Meditation for Connecting with the Goddess

From Bastet to Artemis, throughout history, the presence of goddesses have been written into human lore and mythology. But what does a modern goddess mean for us today?
The modern Goddess is often connected with Wicca, or paganism, but it’s important to hold to her image very broadly. All goddesses are considered different reflections of the one Divine Mother. Pinning the Goddess down is a challenge, as believers state she expresses herself in many different ways in the physical, mental and spiritual planes.
According to Wikipedia, some people in the Goddess movement recognize multiple goddesses. Some also include gods. While others honor what they refer to as “the Goddess”, which is not necessarily seen as monotheistic, but is often understood to be an inclusive, encompassing term incorporating many goddesses in many different cultures. The term “the Goddess” may also be understood to include a multiplicity of ways to view deity personified as female, or as a metaphor, or as a process. Other names she has include the One Goddess, Divine Mother , the Great Mother, the Divine Feminine, and the One (or Source) Energy. As other believers put it, “She is the embodiment of the divine feminine. She is Mother Nature, the Earth– Gaia; she is fertility and the turning of the seasons. She is the cycle of birth, life, death, and regeneration– or rebirth; she is the Creatrix of all that is, was, and will be. Where the God is hard and unyielding, the Goddess is soft and pliant, embracing the individual and human diversity, allowing for growth and expansion.”
The concept of a goddess can sound very abstract, which is why using a guided meditation can be of such importance. BeliefNet has a great one that is very visualization-heavy, and yet offers excellent guidance. Find out for yourself what this deity means to you:
Goddess Meditation
1. Begin your meditation by sitting in a quiet place. Mentally surround yourself with a zone of silence as if you have drawn a veil between yourself and the world. Gradually, begin to slow the rhythm of your breath. As you inhale, then exhale, let your breath carry you deeper and deeper within. As the distractions of everyday life fall away, let your awareness drop down into the inner chamber of your heart.
2. Next, imagine that you find yourself walking along a pathway that leads you further and further away from civilization, and deep into the heart of a primeval forest. As you follow this trail, imagine that you are winding around and among trees that are hundreds of years old. Flowers carpet the ground and birds sing. In the distance you hear the muffled roar of the ocean waves, rising and falling, rising and falling, like music. Your heartbeat, your breath, and the ocean waves keep time with the rhythm of nature.
3. Soon the path you are on brings you to a tiny, crumbling, stone sanctuary, a place so old and hidden it had been forgotten by time. Thickly covered with vines and gnarled branches, it is clear that no one entered this chapel in centuries, perhaps even thousands of years. Intuitively you sense that something mysterious yet deeply familiar lies within this ruin of a forgotten shrine. Slowly you push open the door and enter. As you open the door, something old and timeless opens within your soul as well.
4. Once across the threshold, you find yourself immersed in an atmosphere that is sacred and holy. Vaulted ceilings arch over a rough, stone altar at the front. Candles are burning, there is a smell of fragrant incense. On an altar stands a statue of the female deity, the Goddess. Her face is so old and dark with time, the lines on her body so worn from the touch of praying hands that you cannot even tell what religion she belongs to. She is simply the Mother, god as a woman, the one to whom the world turns in all its grief and suffering. She is Sofia, Kwan Yin, Mary, Sarah, Fatima, White Buffalo Woman, Isis, Sita, Innanna, and Demeter. She is all the feminine faces of God, but she is more than that. She is the mother of life itself.
5. Kneeling before her in reverence, you bow your head in prayer. Immediately you are embraced by her being, and the cares and worries of the world fall away, soothed in her loving acceptance of all your human faults and frailties. Entering even more deeply into your meditation the statue you are praying before suddenly comes alive as a real being and now you find yourself before the mystery of the living mother of all creation.
6. As she comes to life, the chapel fills with a warm and golden light. Now the face of the ancient mother becomes animated with feeling. Seated before her you gaze into each other’s eyes. She penetrates your soul with a glance that loves you to the core of your very being. Emotions of sweetness, mercy, and loving forgiveness emanate from her, sweeping over you in waves of bliss, healing all the parts of your that are hurt, broken, and wounded. Held within her arms, taken onto her lap, you become like a little child with its mother. You touch her hair, her face in loving affection, and feel her loving affection for you in return.
7. Going more deeply into this experience you begin to feel as if the body of the ancient mother is the gateway to the body of creation itself. Going beyond her form, you enter into communion with the body of the earth — all her creatures, trees, oceans, rivers, mountains, cities, and people. Going even beyond the earth, feel the body of the ancient mother expand into space, becoming the bodies of the stars and the planets and the whirling galaxies that are spread over the universe like a mantle of bright jewels.
8. Held in the womb of this mystery you feel a powerful force, holy energy, and the breath of life, the soul of the cosmos. Feel your heartbeat in rhythm with the rhythm of life itself. Slowly begin to return your awareness to your body, still seated before the ancient mother in prayer. Inhale deeply, taking into every cell of your body, every thought in your mind her cherishing nourishing life-sustaining love. Exhale, letting this energy flow out of you like a river of grace watering your life and all those you know and care for, with a stream of blessings, happiness, and well-being.
