Mediumship Development: How to Connect with the Other Side

As a Spiritual Medium, I spend most days with one foot in reality and the other in what many would term “the other side.” I connect people with loved ones who have transitioned, their spirit guides, and their own soul to bring peace and clarity about their personal life lessons.
It is far from a conventional career, but I’d like to think that this is changing. As our religious ideals soften and we continue to tap into our inner being, we help to lift the veil between the physical and non-physical. The recent trends in yoga, meditation and new age spirituality are encouraging people to go within and tap into their own divine identity and intuition. TV shows about mediums are quickly reaching millions across the globe and causing people to ask, “Is mediumship real?”
Let’s start by defining it.
Mediumship is the ability to connect and communicate with the departed and the metaphysical realm using the energy that is felt beyond the five physical senses.
The Nature of Psychic Abilities
Perhaps it is most helpful if we discuss the nature of psychic abilities for it is within these that mediumship abilities are derived. We all have some psychic intution . It’s a survival tool. We’ve all had times in our lives when we clearly “know” something in our gut. Have you ever experienced having an immediate connection with someone when you first meet? Or have you ever just known when someone was lying to you? These unexplainable inclinations are a part of the psychic realm and the metaphysical connection; the energy between things that we don’t experience with the first five senses.
The truth is, everyone has some psychic ability but we’re just not accustomed to using it.
And in some, like with any skill, it’s more developed than with others.
Mediumship Misconceptions
I came into the world quite psychic. I wasn’t raised with any religious influence but by the time I was 4 I had gathered enough vocabulary to talk about God, the angels, why I came to earth and why I chose my parents in this life. I saw things that others weren’t seeing so as a child I learned quite quickly to cut off my intuitive sight. Fear promptly capped these abilities until later in life as an adult when I decided to open them up again, but it didn’t happen over night. I had to get over a lot of fears, doubts and misconceptions about developing mediumship abilities and what it meant to communicate with “the dead.”
People have been taught to fear the ethereal, mostly because we don’t completely understand it and partly because so many religions have taught that it was evil. By changing our perspective about “the other side” and simply considering our eternal nature, we inadvertently open ourselves up to link the bridge between heaven and earth Like anything in life, moving past fear enables us to discover new aptitudes and reach higher levels of consciousness.
As we detach from old societal paradigms, and welcome new ways of seeing our “reality,” it creates space for us to connect with the ethereal.
Because of our collective shift in consciousness, many are becoming more sensitive to receiving messages from the other side. I can’t tell you how many times a client’s suspicions of their loved ones visiting them in the physical have been confirmed. Usually if you feel like they may be visiting you, they indeed are.
I may not be able to give you the scientific expertise that you might be looking for, but I have witnessed the incredible shifts that take place within my clients by communicating with loved ones who have passed over. I have seen the light in their eyes as their beloved offers irrefutable confirmation that it’s them. We’ve had gut busting laughs over the departed’s new-found perspective and take on things from the other side.
I’ve seen incredible weights lifted from clients leading to profound change in their own lives after making peace with a family dynamic by communicating with a loved one has passed.
Even if mediumship wasn’t real, doesn’t it feel better to think that someday we’ll be reconnected to those who have passed? Doesn’t it bring comfort to think that they are at peace and relieved of their suffering? Opening yourselves up to this idea stimulates the feelings of being connected energetically and eternally, and the profound lesson that love has no walls.
We often need our own experience to really know something. So are mediumship abilities real? I encourage you to test the waters with these simple exercises. Acknowledge your ability to receive, recognize your connection to all things, and express gratitude when you do get intuitive “hits.”
Mediumship Development: How to Access the Other Side
Here are some ways to begin to open your intuition and bridge the gap between the physical and non-physical:
Meditation is the quickest route to strengthening your intuition because it is from this place that all messages come through. You don’t have to be a yogi or guru to meditate. Simply finding quiet solitude through intentional breathing, a guided meditation or even a moving meditation like yoga or waking in nature helps to open your pathways to your intuitive communication.
Relax and Enjoy the Present
Find time to relax and enjoy the present moment. When we’re busy with our thoughts and continually responding to the physical conditions, it’s hard for us to receive information. When we can slow down the pace, when we are not chasing after things, we are more present, awake and aware. We are also more able to meet the vibration of the other side, which is based in love, peace and gentleness.
Release Sorrow
Release sorrow and the misconception, that they are “dead.” From my experience I have witnessed them being them more alive, rejuvenated and vibrant than ever before.
Our perception that they are unattainable blocks our ability to receive their messages. There are many ways they can come in to communicate with us and we can open the doorways by recognizing their eternal self and our infinite connection. We often think we have to hold sorrow in order to honor them, but this can keep us blocked from feeling them. By feeling the eternal love we share, we create more space for us to feel their presence.
Honor Signs
Honor the signs you receive. Pay attention to your dreams, they often visit us this way because we’re in a state of utter relaxation and receiving. Don’t bat these experiences away. They can even reach us through the physical. Pick a sign for you and your loved one to share, maybe a symbol or a word, and watch to see how quickly it can appear. You will be surprised of the ways they can reach you if you open up your heart and have fun with the process.
