species that continues to study, observe and manipulate humans for reasons we don’t know?
There are many deep space mysteries for which there seems to be more questions than answers. Immerse yourself in Deep Space: Mysteries of the Solar System for an adventure into the study of extraterrestrials and their influence and control of humans.
The Betty and Barney Hill Abduction

On the evening of September 19, 1961, Barney and Betty Hill, along with their dog Delsey, were returning to their Portsmouth, New Hampshire, home after a short vacation to Niagara Falls. They were traveling on Highway 3, just south of Lancaster, when they saw a bright light in the sky. Betty, who was in the passenger seat, watched the light move lower into the sky. At first, Barney thought it was probably an airplane. Betty, who had heard of unidentified flying objects (UFOs), was sure she was looking at a flying saucer.
The Hills stopped to get a closer look at the object and let Delsey out for a short walk. Barney remained curious, but just a little frightened. He got out of the car and used his binoculars, but still could not figure out what he was looking at. He stopped the car a few more times on the way home. He described seeing lights of all different colors and rows of windows on the object. He described the object as “pancake shaped.” At one point, he approached the object and could see several occupants inside, which scared him so badly he ran quickly back to the car to join Betty where she was waiting for him.
The couple then heard buzzing sounds and felt tingling sensations throughout their bodies, but ultimately, they drove home, where they went straight to bed exhausted. They did not wake up until late the following afternoon. They then realized the four-hour trip home from Niagara Falls had taken them seven hours. Betty noticed the dress she was wearing was torn in several places and had a pinkish powder on it. The powder was later examined by five different laboratories. None of them could identify the substance.
The toes of Barney’s good dress shoes were scuffed to the point he could no longer wear them. The binoculars strap was broken and looked like it had been cut. Both Barney and Betty were wearing watches at the time of their unusual encounter. Both watches quit working and never worked again. Shiny, concentric circles appeared on the trunk of the car that seemed to have some sort of magnetic connection. They noted a strange reaction from a compass after it was placed near the circles.
At her sister’s urging, Betty called the nearby Pease Air Force base to report the incident. As Betty and Barney each recalled the incident, they became convinced they had been abducted by extraterrestrials.
The Betty and Barney Hill abduction story was the first of its kind, but certainly not the last. Although the incident happened more than 50 years ago, it is still being discussed and analyzed today. Were the Hills really abducted? If so, what happened to them during their time on the spaceship? What and who did they see? How did they communicate? Where were the extraterrestrials from? Let’s find out what exactly happened in the aftermath of this historical milestone event.
The Air Force Investigation
Barney would have preferred to just keep the experience quiet and between the two of them, fearing that he and Betty would be viewed as “eccentric.” Betty won their brief argument on the issue and on September 21, she called the Air Force to report their experience. Major Paul Henderson visited them in person and wrote a report of the interview dated September 26, 1961. It’s unclear whether or not Henderson viewed the Hills as credible; a National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) report concludes that there was “insufficient data in the Air Force files.”