Spiritual Cleansing Baths for Healing Your Aura

Spiritual Cleansing Baths for Healing Your Aura

Regularly cleansing your aura and personal energy is an essential act. Whether or not you know it, you come into contact with various people and environments, all of which have their own energy vibrations. Not all of these frequencies are high and positive.

Thus, your energy field is constantly taking in and putting out vibrations. Some energy vibrations within your thoughts and external influences are low and will bring you down if left unchecked. While our energy body is constantly readjusting itself to bring our energy back into harmony, the negative energies can linger and build up over time. A monthly salt water bath is an easy and very relaxing way to cleanse your aura of negative energy.

We’ve mentioned other methods before, so why a bath? It’s because it’s a great ritual that combines to tie in body and spirit. When you immerse yourself in a ritual bath, you are participating in an initiation to open yourself up spiritually. 

Ritual bathing cleanses you from physical and spiritual grime, thus purifying both your body and your aura. It signifies that you are willing to listen to your Higher Self and begin to trust something outside of your rational mind. It indicates that you are open to asking the universe to transform what you believe needs to be changed within yourself.

What is a Spiritual Bath?

We’ve mentioned other methods before, so why a bath? It’s because it’s a great ritual that combines body and spirit. When you immerse yourself in a ritual bath, you are participating in an initiation to open yourself up spiritually. 

Ritual bathing cleanses you from physical grime and negative spiritual grime, thus purifying both your body and your aura. It is a signal that you are willing to listen to your Higher Self and begin to trust something outside of your rational mind. It indicates that you are open to asking the universe to transform what you believe needs to be changed within yourself.

How to Take a Spiritual Bath

Taking a spiritual bath is a sacred and rejuvenating practice that can help cleanse your aura and release negative energy while promoting inner peace and well-being. To begin, start by selecting a time when you can have uninterrupted solitude. This first bath is to be used only once a month, as it is very strong. It’s recommended to try it on a Friday close to a full moon for the best results. Energy therapist Lidia Frederico also advises, “DO NOT prepare or have the bath around 6 am, 12 noon, 6 pm, or 12 midnight, including half an hour before and afterward (so NOT between 5:30-6:30 or 11:30-12:30 for both am & pm)!”

Draw a warm bath. Then, add bath ingredients like unrefined salts, optional essential oils (such as lavender or sage), and optional herbs like rosemary or chamomile, which are known for their purifying properties. As you fill the tub, set your intention for the bath, focusing on what you wish to release or manifest. Before getting in, light some candles and play soothing music to create a serene atmosphere. 

Step into the water mindfully, immersing yourself completely while envisioning the negative energy dissolving and being replaced by positive vibrations. Take deep breaths, meditate, or recite affirmations to enhance the bath experience. After your bath, allow yourself to air-dry (preferably) or use a robe and towel (just for your head), and dispose of any bathwater down the drain. Feel the newfound sense of clarity and renewal that a spiritual bath can provide, embracing the positive energy that surrounds you.

Benefits of Spiritual Bathing

Though they are different, spiritual bathing or ritual bathing can have great effects on your physical well-being, as well. Here are just a few benefits:

  • The skin is an organ of elimination, and a saltwater soak will draw toxins and heavy metals from the tissues.
  • The essential trace minerals your body needs are absorbed through the skin to improve health. 
  • Skin conditions can be aided as bacteria and other debris are also drawn from the skin, leaving the skin feeling fresh and rejuvenated. 
  • Circulation is increased, which your body can always use

3 Spiritual Cleansing Baths

To begin, bathers should clean the tub carefully. Take a shower before taking the ritual bath. Then, wash thoroughly with positive energy in the following ways:

Salt Water Bath

There’s nothing more relaxing than a nice, hot bath, and by adding saltwater, you can gain even more benefits for your skin. There’s a reason why they say that floating in the Dead Sea is so good for your skin. The high salt content helps repair damaged cells, stimulates blood flow, and provides for a general detox. Bath salts such as Epsom salts are also an option as these contain other minerals that benefit the skin, such as magnesium and potassium. 

