Balance Your Chakras with a Pendulum

Balance Your Chakras with a Pendulum

Pendulums come in all shapes and sizes. They are quite simply tools that help us detect our energetic field. They are tuned to subtle vibrations and a good chakra pendulum can help us clear, balance and heal our bodies.

A pendulum is a weight hanging from a fixed point. When pulled and released, the forces of gravity and inertia create movement. However, when no force is inflicted on the weight, something begins to happen naturally; energy moves the weight with a little help from the unconscious mind. Pendulums feel magical, for even when held completely still, they begin to move in detection of the invisible energy around us.

The chakra system is the field of gentle subtle energy that animates our physical bodies. When these are out of alignment, we can be pulled in several directions and feel off center from our most natural state of well being.

When placed over the 7 chakra centers (the 7 primary centers are most used) the pendulum will move, showing us both the direction and size of the energy the chakra is emitting. The energy level will reveal balance, imbalance, or energy blocks.

The pendulum for chakra balancing is a tool of diagnosis to help us better maintain our energy, spirit and physical body.

Choose Your Pendulum

Choosing a pendulum is a very personal task and I prefer having hands on access.

Allow yourself the chance to be drawn to one. Is there one that catches your eye or calls your attention? Don’t touch at first, just observe. Look at the shapes and colors. Some are made of wood, metal or crystals. I find crystals work best for me, but the choice is solely yours and yours alone. Which one are you drawn to? When you do choose one, hold it it to feel its energy. What is the message coming from the pendulum before you do anything at all?

Hold the string between your thumb and forefinger. Extend your arm so the pendulum resides at the level of your heart for this first encounter. When holding the pendulum, ask it if it is willing to assist you. Taking a moment to link psychically with the tool is not only good manners but sets the stage for a productive working relationship. If you feel a lift in your spirit, a clear yes has been given. If you feel any pull or resistance, kindly move along and choose another.

Once you have connected with a pendulum, clear your mind and hold it still at the level of your heart. Ask it to show you your “yes” then wait for it to stop. The ask it to show you your “no”. We always want the pendulum to stop moving on its own for this indicates it has shared all it has to reveal.

When you have found a pendulum that responds, you may also ask if this pendulum is willing to work with you in an ongoing partnership. This would be a final step to honor its wisdom and cultivate respect before your purchase.

Discover the Direction of Yes and No

My yes and no tend to be the same regardless of what pendulum I use. While mine move side to side and front and back, others may see the energy move in circles or diagonally. This will be the work of partnership in creating a relationship of trust. Once your pendulum “sets” yes and no, it shouldn’t change over time. A change in directions may indicate a deeper block in your own field.

How to Cleanse Your Pendulum

As this is a tool of the sacred, please cleanse your pendulum before putting it to work. You may choose to keep it under your pillow, on a window ledge to absorb the sun and moon, or outside in the earth. As you would cleanse crystals, also cleanse your chakra pendulum to ensure it maintains a clean working field.

How to Find Answers With Your Pendulum

I have one shiva lingham stone pendulum I use exclusively on clients while others are purely for my personal work.

Pendulums will be affected by our thoughts, so it is imperative that you first be in a clear space, without attachment, so that you may rely on this tool’s unbiased response. The pendulum, as an extension of the person using it, may be influenced both consciously and subconsciously making the responses accurate, as well as inaccurate. Wishful thinking or a preconceived outcome, however slight, can be magnified, making the use of the pendulum in that instance ineffective.

Trust your pendulum and the ability to clear your mind when asking questions.

Your mind can play heavily on responses, so you must be neutral when asking and be sure not to ask questions that elevate your own energy field.

Pendulums are excellent at finding things that are lost (and therefore neutral) but can get a little muddy when relying on it to make big decisions. I once was at a workshop where a woman was using her pendulum to validate everything the teacher was offering us. This level of reliance to me feels unfair and out of balance. These are tools to assist us: they are not material things upon which we rely too heavily.

So please, don’t let your pendulum make life choices for you. While it may offer one avenue of knowingness, it is your own heart and the truth within that should direct final decisions.

How to Use the Pendulum to Balance Chakras

When you are ready to embark on your healing work, pendulums are excellent at balancing the chakras.

