Are You Blocking Spirit? Tips from James Van Praagh

Are You Blocking Spirit? Tips from James Van Praagh

It’s no coincidence that James Van Praagh was in Denver at Mile Hi Church speaking about spirits, connection, and love the very same day that gay marriage was legalized by the U.S. Supreme Court — June 26, 2015. The bubbly spiritual medium came on stage waving a rainbow flag a “Mile Hi-er” gave to him just moments ahead of time. It was synchronistic one could say.

JVP was at Mile Hi for An Evening of Spirit, a packed event where attendees came in the hopes of connecting with loved ones who have crossed over to the other side. It was more than that, though. Those not getting a personal reading still left that evening with plenty of tools in their spiritual toolbox in order to connect with not just loved ones, but with Spirit itself, the Divine love that created the universe.

Connecting with Spirit

James started out by explaining that in order to connect with spirit, one must look at it from a soul’s point of view, not a human’s point of view. Spirit tells us we must be mindful. Every single person is God. And that vibration, that God energy, is light. So how are you shining your light? Each choice we make originates from either love or fear. In every decision we make, we are moving toward one or the other.

Spirit is all around you and wants to help you clear your mindset of expectations, negative energy, and destructive thought patterns. Why? Because it’s easier to communicate with you this way. These spirit-blocking energies are a result of the ego. What does the ego do? The ego edges God out.

How to Attract Spirit

Here are some tips for being more open to attracting spirit(s) into your life.

Stay in the Light

Have an atmosphere of love and light. Do your best to move away from fear, anger, hate, and other negative emotions that cause you to vibrate at a lower level.

Be Open

Be open to whatever happens.

Detach Yourself from Expectations

Release all of your expectations. Expectations block energy!

Check Your Ego at the Door

The more you know, the less you will be afraid. Your ego tries to outsmart what you know deep down inside of your soul. Don’t let it edge God out.

Do Some Mental Housekeeping

Clean up the conditions of your mind. Thoughts become things, and you are the only one who controls which thoughts you manifest.


The more you meditate, the closer you can get to spirit. Meditation helps you clean your energy field – your thoughts, your chakras, the vibrations you emit constantly simply by living.

James says that thoughts are like bullets. When someone thinks about you, it goes right to you. (Ever had the phone ring shortly after you’ve been thinking about the person on the other end? That’s energy exchange.)

Thoughts have colors, vibrations, character, and design. It is our thoughts, and corresponding choices arising from those thoughts, that creates the fabric that bleeds into the tapestry of life. Your thoughts and actions are a single thread in the larger tapestry of consciousness. You will be held responsible for your actions when you pass over to the other side. It’s called a life review. When you get there, what will yours look like?

Be patient

Manifestation of the Divine and connecting with those on the other side can take time on this physical plane called Earth. Physical vibration is slower than spiritual vibration. This is why you’ll notice James gets very excited and high energy when he’s channeling spirits; the spirits knocking on his door are vibrating at a much higher level.

Spirit is All Around Us

Spirit can connect with you in many different ways. You don’t have to see a spiritual medium in order to know that someone is with you. Music, guided meditations, individual or silent meditation, animals, and many other signs are spirit speaking to you.

Coming to see JVP with the expectation that a loved one will come through can actually block the occurrence from happening. If you’ll be meeting James any time soon, refer to the tips above to better prepare for the exchange.

About Mile Hi Church

Located in Lakewood, CO and known worldwide, Mile Hi Church teaches the principles of Science of Mind and Spirit, the basic principles being Love and Law. Their teachings are based on the work of Ernest Holmes. Their vision is oneness revealed…a world of love, peace, and abundance for all. Their mission? To serve as a spiritual beacon for personal empowerment and global enlightenment.

Learn more about Mile Hi Church at and check out their event schedule. Many of their speakers have programming you can watch right here on Gaiam TV.

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When Someone Dies, Can They Come Back to See You?

No matter what your spiritual beliefs are, dealing with the death of a loved one can be incredibly difficult. The smallest message or sign from a deceased loved one can mean the world to any human being. However, there are several ways to receive messages from the dead, but they can be rather subtle and might be overlooked or discounted if you don’t know what to look for. Explore life after death to learn whether a deceased person is trying to contact you from the spirit world.

Loved Ones Communicating Beyond the Grave

There are countless cases of loved ones contacting their living counterparts after they’ve passed, or in some cases while they’ve been clinically dead, before being brought back to life.

In one instance, recounted by Dr. Raymond Moody, the researcher who coined the phrase near-death experience or NDE, a surgeon once told him that while operating on a young man, his patient went into cardiac arrest. Believing he had lost the patient, the man’s wife burst into the room screaming that her husband had visited her in the waiting room and told her the doctor thought he was dead but that he was still alive and able to be saved. The surgeon immediately began to perform resuscitation techniques and brought the patient back to life.

After-death communication is very common soon after a loved one passes away. And while everyone’s loved ones have different ways of communicating this, the signs we see are usually more than sheer coincidence.

When looking for signs of a loved one visiting or communicating with you after they have passed, think of things from their life that they had a predilection for, whether that’s a particular animal, flower, or song. These personal affections typically appear in their attempts to reach you in the physical world, and rightfully so. If there’s one thing you’d associate strongly with them, it’s sure to stand out.

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