How to Protect Yourself from 5G and EMF Radiation

For a company to push innovation forward, they must first lobby for laws in their favor. Sometimes they lobby for the removal of laws. It’s all about what most serves their wealthy board members, shareholders, and revenue.
Industries like pharmaceuticals, dairy, manufacturing, energy, and wireless tech, plus many more, spend billions of dollars annually to successfully protect their agendas, pay packages, and profits through lobbying.
We might think that the government prioritizes our best interests, but this is rarely the case, and the rush to allow an unregulated 5G wireless infrastructure is a prime example of this. Which is why you should know how to protect yourself from 5G and EMF radiation.
How Tech Innovation Works
- Companies unearth an idea that’s years ahead of its time.
- The moment they file a patent, they hire lobbyists to set the stage for their technology’s success, whether it’s dangerous to the public or not.
- Tech is built-in stealth. Testing is limited. The focus is on profit.
- Through lobbying, secret payoffs, mutually self-serving deals, and insane incentives, laws are gutted and rushed. The public has little choice in the matter. In the end, everybody loses.
Because we have no laws in place that genuinely protect humanity from greed, and many regulations that glorify the corporation, the agendas of technology companies will continue to supersede the health of the planet and all living-beings for years to come.
What are EMFs, and why do we care about 5G Radiation Dangers?
An electron is a subatomic particle that’s charged with negative electricity. This is how electricity is delivered throughout the world. An electromagnetic field, often referred to as an EMF, is born when electrons begin to accelerate. Upon movement, charged particles create fields. The realm of this field, the range of frequencies of radiation, is known as its radiation spectrum. When compared to the cute little spectrums of radio frequencies, 5G’s radiation spectrum is a beast.
5G (or 5th Generation) technology refers to the latest trend in wireless systems, involving larger channels, higher speeds, and the ability to connect a host of devices from one location. As related to EMFs, having 5G in your neighborhood is like turning on a microwave oven in every room of your house, and opening all the oven doors.
With 5G towers and mini-stations being installed throughout every city and neighborhood, we appear to be building a global microwave oven. Oh, and I forgot to mention: microwaves cause cancer.
There has been minimal testing of the effects of 5G, but over 180 scientists in 40 countries have already proclaimed, “Stop 5G. It could kill us.” At the very least, 5G can cause nausea, hair loss, depression, confusion, and infection. Short of a revolution, 5G will evolve into 10G, and so on. These futuristic technology companies aren’t entirely to blame; it’s also our individual and collective addictions to our devices that have brought us here.
How to Shield Yourself From 5g
Since there’s little chance of a significant shift in how these types of technologies are tested and approved, the only thing we can do is prepare for the onslaught of radioactive frequencies. If we research like scientists and establish protective plans, we can mitigate EMFs and their effects on our health.
Here is a comprehensive list of how you can protect yourself:
PURCHASE EMF SHIELDS: Purchase an EMF shield, and continue to measure the levels of radiation within 100 feet of your home. Research all the consumer products in this category so that you can protect yourself as much as possible.
STAY EDUCATED: Continually educate yourself about the wireless industry and the global, governmental support of this insane endeavor.
TECH TIME-OUT: Refrain from using your cell phone for long periods of time, including never keeping your cell phone in your bedroom. If possible, keep your mobile devices five to ten feet away from you. When traveling with your cell phone, store it in an EMF protective bag.
BE PROACTIVE & STAY OUT OF FEAR: Remain positive and strong, and continue to improve your vibration through positive thinking, forgiveness, and with increased attention toward mental, emotional, and physical health.
LEARN TO GROW YOUR FOOD: Food born from our soil can improve our vibrations. Our vibrations are akin to electromagnetic fields because they birth fields of energy and light that inhabit and surround our bodies, which can protect us. Many enlightened masters have said that it is time for the pendulum to swing the other way, in that, we must learn to break our dependencies on manufactured food. We must learn to grow lettuce, potatoes, carrots, fruit, and more. Amma, The Hugging Saint, once said to me, “To start, learn to grow enough food for one day per week. Over time, you can learn to do more.”
