Goddess Guide: Mantra and Mudra

Goddess Guide: Mantra and Mudra

When I was 15, I met a goddess on the NYC subway. I had lied my way into scoring a weekend pass away from my all-girls boarding school in upstate New York. Three trains and a subway later, I was in the city and looking to get into trouble. Sitting on the downtown line a flash of red caught my eye. I turned and saw Wonder Woman. Riding the subway.

I felt the immediate collision between my adolescent agenda to misbehave and Wonder Woman’s destiny to fight injustice. As if ensnared by her Lasso of Truth, I decided to forgo my punkass plan, got off at the next stop and slowly retraced my way back to school. I knew that it wasn’t really Wonder Woman on that subway, it was just a tall woman in a crazy red and blue sequined outfit, but in that moment I was suddenly open to more than just my self-serving perspective. I believe that’s the great power of deities and what we love about them.

I’ve traveled a lot and worked all over the world, and have seen a lot of Goddesses. In Thailand, I saw temple paintings of the Goddess Manimekhala, said to be the goddess of lightning and the seas. When I was in India the first time, I visited many many temples including one of the most renowned temples of Goddess Durga, the Jwalamukhi Devi temple in Himachal Pradesh. Try going to India and not visiting a temple; they are everywhere! Like sets of Russian dolls, there are tiny temples increasing in size, all leading towards the actual temple you’re seeking. On my second visit to India, I attended a puja (ceremony) honoring the goddess Kali.

When we hear the word Goddess, we typically think of is everything from the Virgin Mary to Xena Warrior Princess. All of these connections are born out of the stories or myths that we’ve heard; and they exist in nearly every culture imaginable.

Myths are one of the ways we try to explain the things in the world that seem to defy our understanding. We have myths explaining why winter turns into spring. We have myths for why the sun travels across the sky each day.

The tradition of yoga is steeped in story.

Stories that cover everything from breathing patterns to the shapes we take with our bodies (asanas), and our hands (mudras), to the sounds (mantras) that connect us vibrationally to the physical world. The Sanskrit word mantra is comprised of two words:

  • Manas, meaning mind, specifically the space of the mind in which the heart and mind align (a place void of mental chatter; an openhearted mental space)
  • Tra, tools or instruments, specifically the emanation of the space of manas or vibrational/sonic expression of manas

The Goddess Guide

Here are some descriptions, mantras and mudras for four of the most popular goddesses in the yogic tradition: Lakshmi, Saraswati, Durga, and Kali. In fact I’ll toss in a few more: Sita, Usas, Yemaya for good measure.


I saw a beautiful tattoo of Lakshmi once, it covered this guy’s entire back. She was depicted with four arms coming out of her body and hands holding symbols of wealth (symbolic of ethics, wealth, love, and liberation. These are the four good goals of humanity according to Hinduism). Lakshmi is the one you want for your personal wealth management consultant, because trust me, she’s got it all.

She’s got prosperity, beauty, grace and generosity. And she’s goal oriented; she knows and understands goals. That’s the essence of her name: that the goal of life is to be prosperous, in both worldly and spiritual ways. Lakshmi is also where we derive our English word ”luck”. You want Lakshmi on the payroll. She’s not afraid of giving and receiving abundance. She’s like Lady Gaga working at Charles Schwab. All the abundance you can handle.


Lakshmi is represented by holding one or both hands in what called Kapitta Hasta. With the palm facing outward, curl the middle, ring, and pinky fingers into the center of the palm. Bend the index finger at the middle knuckle and press the thumb to the outer side of the index finger.


Om Shri Maha Lakshmyai Namah salutations to great goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of fortune and wealth.


Saraswati is probably having lunch with David Bowie right now. She’s all about the music, the arts, communication and the sciences. You climb the mountain and want inspiration? Saraswati is probably sitting at the top. On a lotus. And her white clothes and fair complexion don’t show a spot of dirt. She too has multiple arms holding a Veena (string instrument) for all manifest sound/music, a rosary, symbolizing the power of meditation, and the vedas, ancient, sung verses containing the wisdom to maneuver through life’s difficulties.


