Learn to Manipulate Home Energy for a Harmonious House

The energy in your home is important. Home is the place where you recharge and reboot, and if you don’t have harmony in your home base, it makes it difficult to have it live a harmonious lifestyle. So goes the thought of feng shui, an ancient Eastern practice that seeks to guide your life according to the energies put forth in your house.
A little about feng shui: it originates from China as a philosophical system of harmonizing the human existence with the surrounding environment. The two Chinese words the practice derives from translate to “wind-water.” Feng shui is one of the 5 Arts of Chinese Metaphysics, tapping into the observation of appearances through formulas and calculations. Feng shui isn’t some random bit of vague, mystical practice; it’s a highly-cultivated, [ancient art] that uses numbers and patterns (/series/feng-shui-life) to bind the invisible forces of universe, earth, and man. It is also very specific to you, your Kua number, your Chinese Zodiac animal, and your birth element (consult the chart on this page for your own!).
Ready to begin? There are just a few tenants you need to be aware of:
Make Some Space
Clean out the clutter. If it’s been in your house for years and you haven’t used it (or have thought of throwing it out on more than one occasion), it should go bye-bye. If this sounds like a horrific chore, you may be surprised. Throwing out old junk and space-taking useless items is quite therapeutic. It’s also not a step you can skip. Sorting through the old energies at home is vital to creating harmonious house feng shui.
Let the Light (and Air) In
You can’t have good feng shui energy without these two elements! Of course, we mean introducing natural light and air into your home more often. Open the shades more often, crack a window, or start growing some feng shui air-purifying plants. Essential oils are a good way to clear the air in your home, as well.
The Feng Shui “Trinity”
While you’re in the planning stages, make sure you pay extra attention to three spaces in particular that are deeply connected to your health. They are the bedroom, the bathroom, and your kitchen.
Bagua is the feng shui energy map of your house that you will need to figure out for yourself. The two methods are classical school bagua (staying true to the traditional Eastern conventions or the BTB, or Western bagua. All it involves is a floor plan, paper, and pencils, and then drawing out a grid that will help you align with the correct areas you wish to develop, such as personal growth and cultivation, career/path in life, health/family, and children/creativity.
Five Feng Shui Elements
These are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water, and they each have their own colors. Utilize the power of color to bring these five elements into balance in correspondence to the bagua areas. Each color has its own power, as well, such as green for improving health in the East feng shui bagua area in your house.
Your Feng Shui Birth Element
You were born on a certain day and year, and that specific time corresponds to a particular element. Check the chart on this page for your personal element. Be aware, however, that Chinese calendars are different than Western ones, so align your “birthday” with the Eastern timeline.
Kua Number & Lucky Direction
This affects the best energy you stand to gain. By doing things like facing your bed or desk a certain direction depending on your Kua number, you can seek to gain specific fortunes, like Money and Success, Better Health, Spiritual Growth, Love and Marriage, and so on. Figure out your number, and then figure out what you’re seeking, and align your furniture accordingly.
Energy Mindfulness
Energy, by its very definition, is a force in motion. Practicing feng shui once does not keep your house aligned with the energies permanently, so be mindful of your surroundings and make adjustments as needed. Happy Harmonizing!
Life Path Number: A Full Numerology Report

Numerology has been used for thousands of years to help determine meaning in the greater cosmic plan. Each letter in your name has a numeric value and each number can be reduced to a single vibration. The numeric values found in your name interact with the numbers in your birthdate to reflect certain aptitudes and character tendencies. In your numerology report, your Life Path Number is perhaps the most important in determining your most fulfilling life direction. Derived from your date of birth, your life path number identifies your skills and abilities, the negative traits that you must balance, and even the motivation and purpose of your life.
Calculate your Life Path Number
Finding your Life Path Number is easy and requires only a little simple addition. Start by writing down your birthday.
In your numerology report, every meaningful number is reduced down to the vibration of a single digit. For example, 20 is reduced to 2 (2+0=2) and 31 is reduced to 4 (3+1=4). The exception to this rule is for “Master Numbers” 11 and 22. These numbers have special meaning and are never reduced when calculating your life path.