9. Now close your meditation bowing once more before the ancient mother. Rise and exit from her humble little sanctuary, closing the door behind you. As you make your way along the path back to the life you left behind, remember that you carry within your heart a precious secret: faith in the goodness of life, the gift of love of the Divine Mother of the world.
How Rose Quartz Can Help Your Meditation Practice

Crystals are among our most abundant gifts from Earth. Yet choosing which one to use can often be a daunting undertaking. Rose quartz is a perfect ally for novices and seasoned gem-lovers alike, as it can be a gateway to greater self-love, compassion, and gentle harmony with the universe.
The vibration of rose quartz is soothing yet highly effective as a powerful transformer! This makes it one of the best meditation crystals, subtly lifting your heart to higher frequencies and reminding us of the importance of self-care. Rose quartz is a must-have for every crystal enthusiast and a great ally for supporting the energetic shifts on our planet.
How to Use Rose Quartz
Spiritual Wellbeing
Rose quartz neutralizes negative emotions, clears toxic attachments, grants clarity on truth and purpose, aids spiritual evolution, and dissipates fear. As we become more aware of the radiance within by knowing the illuminated heart, we can more easily manifest and fulfill life’s purpose. Rose quartz also cultivates unconditional love free of drama and expectations a doorway to inner peace and satisfaction expand as we become aware of the directives of the true heart.
Emotional Health
Rose quartz balances the heart chakra, releases issues of abandonment, depression, jealousy, and low self-esteem. It creates a connection to the highest essence of god within, granting serenity and peace to become who we are. It brings issues to the surface that which needs to be addressed and released, it demands attention be paid to the heart, which brings inner confidence and calm, and it helps us radiate with compassion and sincere love for those we encounter.
How to Use Crystals for Meditation
Meditation is one of the surest ways to inner states of knowingness and bliss. Stepping outside of ordinary reality and feeding the stillness within should be a cornerstone of all spiritual development.
When we add the blessings of crystals to our meditation, we can amplify our experiences, accelerate our growth, and gain an even greater connection to the natural world around us.
Crystals are a living frequency and will naturally help to deeply and honestly heal the spaces we may have been avoiding. As the addition of a crystal can give us perspective, we can learn not to take things so seriously and effectively heal our hearts.
When we bring crystals to our meditative practice, our spaces expand to include the natural elements. Rose quartz meditation crystals can remind us of the love all around us and bring us into more sincere love toward ourselves and others.
Using rose quartz to meditate can help ease emotional disharmony as it reminds us of the gentle love offered to us daily. It further soothes emotional trauma which may keep our hearts closed and can be a blessed ally for calling in greater personal and romantic love.
Implementing Rose Quartz Meditation Crystals
When you need a love refresher or are in deep turmoil and craving ways to feel the abundance of love, this meditation can guide you back to your own inner wisdom. While you can quickly use this as a pep-me-up, you can also deepen your practice by lengthening your meditation to gain even greater blessings.
- Clear your crystal by running it under clean water.
- Introduce yourself to your crystal.
- Lie down in a quiet space, free of distractions. Lying on the floor with a mat is suggested to keep you present during the mediation.
- State aloud your intentions for connection and healing, so the frequency of the crystal can support you there. Speaking out loud also invokes your larger guides and angel to offer their support of your space.
- Rest the rose quartz on your heart. Place it securely for you may be mighty distracted if it slides off when you are deep within.
- Allow yourself to feel the unique energy of the rose quartz. What frequency is it emitting? How does it feel?
- Visualize the soft pink color expanding from your heart, filling up each space with a more resounding sense of peace and love. Let this color and vibration move until it fills all of your body.
- Bathe in the compassion and bliss for several minutes allowing this frequency to re-program your heart, mind, and body.
- When you’ve soaked up all the love vibes, place both of your hands over the stone — this posture is frequent in both kundalini and the Egyptian mystery teachings.
- With your hands on your heart over the rose quartz, allow your breath to be your guide. Breathe in more love, compassion, and peace and breathe out anything that hinders your access to your true heart field. You should begin to feel at one with the frequency of the rose quartz allowing yourself to slip deeper into her generous blessings.
- Say aloud several times: “I am loved. I am love. I am the embodiment of the light within.” Repeat this mantra until you feel electric with its truth.
- When you are complete, gently wiggle yourself back into your body and open your eyes. Thank the rose quartz for her teachings and remind your heart that this is now your highest frequency. Acknowledging this shift will train your brain to lock in this vibration as a constant state of being.
As you practice meditating with crystals, you will discover new pathways and eased access to pure fields of energy. Though this specific rose quartz mediation is for the heart, you may use other crystal allies as they come into your awareness working with other chakra centers and topics as you are guided. The meditation is universal and will help you expand your light, walk your truth, and fuel a world of greater conscious love.