Are You Coming to Your Senses? Your Soul’s Sense of Sound

Welcome to the second part of a five-part series on how your soul perceives your physical senses. In our previous article, The Sense of Sight, we discussed insight — the ability to see what is beyond the physical that is around you. Insight is a well-recognized phenomenon and is commonly referred to as the Sixth Sense, the Third Eye, or psychic ability, which you can learn more about from intuition expert Sonia Choquette.
Have you ever pondered that there might be a similar soul experience for sound? What might we call such an experience? Your inner sound waves of insight? Sound that is in alignment? For the purpose of this article we will refer to it as in-sound.
Sound as a Spiritual Experience
On the human plane of existence, sound is an important part of your spiritual experience. For example, music has never been more popular than it is today. There are numerous healing practitioners who use sound therapy of some form or another with their clients. And sound-based activities such as drumming circles are gaining in popularity outside of indigenous communities as a means for humans to connect with themselves and Source.
Thinking about the sense of sound in other ways…how many humans claim to hear voices at some time or another? Almost anyone who has spent much time in nature would say they’ve imagined they heard a voice in the wind at some point. Has it ever happened that you thought you heard the crying out of a woman or child, yet you can’t figure out where the sound has come from?
Have you ever heard some sort of a tone or had a ringing in your ears when there is nothing around you that could be making that sound? For instance, there isn’t a bell ringing or a television show on in your home or the next-door neighbor’s house. There’s no phone ringing, or even an electrical current hooked up to some device that would justify you hearing something. There is nothing physical that could be held accountable for making the noise, and yet you hear a sound.
The Sound of Your Soul
These sounds or voices that we are speaking of are the voices from within. This is your soul connecting to the oneness that is around you. These are the beings, so to speak, that are in the dimensions that are all around you. This is the energy connection to your flame.
Every soul emits a tone, and all high-vibrational essence beings know you by your sound.
What is the tonality of another soul, and how do you hear that sound? You hear it through the in-sound of your own soul! You don’t hear it standing next to someone else. You can’t hear someone else’s sound by holding your ear really close to their physical embodiment and saying to them “What is it I am listening for? I’ve been told there is a tonality to you and your existence, but I just can’t hear it!”
There’s too much density to the human body in the physical. Light, which is inside of you, has a high frequency pitch to it. This is what your soul aligns itself with. You can’t hear another soul’s tone with your physical ears — you can only hear it in your soul.
The Presence of Energy
You have to remember that science can’t prove this. Science can only prove the physical. Yet science knows it exists. How? Because the energy shows itself in scientific experiments on scales and meters, even though there is no physical proof of it! Theoretically, science predicts that sound and tonality will go even higher on their scales, but they don’t have an explanation for it. Science can’t accept it as it being something spiritual because they have no understanding of that aspect.
Energy is present even when you can’t see it. Have you ever stood under a group of overhead electrical wires and heard a popping or humming sound? Those wires are carrying currents of energy that most human beings use every day, yet you can’t see the energy…but you can certainly hear it!
What we would tell you is that there is energy that is more refined than what science can even comprehend. Science has recognized tones and sound that it can’t explain, so can we call it a midway or perhaps a middle ground of acceptance?
Experience the Energy of Sound
Meet renowned sound healer and modern-day Mystic Tom Kenyon in the film Song of the New Earth. He integrates modern-day scientific advances in sound research with mystical and ancient traditions including alchemy, Shamanism, and more. Sound can heal not only us but our planet, Mother Earth.
Hearing the Voices Within
Humans have been taught in most cases to run away from their in-sound, from the voices within. Why is that? Because religions have dictated that this is an evil occurrence, that it’s your alter ego or even the Devil speaking to you. In reality, it’s just the opposite…
What you hear through your physical ear is the altered ego state, and what you hear coming from within you is the God Voice.
