Spiritual Cleansing Bath Rituals for Healing Your Aura

Regularly cleansing your aura and personal energy is an essential act. Whether or not you know it, you come into contact with various people and environments, all of which have their own energy vibrations. Not all of these frequencies are high and positive.
Thus, your energy field is constantly taking in and sending out vibrations. Some energy vibrations within your thoughts and external influences are low and will bring you down if left unchecked. While our energy body is constantly readjusting itself to bring our energy back into harmony, the negative energies can linger and build up over time. A monthly salt water bath is an easy and relaxing way to cleanse your aura of negative energy.
We’ve mentioned other methods before, so why a bath? It’s because it’s a great ritual that ties together the physical body with the inner spirit. When you immerse yourself in a ritual bath, you are participating in an initiation to open yourself up spiritually.
Ritual bathing cleanses you from physical and spiritual grime, thus purifying both your body and your aura. It signifies that you are willing to listen to your higher self and begin to trust something outside of your rational mind. It indicates that you are open to asking the universe to transform what you believe needs to be changed within yourself.
What Is a Spiritual Cleansing Bath Ritual?
A spiritual cleansing bath ritual is a sacred, intentional practice for releasing negativity, stress, and emotional heaviness while inviting balance, healing, and renewal. Unlike an ordinary bath, this ritual taps into the energy of natural elements—purifying salts, soothing essential oils, and gentle herbs or flowers like lavender or rose petals—chosen for their nurturing and cleansing properties. As you immerse yourself, you set intentions to let go of what no longer serves you, creating space for peace and clarity. Adding meditative touches, like mindful breathing or visualization, deepens the experience, allowing you to feel the water’s gentle energy carrying away worries. It’s a moment to honor yourself, cleanse from within, and step out feeling lighter, refreshed, and energetically renewed.
How to Perform a Cleansing Bath
A cleansing bath is a sacred, rejuvenating practice to clear your aura, release negative energy, and invite inner peace and well-being. Here’s how to get started:
- Choose the Right Time: Pick a bath time when you can be alone without interruptions. This powerful bath is best done once a month, ideally on a Friday close to a full moon for enhanced effects. Energy therapist Lidia Frederico advises against taking it around certain hours: avoid 6 am, 12 noon, 6 pm, or 12 midnight, as well as 30 minutes before and after these times.
- Prepare the Bath: Draw a warm bath and add unrefined salt. For an extra touch, add essential oils (like lavender or sage) and herbs such as rosemary or chamomile, known for their cleansing properties.
- Set Your Intention: As the tub fills, think about what you want to release or bring into your life. Light white candles and play soft music to create a peaceful environment.
- Immerse Mindfully: Step into the water slowly, immersing yourself fully. Visualize negative energy dissolving, replaced by a flow of positive energy. Deep breathing, meditation, or repeating affirmations can help deepen this experience.
- Conclude the Ritual: When you finish, let yourself air-dry if possible, or use a towel just for your head. Drain the bathwater, imagining it carrying away any residual negativity. Embrace the clarity and positive energy you’ve invited into your space.
Allow yourself to carry this renewed energy forward, feeling grounded, uplifted, and aligned with your highest self.
Physical Benefits
A spiritual cleansing bath ritual can benefit not only your spirit but also your physical well-being. Here are a few key benefits:
- Saltwater soaks help remove toxins.
- Minerals support overall health.
- Skin feels refreshed as impurities clear.
- Relieves aches and sore joints.
- Boosts circulation for a body refresh.
This ritual offers a harmonious way to nurture both body and soul, inviting healing and renewal from within.
3 Spiritual Cleansing Bath Rituals
To begin, bathers should carefully clean the tub. Take a shower before starting the ritual bath, then wash thoroughly with positive energy in the following ways:
Salt Water Bath
There’s nothing more relaxing than a warm, soothing bath. Adding salt water can provide even more benefits for your skin. There’s a reason why floating in the Dead Sea is renowned for skin health—the high salt content helps repair damaged cells, stimulates blood flow, and promotes detoxification. Bath salts like Epsom salts are another option, as they contain additional minerals beneficial for the skin, such as magnesium and potassium.
- Prepare for Relaxation: Ensure you won’t be disturbed for at least an hour. Optional additions: light candles or incense, play relaxing music, and set an atmosphere that lightens your aura.
- Fill Your Bath: Use warm water, adjusting the level to your preference, but avoid making it too hot.
- Add Salt: Add 2-3 generous handfuls of high-quality, unprocessed salt, such as unrefined sea salt or Himalayan salt. Avoid regular table salt or drugstore Epsom salt, as these are often refined and may contain anti-caking agents that remove beneficial minerals.
- Add Essential Oils (Optional): For aromatherapy, add a few drops of pure essential oils. Lavender is an excellent choice for relaxation and is generally safe. Peppermint is another effective scent to help unwind and soothe the body.