Bend the right elbow, with the right hand in front near the chest with thumb and middle finger touching, index finger extended. The left arm is raised with the left hand in Kapitta Hasta mudra.


When we are wanting inspiration, or searching for the right words to say, chant to Saraswati. Aum Shri Saraswati Namaha. May I recognize the wisdom within me.


Durga should have been one of the X Men. Let me tell you why. She’s often depicted with 8-10 arms; each bearing a different weapon. And she rides lion. Durga is a protector who removes misery and eliminates suffering. Basically a badass mama whose got your back. The word “Durga”; in Sanskrit means a fort or place virtually impossible to overrun. She’s essentially indestructible.


Make fists with both hands. Cross thumb under curled index finger on each hand. The Durga mudra simultaneously creates courage and calm.


Om Dum Durgayei Namaha invokes the feminine energy which protects from all negative influences.


If the day your boyfriend left you was also the day you wrecked your car, and was the same day you found out your dog was sick, then congratulations, you’ve met Kali. And the thing about Kali is that she’s not one thing. She’s this elemental force of change; death is always transformation, change is always death. Kali’s job is to kill the other thing you did not choose; she operates in the realm of discernment. She’s most often represented wearing a necklace of heads, and a skirt make of human arms. Kali wields a knife dripping with blood. For real.


Interlace all the fingers and the thumbs together in front of the chest. Extend the index fingers, with pads pressing against each other and point index fingers upward.


Om Krim Kalikayai Namah I bow my head to the Goddess Kali.

Goddesses All Around

Lakshmi, Saraswati, Durga and Kali are by no means the only Goddesses out there. There’s Usas (Ushas) who’s the Goddess of the dawn, Sita, an avatar of Lakshmi; she’s the perfect wife to Ram, the revered June Cleaver of the Hindu world. And Yemaya, the Goddess of the ocean.

And if none of these goddesses turn you on, guess what, you’ve got a lot of other choices. There are powerful, feminized mythological figures out there for every human condition, for every human emotion for everything that happens throughout the world. Here’s the bottom line. These names are ancient and these characters are mythological.

But to believe in the sacred feminine, to believe in the role and the presence of all of these goddesses is to believe they are here today. They are not just stories from ancient history. They are part of how we live and interact with one another today. You have these goddesses within you. And they are all around you.

They are in line with you at Starbucks. They are in front of you on the escalator at the mall. Look for these goddesses everywhere. Don’t just look for them in history books or on the walls of temples. Go find them. Be them.

Hanuman; The Ancient Monkey-Superman

The monkey god Hanuman, was given the birth name Anjaneya (powerful, fiery). He earned this name Hanuman when he was quite young. Playing in some green, grassy fields, Hanuman looked up and saw a big, orange, juicy sun and mistook it for a giant mango. Monkeys love mangoes! 

He decided to leap into the sky and steal the mango for his afternoon snack. Indra Devi, the Sky God, saw what was happening on his home turf and became quite angry at Hanuman’s imposition, so he began throwing lightning bolts every which way. One of the lightning bolts hit Hanuman in the jaw (‘Hanu’ means jaw) and propelled him to the earth where he landed with a dramatic thump, killing him.

All the deities panicked in seeing his lifeless little body. They knew Hanuman’s dad would be furious, and he was. Vayu, the God of the Wind, saw his little son lying on the ground, lifeless. He went into grief and rage and started sucking the air out of the universe. Everything started to wither, shrivel up, and die; just like young Hanuman.

The deities came out from where they were hiding and begged Vayu to restore balance to the universe, to give it back its ability to live, breathe, and exist. Vayu claimed he would only do so if they brought his son back to life. Everyone readily agreed, as each deity walked over to Hanuman’s lifeless body and touched him. Each god who touched him infused a little life back into him, and unbeknownst to Hanuman, a little bit of their power.

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