You must remember, though, that everything has been designed through social consciousness to dis-empower you. Why? Those in power know that if you were to become empowered, you would not continue to serve them. So they have continued to come up with threats. The ultimate threat being that of Hell and damnation if you don’t abide by the guidelines they have laid out for you in the physical.
Many people are able to gain access to their in-sound during meditation. Spontaneous chanting during meditation or spiritual ceremonies is really the soul declaring itself, aligning itself with the tonalities from within. You are accessing sounds from interdimensional worlds and bringing them forth into the physical. Before you can produce sounds vocally, you have to hear them internally. That is the inner sound we are speaking about. And that is in alignment with your soul.
To access these higher forms of consciousness and further empower yourself, try Gaiam TV’s Fractal Meditation System. It can help you stimulate your mind into enhanced awareness.
The Difference Between Healing and Emotion
Feelings are the sensory system based upon the physical. Feelings are mostly shallow and fleeting, easily changed, and influenced by what is going on around you. In contrast, the emotional sensory system of the soul is a deeply resonating experience. It is the experience that is carried with you from lifetime to lifetime, from existence to existence. These are the emotions that move, change, shift, and expand you.
Can you see or feel the difference? Will you now HEAR things differently in your life? We hope this perspective on in-sound has opened you up to hearing your soul speaking to you.
Expand Your Soul with Gaia
Are you enjoying all that Gaia has to offer you on your personal life journey? If not, join our community of like-minded individuals. You can get started with one of our original programs: Accepting Ourselves with Panache Desai. He’ll take you on a journey to explain the illusions that we have all come to accept about being wrong, inadequate, or separate, all of which dis-empower us.
What Is Clairsentience and How to Develop It

Clairsentience is a psychic ability that allows one to receive information through physical or emotional sensations that arise without any apparent external cause. It is a form of intuitive perception that facilitates the recognition of energies, emotions, or subtle presences in the environment. In this article, we explore what clairsentience is, how it relates to channeling, and what practices help to develop it.
Table of Contents
- What Is Clairsentience?
- Clairsentience and Channeling
- Types of Clairsentience
- Exercises to Develop Clairsentience
- Can Everyone Develop Clairsentience?
- Benefits of Clairsentience in Spiritual Growth
- Differences Between Clairsentience and Other Psychic Abilities
What Is Clairsentience?
Clairsentience, also known as sensitive perception, is the ability to receive intuitive information through the body. Those who possess it may experience physical or emotional sensations without any obvious cause, but which are related to energies, people, or places. These perceptions do not originate from the traditional physical senses, but rather emerge as internal signals that the body translates into tangible sensations.
This ability can manifest in various ways: from a sudden chill to pressure in the chest or an unexpected emotion. Clairsentience is especially activated in energetically charged environments or in the presence of other people, allowing one to sense emotional states or subtle energies. Often, this perception is accompanied by instinctive knowledge that cannot be rationally explained, yet proves to be accurate and revealing.
Clairsentience and Channeling
Clairsentience plays a vital role in the channeling process. Unlike other psychic abilities that operate through images or sounds, clairsentience allows the channeler to receive information through bodily and emotional sensations. This channel of reception enables a deeper and more empathic connection with spiritual entities or energy fields, becoming a key tool for interpreting and transmitting messages from the subtle realm.
In the series Channeling: A Bridge to the Beyond, available on Gaia, the multiple ways in which channelers access non-physical information are explored. Clairsentience is presented as one of the most direct paths to feel the presence of guides, subtle entities, or shifts in the energy field. This documentary series features experts and renowned channelers who delve into the use of this ability as a bridge between realms and a tool for spiritual transformation.
Types of Clairsentience
Clairsentience does not manifest in the same way for everyone. There are different types, and each one allows the perception of specific information through the body or emotions. Understanding these variations helps to better comprehend how this ability works and to strengthen the connection with the energetic and spiritual realm.
