The Fourth Key to Ascension: Spiritual Practice

Since the dawn of humanity, people have always known that they were a part of something greater. This “greater something” existed in the world around them as well as in an invisible world beyond the limits of physical perception. To better understand the invisible worlds, they developed stories and rituals which helped them to connect with various aspects of those realms. They believed that these practices, held regularly, would appease supernal forces and bring themselves closer to them.
As time marched on, humankind developed many different spiritual paths, all promising to connect people to this “greater something”. This sacred source was given many different names, and took on various personality traits of the people attempting to describe it. No matter the names or description, humankind has always found ways to get in touch with the sacred and affirm their own spiritual identities.
Building the Connection
Through this connection, one learns how to connect to the many numinous beings greater than themselves. It is through this universal connection that one discovers their own key to ascension. In truth, we all have this connection, innately. But our free will allows our awareness to drift away from that constant connection, which can make us feel as if we are isolated and alone from the source, or that there is nothing sacred about the universe and life.
In order to maintain that connection, and not get lost in the materiality of the physical realms, It is important is to discover what spiritual practice best suits you. There are many different traditions, from the ancient to the modern. Each of them offers its own path and perspectives of what the universal connection to the divine means. Spiritual practice helps to renew this awareness and strengthen our innate connection to the divine. No matter the route you choose, following the discipline of that tradition is important — until you learn how to branch out on your own.
Steps on the Path of Ascension
We must learn, by degrees, the steps to accept our universal connection and integrate it with our daily lives. Sometimes that means we must find a way to rebuild our daily lives in a way that aligns with our spiritual work. It can be tempting to pick and choose your favorite aspect from various traditions and build your own practice. This can be quite successful for adept practitioners, but for those new to their ascension process are advised to become familiar with one system before exploring or developing another.
Keep in mind that every ascension process involves facing challenges, internal, external and spiritual. When you encounter such challenges, they will become the ordeal by which you prove to yourself the efficacy of your practice and understanding. No matter what path you choose, always be true to yourself and your own ascension. And be true to the discipline that is offered by that tradition until the time comes where your growth requires following a different discipline.
Is Quantum Entanglement the Key to Spiritual Ascension?

The mythologies of disparate cultures describe mystics who contact a divine light being, an avatar or angelic figure, and descend from a pure and perfected realm. These stories also describe representatives of our so-called reality who incarnate in human form and enter human consciousness to lead us back to an illumined realm.
We may know some of these beings by name, including Jesus, Buddha, and Krishna, while others have served humanity discretely and in anonymity. Now, with the expanded awareness provided by quantum physics — and thanks to teachers like William Henry — it is possible to better realign our own sense of existence and return to our rightful place as spiritual beings who have (metaphorically) fallen from grace or forgotten who we are.
William Henry, author, investigative mythologist, and art historian incorporates historical, religious, spiritual, scientific, and archaeological information into theories about the human condition, spirituality, and where we are headed as a species. In “The Awakened Soul: The Lost Science of Ascension,” and in an episode of his show Ascension Keepers, he posits the idea that we must begin to think like the angels. And one of the capabilities of angels, he says, is teleportation.
Relating his ideas to leading-edge physics, Henry suggests the way back to our spiritual roots is through quantum entanglement. Scientists explain that quantum entanglement describes how multiple particles can be linked together in a way, such that the measurement of one particle’s quantum state determines the possible quantum states of the other particles. This connection does not depend on location of the particles in space.