  1. Make sure you won’t be disturbed for at least an hour. Optional: light candles or incense or play relaxing music. Utilize what makes your aura lighter.
  2. Fill your bath with warm water. The level is up to you. Don’t make it too hot.
  3. Add 2-3 good handfuls of salt. Use good quality unprocessed salt, such as unrefined sea salt or Himalayan salt. Do not use regular table salt or drugstore Epsom salt, as this has added anti-caking agents and has been refined, which removes beneficial minerals.
  4. Optional: Add a few drops of pure essential oils for aromatherapy purposes. Lavender is a good choice, as it will also help you relax and unwind, and is generally very safe. Peppermint is another effective aroma that relaxes the body.
  5. Soak for about 20-30 minutes. While you do so, make it your intention to let go of all negativity. You can pray for the release of any energy that you no longer wish to carry or that is not for your highest good. You can also ask for spiritual support to raise your spiritual vibration.
  6. For the best results, air dry when you get out of the bath. You may use a towel for your head and put a robe on but do not just towel dry. If possible, don’t take another shower or bath for 24 hours.
  7. Take a saltwater bath no more than once a week. As noted, once a month may be the perfect amount of time in between.

By following these seven steps, you’ll be able to not only remove negative energy spiritually but give yourself a physical detox from any buildup of toxins your skin might have accumulated.

All Natural Ocean Bath

This is a great way to go if you live near a body of saltwater. The timeless ocean has amazing healing properties. If you have ever had the joy of swimming in the sea, you’ll know how refreshed and wonderful you feel afterward. This is because of the aura-cleansing properties of the seawater.

Baking Soda Bath

Taking a bath using baking soda or bicarbonate of soda will also cleanse your aura. Just use the same method as for the saltwater bath above. This bath will also leave your skin feeling smooth and soft.

Other Cleansing Rituals

There are several other cleansing spiritual practices you can combine with your bath or hold separately that can clear blockages or negative energy while boosting positivity, good luck, and good vibes.

Smudging Your Home

Before you begin your spiritual bath, smudge your bathroom—not only will it clear the space, but it will leave a pleasant, lingering aroma for you to enjoy while in the tub.

Smoke, in general, will kill bacteria and purify any space in which it is allowed to waft, which is why you should smudge. Typically, sage is used in a smudging ceremony, but you can also use palo santo, essential oils, or any other cleansing herb to hold a purifying smudging ceremony. If this feels a little witchy, that’s because it is, especially if you decide to do it during a new moon. But don’t worry, we’re not putting a hex on anyone, just creating a sacred space.

Using Crystals

Crystals such as amethyst, clear quartz, and selenite are great purifiers for any household. While some may be skeptical of crystals for anything other than aesthetics, crystals do have electromagnetic properties that can attract certain energies. Embody your inner hippie and encircle your tub with healing crystals to draw out that negative energy and transmute it into something positive.

Balancing Chakras

The Solar Plexus chakra, located just above the navel, is the chakra of personal power, influencing motivation, self-esteem, and emotional balance. An imbalance in this chakra can lead to both physical (e.g., stomach ulcers and weight issues) and emotional problems, affecting internal organs like the kidneys and pancreas. An under-active Solar Plexus may cause negative thoughts or feelings of anxiety and depression, impacting overall health. Conversely, an overactive Solar Plexus can result in harsh judgment, anger, and aggression, disrupting the body’s natural balance. Balancing this chakra is essential for holistic well-being.

There are many ways to purify your aura with spiritual baths, as well as some ways you can enhance the space in which you bathe. Remember that this process should focus on self-care, self-love, and honoring your higher spirit. Taking the time to clear any trapped negative energy in your life, you’ll notice immediate improvements to your soul’s eternal glow.

Balancing Your Crown Chakra: the Essential Spiritual Practice

Sahasrara: the 7th or Crown Chakra at the top of the head, Sanskrit for “the lotus flower of 1000 petals.” This chakra is the gateway to all things spiritual, such as The Divine, Our Father, the Universe, and your Higher Self.

The Crown Chakra is thought of as our bridge between the gap of the Divine and Humanity, connecting us to both the physical and non-physical realm of our existence. It’s because of this chakra that enlightenment and our connection with Divinity is possible, as well as compassion for all life, bliss and wisdom. Slowly, we become aware that our life is but an extension of our own consciousness; that we are the dreamer, dreaming the dream. We understand that all manifestations (good and bad) are a result of our thought patterns that become subconscious beliefs – and in knowing this, we can begin to change the dream.

Sahasrara Self-Diagnosis

As you can see, the Crown Chakra’s balance is critical to any person’s spiritual life. Having it out of whack can seriously throw off your spiritual progress. Here’s the self-diagnosis you will need to see what your Sahasrara’s state is:

Balanced Sahasrara:

When everything is well with your Sahasrara is in balance you will have a great intuitive knowledge, and will be very wise. You will be aware of your spiritual self and be selflessly devoted to the well-being of others because you see them as a part of you, rather than as separate.