Emotional Clairsentience
Emotional clairsentience manifests as the ability to feel the emotions of other people, even when they are not verbally expressed. Those who possess this ability can perceive sadness, joy, anxiety, or tension just by being near someone, making them channels of deep empathy.
Physical Clairsentience
In this case, the sensations are experienced directly in the body. It is possible to feel pain, pressure, or discomfort that do not belong to one’s own body but reflect energies from the environment or other people’s physical states. This form of perception can be especially useful in practices such as energy healing.
Spiritual Clairsentience
Spiritual clairsentience involves feeling the presence of guides, subtle entities, or shifts in the energy field. These sensations may manifest as chills, tingling, or a particular vibration in the body. It is a common way of perceiving when a spiritual energy becomes present, even without associated images or sounds.
Exercises to Develop Clairsentience
Developing clairsentience is a progressive process based on regular practice and conscious attention to the body and the energetic environment. Through simple exercises, it is possible to train this ability and refine sensitive perception. The goal is not to force immediate results, but to allow the body to become a clear channel for intuitive reception.
One of the most effective exercises is energy reading of the environment. This exercise consists of sitting in silence in different spaces—a room, a garden, a public place—and observing the physical or emotional sensations that arise. It’s important to note whether these sensations change depending on the environment and whether specific areas of the body are activated. Over time, this exercise helps distinguish when a sensation corresponds to an external energy.
Another useful exercise is body scan meditation. Begin by closing your eyes and slowly directing your attention to each part of the body, from the feet to the head. Observe if any area produces pressure, vibration, heat, or cold without any apparent physical cause. This practice strengthens the body-perception connection and enhances sensitivity to the internal signals that activate clairsentience.
Can Everyone Develop Clairsentience?
Yes, anyone can develop clairsentience, regardless of whether they have previous experience with psychic abilities or not. Although some people are born with greater energetic sensitivity, this ability can be cultivated through practice, patience, and conscious attention to the inner world.
The key lies in learning to recognize the subtle signals that the body and emotions transmit. By training sensitive perception and strengthening the connection with intuition, it is possible to activate this ability at different levels, adapting it to each individual’s personal rhythm and process.
Benefits of Clairsentience in Spiritual Growth
Clairsentience is a valuable tool for deepening the spiritual path, as it allows for greater clarity in perceiving both the inner world and the subtle energies of the environment. This ability not only strengthens the connection with oneself but also expands the understanding of reality from a more intuitive and conscious perspective.
- Deep emotional listening: Enables identifying internal emotions with greater precision. This supports processes of personal healing and self-knowledge.
- Energy reading of the environment: Helps perceive whether a place or person has a harmonious or dense energetic charge. This improves decision-making in everyday or spiritual settings.
- Connection with spiritual guides: Facilitates feeling the presence of beings of light or subtle entities. This reinforces the sense of companionship on the spiritual journey.
- Increased body awareness: Clairsentience trains the ability to listen to the body’s signals as intuitive guidance. This allows acting with greater coherence between mind, emotion, and action.
- Development of conscious empathy: Enhances the ability to understand what others feel without absorbing their emotions. This enriches relationships and strengthens compassion from a balanced place.
Differences Between Clairsentience and Other Psychic Abilities
Although all psychic abilities belong to the realm of extrasensory perception, each one manifests through a different channel. Clairsentience is distinguished by its bodily and emotional sensitive focus, while other abilities operate through auditory, visual, or cognitive pathways.
- Clairvoyance: Is based on the visual perception of mental images or non-physical visions. Clairsentience, on the other hand, operates through bodily and emotional sensations.
- Clairaudience: Involves perceiving sounds or voices from the subtle plane. Clairsentience does not involve hearing, but internal physical sensations.
- Claircognizance: Is intuitive knowledge that arises immediately without sensory mediation. Clairsentience requires a concrete bodily or emotional perception.
- Telepathy: Is the direct transmission of thoughts between two minds. Unlike clairsentience, it is not based on feeling but on receiving ideas or thoughts.