Place the pendulum over the chakra center (3rd eye for instance would be over the center of the forehead whereas the 2nd chakra would be at the center of the body just below the navel). Wait for the pendulum to begin moving on its own to show you the size and direction this wheel of energy is moving. Start at the root or crown and one by one, make your way through each chakra simply gathering information at first.

Ideally you should notice the direction and size of each chakra to be the same. An erratic swing of the pendulum will show you where someone is off balance. If no movement is detected, there is a block in the energy field and it will need to be addressed. Once you’ve checked all the fields, go back and invite each one to come into harmony.

Harmony is the natural frequency of the universe and needs to be restored gently.

You are not making anything happen, you are simply asking the wisdom of the body to correct itself.

If working on another person, you may ask them to invite this harmony while talking with them about the colors and functions of each center. This empowers others to know they can heal themselves and need not rely on a healer to “fix” them. The chakra pendulum is a tool for diagnosis but the healing will occur by simply asking the body to realign itself. When you have addressed all the kinks, go back and ensure the chakras are all moving in the same direction and are about the same size.

We are wise beyond our remembrance at times and come to rely on tools and others to make us better. The beauty of a pendulum for chakra balancing is that is so accessible. It is an easy tool of self care and one that requires little investment and minimal effort.

Balance Your Seven Chakras Through the Power of Affirmations

As you may realize by now, there are lots of ways to balance your chakras. Did you know that affirmations is one of the most powerful ones? It’s all because our thoughts create our reality, and by regularly practicing positive chakra balancing affirmations, we can achieve results in our lives that we couldn’t even imagine!

If you need a refresher on chakras, the word “chakra” derives from the Sanskrit language and literally translates into “spinning wheel.” Understanding our chakras has its roots even in ancient yogic traditions. There are seven major chakras or energy centers in our body, each of which corresponding to a particular color-coded vibrational frequency in the universe which influences our physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. When our chakras are perfectly aligned with the universal flow of energy, every aspect of our life becomes harmonious and joyful. In balance with your chakras, you reclaim perfect health, and your love and passion for life is made new again.

Ready to get started? Sit or lie down in a quiet place and focus on the location of each chakra. You can say these out loud, or you can silently meditate on each affirmation; whatever you are most comfortable with. Be sure to visualize a wheel spinning face-up in a clockwise direction in the specific color frequency of each chakra as you proceed:

  1. Root Chakra

The root chakra is located at the base of our spine and corresponds to the color red. This chakra relates to our basic human instinct for survival, security and stability.


“I am a divine being of light, and I am peaceful, protected and secure.”

  1. Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra is located just below our navel in our lower abdominal region. The color of this chakra is a deep, saturated orange and relates to reproduction on a physical level, creativity and joy and relationships on an emotional level and our energy and passions on a spiritual level.


“I am radiant, beautiful and strong and enjoy a healthy and passionate life.”

  1. Solar Plexus Chakra

This chakra is located above our navel and directly in our stomach area. The solar plexus chakra therefore plays a vital role in digestion and glows in a bright yellow color. This chakra deals with growth and pertains to issues of the intellect, personal power, control and spiritual evolution.


“I am positively empowered and successful in all my ventures.”

  1. Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is located in the centre of the chest and spins with the vibrant green color of spring. This chakra is one of the most important meditation tools for cleansing and clearing spiritual imbalances. The key issues related to the heart chakra are unconditional love, compassion and wellbeing.


“Love is the answer to everything in life, and I give and receive love effortlessly and unconditionally.”

  1. Throat Chakra

This chakra is centered in our throat and exudes a pale blue light. The throat chakra governs our ability to express and communicate clear thoughts and ideas. It is also related to truth, maturity, independence and the ability to trust others.


“My thoughts are positive, and I always express myself truthfully and clearly.”

  1. Third Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra is positioned in the center of our forehead, between our eyebrows. Also known as the brow chakra, it spins in a deep saturated dark blue hue and helps us tap into our inner guidance and divine vision. This chakra deals with developing intuitive clarity, releasing repressed emotions and attaining self realization.


“I am tuned into the divine universal wisdom and always understand the true meaning of life situations.”

  1. Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is located at the top of our head or in the crown area and corresponds to the violet color. The role of this chakra is based in awakening consciousness and attaining enlightenment through the integration of the self into the one universal form of intelligence.


“I am complete and one with the divine energy.”

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