Becoming an Enlightened Being

Enlightenment is the common, shared goal of Lightworkers and Masters. When a person has a higher understanding of spiritual concepts, they are generally referred to as enlightened. However, in truth, being enlightened means holding a certain amount of Light. Many believe that the more spiritually educated they become, the more enlightened they also become. When one looks back at the truly enlightened beings that have lived on earth, such as Ascended Masters and other highly spiritual people, it must be noted that most of them did not become spiritual because they studied spirituality. It was something else that raised their consciousness to higher levels.
There is an important underlying aspect to spiritual teachings. Exposing one’s self to the higher vibrations of spiritual information has a positive, uplifting effect. As a person learns about spiritual matters, they absorb the codes that are contained in the essence of the messages, but study alone does not make a person enlightened. So then, what is the answer?
The best place to start is to examine those individuals who were truly enlightened. What made them different from others? One thing they had in common was that they did not focus their attention on the mundane aspects of life, which occupied the minds of the average person. Instead they pursued higher vibrating endeavors, including helping others and teaching higher truths.
In the process, by living differently than those around them, they created new thought patterns within themselves, which sparked changes in the way people related to them. As these ascended beings continued to live within their own reality, they began to appear unique to the rest of the world
- because they were.
As time passed, they found that they were capable of doing things that others were not. Does that sound familiar? Some were able to heal; others had clairvoyant capabilities and mystical skills. These were the avatars of the age, singular beings that came to Earth to lift the vibration of humanity out of the darkness. So, why do such beings not come today? The answer is simple; there is no need for one avatar to raise the vibration of humanity, when there are thousands of Masters to do the job.
The question remains, how does one become enlightened. Some may say it is the person who meditates the most, goes on the most spiritual pilgrimages, or has the most knowledge about esoteric modalities. Such a person may be quite spiritual and very enlightened, but it is not only the result of studying and practicing that raises someone’s vibration. So then, is there a magic potion that brings one into a state of enlightenment? In addition, if study and practice alone do not result in enlightenment what is the point of these exercises?
Exposing the mind to new ideas, spiritual practices, healing modalities, and channeled messages from higher beings creates new neural pathways and allows one to integrate necessary codes. As a result, the mind functions differently and non-life-sustaining programming can be overridden by the new codes that are beneficial to the Light Body. Over time, alternate ways of thinking replace outdated ones. The results can be seen in the individual both in their spiritual and physical makeup. Eventually a different person emerges in the same body, with the same brain, but with a renewed spirit. As this happens, the person becomes more consciously connected with the Higher Self.
Enlightenment is being one’s self, as they were meant to be. At birth, each person is a truly enlightened being, completely connected to the Divine source of everything and trusting in life. Granted, had a person remained so, they would not have been able to function in society so they learn how to live in the world. The price for this education is becoming gradually less enlightened. Each person knows what it means to be enlightened, because they started off that way. The goal of a Master is to return to that state of knowing who they are, and letting go of what they have learned, which no longer serves them. In essence, they are not becoming enlightened, rather, they are returning to an enlightened state, while being able to function from day-to-day, living as a Master.
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Introduction to the Seven Keys of Ascension

Whether you call it ascension, enlightenment or transcendence it all means the same thing: being inexplicably drawn to experience a state of being beyond the limits of physical perception.
In the modern era, it undoubtedly means the convergence of cutting edge science with the wisdom of the ages. This is why it is important to realize that we are not limited to the body. We are spiritual and divine beings, just now awakening to our potential.
To embrace that awakening, one must learn to reach out to this other world and gain perception of it through tools like divination and manifestation. Divination allows you to gain spiritual information beyond physical means, manifestation allows you to enact change in the physical through spiritual means.
Being Conscious
Consciousness is important … being aware of your state and working to expand the limits of consciousness beyond the limits of the physical world.
A long-tested way of expanding consciousness is through regular spiritual practice. This is found with Buddhism, Hinduism, and even esoteric Christianity. The religious doctrine is less important than the discipline of working with the mind and your ability to perceive.
The pursuit of ascension tends to initially be the pursuit of knowledge and becomes experiential. Sacred sciences through the ages have tinkered with the connection of consciousness with the material world. Thus we begin to form a bridge between Alchemy and Quantum Theory.