Are We Born With a Purpose?
Dear Julius,
In the consciousness arena, there are many discussions about finding your purpose and how living your purpose leads to fulfillment in life. Julius, what do you have to say about the idea of everyone having a purpose in this life, and how important is it to discover and live it?
Dearest Master,
It has long been theorized that one’s Soul must have a destiny or a purpose to fulfill when they embark on an experience here on this realm.
Unfortunately, this theory doesn’t support all that God is, nor does it make any sense to the common mind.
We are often criticized for our theory that YOU ARE GOD having a physical experience. This knowing simply doesn’t support that God would have a destiny to fulfill.
All experience simply is…that which is Source. There is no other reason than to simply be on your own thought adventure that leads you to becoming the all.
To become the all, you must experience the all—not just parts or some of it that some deity commands or decides you must do. Especially when most humans have no idea what this thing is.
In order to find total fulfillment in one’s life experience, all you have to do is ANYTHING you want to and find JOY in it.
This will provide the accomplishment your Soul is desiring…to be and do it in JOY!
Getting it Right
It is unfortunate that so many go through life trying to figure out what they are “supposed to do,” missing every aspect of joyous experience because they are so concerned about getting it “right.”
It is all right! All of it, every little tiny aspect and every grand accomplishment, is Source experiencing and expanding itself, and there is nothing more joyous and fulfilling than that.
So go on your way Master, and enjoy finding meaning in every single moment knowing you are on the path of remembering yourself as the all.
For to become the all you must experience the All.
Source finds joy in all things; it is the creator of all things. How could one thing created by God be better than another? When one is able to see things from the all-powerful vantage point that they are Source, then they will know this. For if Source had a preference for you or any other, then Source would have judgment upon itself that one thing about itself is more worthy than the next.
This is man’s process, not God’s. It is man who judges, expects, requires, rewards, and punishes. It is man who has created guilt and remorse for himself when he became separated from his knowing he was the All.
Come back to your knowing, come back to your full magnificence, and judge and be judged no more. Then you can share this joyous knowing with others and let them know that there is never a requirement of even a suggestion from God. Just allowing.
As it will be,
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30 Meanings Behind Your Dream Symbols
Are dreams messages delivered to us from our subconscious? Or are they just last night’s pizza gone wrong?
Out of the average human night of sleep, we dream for 90 minutes to two hours or more each night. Sometimes, we might wake up amused, scared or confused about our dream time. Interestingly enough, there are several common dream themes that crop up in every culture and background, regardless of age, gender, or country.
Suzanne Bergmann, a licensed social worker and professional dream worker for more than 16 years, notes, “Dreams are a universal language, creating often elaborate images out of emotional concepts.”
Of course, not every single element of your dream has an unconscious meaning. Sometimes, it is just the pizza. To start noting important dreams, however, you should start keeping a dream journal with dates to compare your dreams to your situations. You can start understanding your subconscious in a fascinating way. Write in the present tense as if you’re re-living the dream, and underline any unusual or poignant aspects which are central to the story, or which instinctively attract your attention.
Then, take a look at these 30 symbols. Treat them as a simple starting point to jump off of and discover what they could mean for you.
1. Animals
They often represent the part of your psyche that feels connected to nature and survival. Being chased by a predator suggests you’re holding back repressed emotions like fear or aggression.
2. Babies
Little infants or toddlers can symbolize a literal desire to produce offspring, or your own vulnerability or need to feel loved. They can also signify a new start.
3. Being chased
This is one of the most common dream symbols in all cultures. It means you are feeling threatened, so reflect on who is chasing you (they may also be symbolic) and why they are a possible threat in real life.
4. Clothes
They make a statement about how we want other people to perceive us. If you dream symbol is shabby clothing, you may feel unattractive or worn out. Changing what you wear may reflect a lifestyle change.
5. Crosses
They are interpreted subjectively depending on your religious beliefs. Some see it as symbolizing balance, death, or an end to a particular phase of life. The specific circumstances will help define these dream symbols.
6. Exams
This can signify self-evaluation, with the content of the exam reflecting the part of your personality or life under inspection.