- Soak and Set Your Intention: Soak for about 20-30 minutes, using this time to release negativity. You can pray or set an intention to let go of any energy you no longer wish to carry. You may also seek spiritual support to raise your vibration.
- Air Dry for Best Results: When you finish, air dry if possible. You may use a towel for your head and put on a robe, but avoid fully toweling off. Try not to take another shower or bath for at least 24 hours.
- Frequency: Limit saltwater baths to once a week. Once a month may be the ideal frequency for many.
By following these seven steps, you’ll be able not only to remove negative energy spiritually but also to give yourself a physical detox from any buildup of toxins your skin may have accumulated.
Baking Soda Bath
A baking soda bath can be an excellent way to cleanse your aura and leave your skin feeling smooth and soft. Simply follow the same steps as for the saltwater bath above, but instead of salt, add 1-2 cups of baking soda to the warm water. This will enhance the bath’s detoxifying effects while gently exfoliating and softening your skin.
All Natural Ocean Bath
If you live near the ocean, taking a dip in natural saltwater can be an incredibly refreshing and healing experience. The timeless ocean offers powerful healing properties that can cleanse your aura and rejuvenate your body. Here’s how to get the most out of your ocean bath:
- Prepare for Your Visit: Choose a quiet time and location to minimize distractions and maximize relaxation. Early mornings or evenings can be ideal times for solitude and a peaceful environment.
- Set an Intention: Before entering the water, take a moment to focus on your intention. Whether it’s releasing negativity, inviting peace, or simply grounding yourself, a mindful approach will enhance the experience.
- Enter the Ocean Mindfully: Walk slowly into the water, feeling the sand, waves, and saltwater connecting you to nature. Take a few deep breaths, inhaling the fresh sea air, and allow yourself to feel immersed in the ocean’s energy.
- Immerse Yourself Completely: For the full cleansing effect, immerse your entire body in the water, including your head, if comfortable. This will allow the seawater to cleanse your aura from head to toe.
- Spend 10-15 Minutes in the Water: Relax in the water for at least 10-15 minutes. Swim, float, or simply stand and let the waves wash over you, allowing the saltwater to cleanse your energy and refresh your skin.
- Practice Gratitude: As you leave the water, take a moment to thank the ocean for its healing properties. Expressing gratitude can enhance the spiritual benefits of this experience.
- Air Dry for Best Results: Let the saltwater dry naturally on your skin if possible, as this can extend the ocean’s healing effects. Avoid rinsing off immediately to allow your body to absorb the beneficial minerals from the seawater.
By following these steps, you can enjoy the cleansing and energizing effects of a natural ocean bath. Although it requires more effort and planning, it’s well worth it if you prefer to connect deeply with nature.
Other Cleansing Rituals
There are several other cleansing spiritual practices you can combine with your bath or hold separately that can clear blockages or negative energy while boosting positivity, good luck, and good vibes.
Smudging Your Home
Before you begin your spiritual bath, smudge your bathroom—not only will it clear the space, but it will leave a pleasant, lingering aroma for you to enjoy while in the tub.
Smoke, in general, will kill bacteria and purify any space in which it is allowed to waft, which is why you should smudge. Typically, sage is used in a smudging ceremony, but you can also use palo santo, essential oils, or any other cleansing herb to hold a purifying smudging ceremony. If this feels a little witchy, that’s because it is, especially if you decide to do it during a new moon. But don’t worry, we’re not putting a hex on anyone, just creating a sacred space.
Using Crystals
Crystals such as amethyst, clear quartz, rose quartz, and selenite are great purifiers for any household. While some may be skeptical of crystals for anything other than aesthetics, crystals do have electromagnetic properties that can attract certain energies. Embody your inner hippie and encircle your tub with healing crystals to draw out that negative energy and transmute it into something positive.
Balancing Chakras
The Solar Plexus chakra, located just above the navel, is the chakra of personal power, influencing motivation, self-esteem, and emotional balance. An imbalance in this chakra can lead to both physical (e.g., stomach ulcers and weight issues) and emotional problems, affecting internal organs like the kidneys and pancreas. An underactive Solar Plexus may cause negative thoughts or feelings of anxiety and depression, impacting overall health. Conversely, an overactive Solar Plexus can result in harsh judgment, anger, and aggression, disrupting the body’s natural balance. Balancing this chakra is essential for holistic well-being.
There are many ways to purify your aura, with or without spiritual baths. Remember, this process should focus on self-care, self-love, and honoring your higher spirit. By taking the time to clear any trapped negative energy in your life, you’ll notice immediate improvements in your soul’s eternal glow.
Balance Your Chakras with a Pendulum

Pendulums come in all shapes and sizes. They are quite simply tools that help us detect our energetic field. They are tuned to subtle vibrations and a good chakra pendulum can help us clear, balance and heal our bodies.
A pendulum is a weight hanging from a fixed point. When pulled and released, the forces of gravity and inertia create movement. However, when no force is inflicted on the weight, something begins to happen naturally; energy moves the weight with a little help from the unconscious mind. Pendulums feel magical, for even when held completely still, they begin to move in detection of the invisible energy around us.