LOVE: Focus on loving yourself and your family. Love has a profound effect on our health. It also can shield us from darkness, negative energy, and quite possibly, EMFs. Spiritual masters have been embodying love for centuries. A few examples include Jesus, Mother Mary, Buddha, Guanyin, Krishna, Amma (there have been many), Lau Tzu, Guru Nanak, Paramahansa Yogananda, and many more.
EAT SUNLIGHT: We often forget how powerful sunlight is for our health. In addition to Vitamin D, super powders and supergrasses can drastically improve our energy, immune systems, emotions, and overall health. They’re infused with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Try some of these and monitor how your physical and emotional bodies improve: Barley grass, Chlorella, Alfalfa herb, Wheatgrass, Moringa (drumstick/horseradish tree), and Spirulina. The nutrients found in these powerful foods can quickly improve our health and vibrations.
SUPERFOODS: Superfoods can quicken your healing and improve your body’s ability to protect itself. Here are some of the most nutrient-filled vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds on planet earth: kale, Swiss chard, collard greens, turnip greens, spinach, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, green tea, eggs, turmeric, garlic, ginger, lentils, peas, peanuts, alfalfa, pecans, pistachios, walnuts, cashews, Brazil nuts, macadamia nuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, flaxseeds, hemp seeds, kefir, yogurt, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, and seaweed.
EARTHING: Spend at least two hours in the forest every week. Trees absorb our negative energies, improve our immune systems, and nourish our hearts and souls. Hugging a tree and walking barefoot in the woods can change your health, mind, attitude, thoughts, and intentions, and therefore, your current life-trajectory. Connecting with the earth in this way feeds our meridians and electromagnetic systems, which in turn can protect and empower us.
CRYSTALS: Consider purchasing Orgonite, which reportedly scatters electromagnetic fields and turns them into beneficial ones. Dr. Wilhelm Reich developed this unique composite. Elite Shungite is an equally powerful, EMF resistant stone. Crystals, gems, and stones are living beings. Talk to them, love them, infuse them with light – and they will do the same for you.
CHOOSE YOUR HOME WISELY: If possible, do not live near a cell tower or mini-station. Also, get involved in local politics so that you can learn about all of the potentially dangerous plans your city council has in store for you.
We all know that it’s not solely about 5G. There’s fluoride in our water, carcinogens in our farming processes, and insidious greed at the foundation of our health industry. There is no turning back without a thoughtful, conscious, non-violent revolution.
The only way we can evolve is to become educated, proactive, and self-sufficient. If we do these things correctly, we can reduce our dependencies on corporate and government systems, which would reduce their profits and decrease our personal expenses. While being little sheep feels cute and heartwarming, sometimes it’s vital to become the wolf.
Meteorologists Baffled by 50-Mile Wide Radar Anomaly in Midwest

On Dec. 10, a mysterious, 50-mile-wide radar anomaly passed from southeastern Illinois into Kentucky, eventually breaking up after lingering in the air for over 10 hours. The National Weather Service (NWS) and local meteorologists were baffled by the stream, asking the public to report on Twitter if they noticed anything visible in the skies.
The strange anomaly appeared around 3 p.m. CST as a blip on NWS doppler radar just south of Olney, IL, before continuing to expand as it moved south through Indiana and across the Kentucky border. The phenomenon was quickly given the hashtag #tristatewx, with speculation ranging from a flock of birds, to secret military operations, or an explosion of material raining down from space.
The most likely explanation though, is a military countermeasure called chaff, developed during WWII to scramble enemy radar. Doppler radar works by measuring the reflectivity of precipitation in the air, so in order to confuse radar the military realized it could release other types of material, including thin aluminum and metallic glass fibers to allow aircraft to travel undetected.
Aside from the questionable nature of chaff – regarding its environmental safety and the general lack in public knowledge of its use – it’s a common occurrence for meteorologists, who are typically forewarned by the military when it’s released.
In this case however, neither the Air Force nor any other branch took responsibility or gave notice to the National Weather Service that it would release chaff.