Over-active Sahasrara:

You probably will not be able to control your encounters with other realms of existence. Other people may consider you too far out there and you will have trouble grounding yourself. It will be hard for people to take you seriously. Because of an over-activity in this chakra, you may possess a god-complex and consider yourself better than others in the world around you.

Under-active Sahasrara:

If under-activity or a blockage is happening in your Crown Chakra, you will probably feel like you lack a purpose in life. You may think that it is all meaningless, and in this thinking, will develop a mental “disease.” You may feel unloved, or angry at God, and blame life circumstance on something that is outside of you. Coordination difficulties, clumsiness, or poor balance may result from an underactive crown chakra. New ideas or newer, positive out-looks on life will be hard for you grasp, if you accept them at all. You will probably lack spiritual exploration and have no desire to discover your inner self. You may also be excessively afraid of dying.

Physical Symptoms of Sahasrara Imbalance:

Yes, your chakra’s balances do indeed affect your body! Body and spirit are intimately connected in a way that doctors can’t quite pinpoint medically. If your Sahasrara is off, some of your physical symptoms will include: muscular disease, chronic exhaustion that has no medical explanation, sensitivity to light, certain sounds or environment (commonly found in autism).

The body parts that are associated with the Crown Chakra include the muscular system, pineal gland, and pituitary gland.

Balancing The Sahasrara

There are all kinds of ways that you can begin to balance your Chakras, from foods to meditation to yoga. Here are just a few methods that are particularly useful for the Crown Chakra:

Yoga Pose: Half Lotus, Ardha Padmasana

Sitting Crown chakra yoga poses are the gateway to higher consciousness. It is through meditation that much transformation occurs. Half Lotus is easier than Full Lotus and offers the almost the same stability for meditation.

  1. Sitting on a mat or a cushion, place one foot on the opposite thigh and the other foot on the floor beneath the opposite thigh.

  2. Both your knees need to be on the floor, otherwise your spine will be out of balance (see picture to the right – left knee is off the floor – should be on the floor).

  3. If you can’t manage both knees on the floor, then you might want to practice Burmese position where you place both feet on the floor, one in front of the other.


I trust my inner knowing to guide me through life. All people in my life are here to teach me something about myself, so that I can grow. I trust that everything happens for a reason and that what I do makes a difference. I am balanced between Heaven and Earth and all areas of my life are in balance too.”

Color Therapy

The Crown Chakra is associated with the color violet (or white, which is made up of all colors in the spectrum). Try lighting these colored candles while focusing your attention on the top of your head. This will indeed start to bring balance to it! You can also try wearing the color violet and surrounding yourself with flowers of this color, as it will greatly help it begin to vibrate in harmony.

Crystal Therapy

Crystals have powerful properties that mesh well with your chakras. Using certain crystals in particular will aid your efforts greatly, such as amethyst, celestite, obsidian, selenite, blue sapphire, peacock ore, clear quartz, apophyllite quartz, spirit quartz, moldavite, danburite, goshenite, petalite, fuchsite, stilbite, sugilite, cacoxenite, cavansite, and phenacite.


Choosing pure foods, that are grown in nature that absorb sunshine are great foods to help purify the crown chakra. Instead of going for sweets, choose dried fruits, such as dates, that are dried out by the sun. Start a gentle detox, drink plenty of water and avoid food with additives, generally found in processed, packaged food.

Aromatherapy/Essential Oils

Essential oils also have powerful effects on your chakras. Try cedarwood, elemi, frankincense, galbanum, gurjum, helicrysum, jasmine, lavendar, myrrh, neroli, rose, rosewood, sandalwood, spikenard, or vetiver in your baths, as perfume, or sprinkled on your pillow before you go to sleep.

Using Nature as Chakra Therapy

The Sahasrara’s element is inner-light, or thought, and is considered the most subtle element from which the Cosmos were created. It is Divine, it shines through creation, connecting all and is everywhere in Nature. Sitting or meditating outside and allowing yourself to feel this great energy that is in everything, will help awaken the deepest part of your being.

Sound Therapy

The seed sound of the Crown Chakra is “OM” – believed to be the creating sound of the Universe. It resonates in “B” note. Chanting OM in “B” will allow it to vibrate properly.

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