The chakra system is the field of gentle subtle energy that animates our physical bodies. When these are out of alignment, we can be pulled in several directions and feel off center from our most natural state of well being.
When placed over the 7 chakra centers (the 7 primary centers are most used) the pendulum will move, showing us both the direction and size of the energy the chakra is emitting. The energy level will reveal balance, imbalance, or energy blocks.
The pendulum for chakra balancing is a tool of diagnosis to help us better maintain our energy, spirit and physical body.
Choose Your Pendulum
Choosing a pendulum is a very personal task and I prefer having hands on access.
Allow yourself the chance to be drawn to one. Is there one that catches your eye or calls your attention? Don’t touch at first, just observe. Look at the shapes and colors. Some are made of wood, metal or crystals. I find crystals work best for me, but the choice is solely yours and yours alone. Which one are you drawn to? When you do choose one, hold it it to feel its energy. What is the message coming from the pendulum before you do anything at all?
Hold the string between your thumb and forefinger. Extend your arm so the pendulum resides at the level of your heart for this first encounter. When holding the pendulum, ask it if it is willing to assist you. Taking a moment to link psychically with the tool is not only good manners but sets the stage for a productive working relationship. If you feel a lift in your spirit, a clear yes has been given. If you feel any pull or resistance, kindly move along and choose another.
Once you have connected with a pendulum, clear your mind and hold it still at the level of your heart. Ask it to show you your “yes” then wait for it to stop. The ask it to show you your “no”. We always want the pendulum to stop moving on its own for this indicates it has shared all it has to reveal.
When you have found a pendulum that responds, you may also ask if this pendulum is willing to work with you in an ongoing partnership. This would be a final step to honor its wisdom and cultivate respect before your purchase.
Discover the Direction of Yes and No
My yes and no tend to be the same regardless of what pendulum I use. While mine move side to side and front and back, others may see the energy move in circles or diagonally. This will be the work of partnership in creating a relationship of trust. Once your pendulum “sets” yes and no, it shouldn’t change over time. A change in directions may indicate a deeper block in your own field.
How to Cleanse Your Pendulum
As this is a tool of the sacred, please cleanse your pendulum before putting it to work. You may choose to keep it under your pillow, on a window ledge to absorb the sun and moon, or outside in the earth. As you would cleanse crystals, also cleanse your chakra pendulum to ensure it maintains a clean working field.
How to Find Answers With Your Pendulum
I have one shiva lingham stone pendulum I use exclusively on clients while others are purely for my personal work.
Pendulums will be affected by our thoughts, so it is imperative that you first be in a clear space, without attachment, so that you may rely on this tool’s unbiased response. The pendulum, as an extension of the person using it, may be influenced both consciously and subconsciously making the responses accurate, as well as inaccurate. Wishful thinking or a preconceived outcome, however slight, can be magnified, making the use of the pendulum in that instance ineffective.
Trust your pendulum and the ability to clear your mind when asking questions.
Your mind can play heavily on responses, so you must be neutral when asking and be sure not to ask questions that elevate your own energy field.
Pendulums are excellent at finding things that are lost (and therefore neutral) but can get a little muddy when relying on it to make big decisions. I once was at a workshop where a woman was using her pendulum to validate everything the teacher was offering us. This level of reliance to me feels unfair and out of balance. These are tools to assist us: they are not material things upon which we rely too heavily.
So please, don’t let your pendulum make life choices for you. While it may offer one avenue of knowingness, it is your own heart and the truth within that should direct final decisions.
How to Use the Pendulum to Balance Chakras
When you are ready to embark on your healing work, pendulums are excellent at balancing the chakras.
Place the pendulum over the chakra center (3rd eye for instance would be over the center of the forehead whereas the 2nd chakra would be at the center of the body just below the navel). Wait for the pendulum to begin moving on its own to show you the size and direction this wheel of energy is moving. Start at the root or crown and one by one, make your way through each chakra simply gathering information at first.
Ideally you should notice the direction and size of each chakra to be the same. An erratic swing of the pendulum will show you where someone is off balance. If no movement is detected, there is a block in the energy field and it will need to be addressed. Once you’ve checked all the fields, go back and invite each one to come into harmony.
Harmony is the natural frequency of the universe and needs to be restored gently.
You are not making anything happen, you are simply asking the wisdom of the body to correct itself.
If working on another person, you may ask them to invite this harmony while talking with them about the colors and functions of each center. This empowers others to know they can heal themselves and need not rely on a healer to “fix” them. The chakra pendulum is a tool for diagnosis but the healing will occur by simply asking the body to realign itself. When you have addressed all the kinks, go back and ensure the chakras are all moving in the same direction and are about the same size.
We are wise beyond our remembrance at times and come to rely on tools and others to make us better. The beauty of a pendulum for chakra balancing is that is so accessible. It is an easy tool of self care and one that requires little investment and minimal effort.