Group Intention Experiments Shown to Have Measurable Healing Effect

In the field of research being done on intention and manifesting, Lynne Mctaggart is legendary. Her latest revolutionary experiments show the power of group intention to heal.
Mctaggart is a journalist and bestselling author, world-renowned for her groundbreaking work on consciousness and the power of intention. She is also the architect of “The Intention Experiment,” a global laboratory involving thousands of participants testing the power of group thoughts to heal the world.
Her research has repeatedly shown the profound effect thoughts have on reality.
“We’re all a batch of vibrating packets of energy so there’s nothing solid or stable about us (and) there’s nothing solid or stable about the world,” McTaggart said.
“In between different objects is a giant quantum energy field, we’re all in the field, and our subatomic particles make up the field. So, because we are energy, energy is changing at every moment at the subatomic level, nothing is an actual anything yet, it’s every possible state all at once. What they’ve found is what turns that potential of something into something real is an observer. So, our consciousness, our ability to observe, our ability to intend also makes us a creator.”
McTaggart’s intention experiments, running since 2007, are some of the first controlled explorations of the power of mass intention. In these experiments, she invites an audience to send a specific thought to affect a target, after which a team of scientists calculates the results to measure possible change.
“I’ve run 40 intention experiments — everything from trying to make plants grow faster, seeds grow faster, to purifying water, to lowering violence in war-torn areas or violent areas, to even healing someone with PTSD,” McTaggart said. “Of those 40, 35 have shown measurable, positive, mostly significant effects as measured by teams of scientists at different prestigious universities. So, we’ve got lots of evidence that thoughts are things that affect other things.”
Of particular significance to McTaggart are her peace experiments, which include the two she has now done on the 10th and 20th anniversaries of 9/11.
“What I have observed since 2011, was when I bring warring tribes together to do an intention, they start forgiving each other. So I first did that with Arabs and Americans on the 10th anniversary of 9/11, and we sent intention to two southern provinces in Afghanistan, which were the most violent areas of Afghanistan,” McTaggart said.
“Now, studies from NATO afterward showed very intriguing evidence which showed a huge lowering of violence in just those two provinces. But in my mind, the most important and interesting part of the study was that the Arabs and Americans started writing to each other on my instant messenger pages. They started befriending each other and forgiving each other.”
Her most recent intention experiment was done around the time of the 2021 presidential inauguration to try to bring together polarized Americans.
“Right before the inauguration, after we had that storming of the capital, I invited Republicans, Democrats, members of the police, African Americans, former jihadists — we had people of all political persuasions coming together doing an intention for peace at the capital for the inauguration, and it was an extraordinary lovefest,” McTaggart said.
The effects of these peace experiments have been profound, both on a mass and individual scale.
“From 2008 I started surveying the audience to say, ‘How was that for you?’ and I was astounded to see that people were having extraordinary changes in their lives. They made up with estranged partners, they were more connected to their not-so-nice boss, they were hugging strangers essentially,” McTaggart said. “Just about half, every single time, say they are more loving with everyone they come into contact with. So, that involvement in a peace experiment reflected back on them, and their lives became more peaceful.”
What is it that accounts for these transformational effects?
“I think that there are several pieces here. I think a giant piece is intention, of course, our ability to be creators. A second big piece here is altruism. You know, we are so involved in self-help in the personal development world and we don’t think much about other help, but other help isn’t just a nice thing to do. All the studies show that when you do things for other people, no matter how small, you live a longer, healthier, happier life. Group effect, I mean I’ve been fascinated to see, groups create remarkable change,” McTaggart said.
Can these effects be seen when done in smaller groups? McTaggart first tested this idea in 2008 when she first began her power of eight groups, in which people in small groups send and receive healing intentions. Since then, she has seen some truly astounding results.
“We experimented, and I’ve experimented, and now put thousands of people in groups. We’ve had extraordinary healings; everything from people getting up out of their wheelchair, to reversing stage 4 cancer, to healing life-threatening sepsis. I think it’s this powerful element of being able to give and receive,” McTaggart said.
More on the extraordinary power of intention in these small groups in part two of our special investigation into the power of group intention.
Scientists Find the Mind Has Power to Manipulate Matter

A groundbreaking new experiment shows the power of the mind to influence matter.
The Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), founded in 1973 by astronaut Edgar Mitchell, has for decades been at the forefront of scientific research into psychic phenomena and the nature of consciousness. Much of their study has been around psychophysical phenomena or the ways in which our mind or consciousness affects the physical world of matter. In a new experiment, scientists added a novel element from the world of quantum physics which may prove to be quite significant.
Dr. Dean Radin the chief scientist at IONS and the head of the study said, “It has been said that there are strange things associated with quantum mechanics that are very similar to strange things associated with psychic phenomena.”
“The two things in quantum mechanics that are often called ‘weird’ because they’re strange, involve a property called non-locality, which means that objects even though they’re separated in space, are somehow still connected. This is what Einstein called ‘spooky action at a distance,’ and it took roughly 60 years for scientists to figure out ways of telling whether or not things really were connected in a non-local way. So, now we not only know that is a fact but there are technologies being used that use this property of non-locality.”
“So that’s one thing, the second thing in quantum mechanics is the notion that the observer simply by observing a system can change its behavior,” he said.