Create Connection, Find Soul
Creating this connection is easier than you think. After all, we are more soul than anything. We tend to be so focused on the physical. It just takes a little redirection in noticing the infinite ways that life is woven together, the perfect ways solutions are provided, and the seemingly coincidental ways you meet people at the right time. Have you noticed that when you look on back at life, it all makes mores sense? That there always seems to have been a reason for the events that have taken place even if you didn’t se it at the time? It doesn’t hurt to believe that things are working out for you and that somehow this beautiful tapestry of life is woven together through and with love.
If you are curious about the afterlife, there are plenty of books out there on past lives. There are confirmed studies of children remembering their previous lives and personal accounts of mediumship that are soul rocking. The studies are endless, but it has to resonate with you.
What Is Clairsentience and How to Develop It

Clairsentience is a psychic ability that allows one to receive information through physical or emotional sensations that arise without any apparent external cause. It is a form of intuitive perception that facilitates the recognition of energies, emotions, or subtle presences in the environment. In this article, we explore what clairsentience is, how it relates to channeling, and what practices help to develop it.
Table of Contents
- What Is Clairsentience?
- Clairsentience and Channeling
- Types of Clairsentience
- Exercises to Develop Clairsentience
- Can Everyone Develop Clairsentience?
- Benefits of Clairsentience in Spiritual Growth
- Differences Between Clairsentience and Other Psychic Abilities
What Is Clairsentience?
Clairsentience, also known as sensitive perception, is the ability to receive intuitive information through the body. Those who possess it may experience physical or emotional sensations without any obvious cause, but which are related to energies, people, or places. These perceptions do not originate from the traditional physical senses, but rather emerge as internal signals that the body translates into tangible sensations.
This ability can manifest in various ways: from a sudden chill to pressure in the chest or an unexpected emotion. Clairsentience is especially activated in energetically charged environments or in the presence of other people, allowing one to sense emotional states or subtle energies. Often, this perception is accompanied by instinctive knowledge that cannot be rationally explained, yet proves to be accurate and revealing.
Clairsentience and Channeling
Clairsentience plays a vital role in the channeling process. Unlike other psychic abilities that operate through images or sounds, clairsentience allows the channeler to receive information through bodily and emotional sensations. This channel of reception enables a deeper and more empathic connection with spiritual entities or energy fields, becoming a key tool for interpreting and transmitting messages from the subtle realm.
In the series Channeling: A Bridge to the Beyond, available on Gaia, the multiple ways in which channelers access non-physical information are explored. Clairsentience is presented as one of the most direct paths to feel the presence of guides, subtle entities, or shifts in the energy field. This documentary series features experts and renowned channelers who delve into the use of this ability as a bridge between realms and a tool for spiritual transformation.
Types of Clairsentience
Clairsentience does not manifest in the same way for everyone. There are different types, and each one allows the perception of specific information through the body or emotions. Understanding these variations helps to better comprehend how this ability works and to strengthen the connection with the energetic and spiritual realm.
Emotional Clairsentience
Emotional clairsentience manifests as the ability to feel the emotions of other people, even when they are not verbally expressed. Those who possess this ability can perceive sadness, joy, anxiety, or tension just by being near someone, making them channels of deep empathy.
Physical Clairsentience
In this case, the sensations are experienced directly in the body. It is possible to feel pain, pressure, or discomfort that do not belong to one’s own body but reflect energies from the environment or other people’s physical states. This form of perception can be especially useful in practices such as energy healing.
Spiritual Clairsentience
Spiritual clairsentience involves feeling the presence of guides, subtle entities, or shifts in the energy field. These sensations may manifest as chills, tingling, or a particular vibration in the body. It is a common way of perceiving when a spiritual energy becomes present, even without associated images or sounds.
Exercises to Develop Clairsentience
Developing clairsentience is a progressive process based on regular practice and conscious attention to the body and the energetic environment. Through simple exercises, it is possible to train this ability and refine sensitive perception. The goal is not to force immediate results, but to allow the body to become a clear channel for intuitive reception.
One of the most effective exercises is energy reading of the environment. This exercise consists of sitting in silence in different spaces—a room, a garden, a public place—and observing the physical or emotional sensations that arise. It’s important to note whether these sensations change depending on the environment and whether specific areas of the body are activated. Over time, this exercise helps distinguish when a sensation corresponds to an external energy.
Another useful exercise is body scan meditation. Begin by closing your eyes and slowly directing your attention to each part of the body, from the feet to the head. Observe if any area produces pressure, vibration, heat, or cold without any apparent physical cause. This practice strengthens the body-perception connection and enhances sensitivity to the internal signals that activate clairsentience.
Can Everyone Develop Clairsentience?
Yes, anyone can develop clairsentience, regardless of whether they have previous experience with psychic abilities or not. Although some people are born with greater energetic sensitivity, this ability can be cultivated through practice, patience, and conscious attention to the inner world.
The key lies in learning to recognize the subtle signals that the body and emotions transmit. By training sensitive perception and strengthening the connection with intuition, it is possible to activate this ability at different levels, adapting it to each individual’s personal rhythm and process.
Benefits of Clairsentience in Spiritual Growth
Clairsentience is a valuable tool for deepening the spiritual path, as it allows for greater clarity in perceiving both the inner world and the subtle energies of the environment. This ability not only strengthens the connection with oneself but also expands the understanding of reality from a more intuitive and conscious perspective.
- Deep emotional listening: Enables identifying internal emotions with greater precision. This supports processes of personal healing and self-knowledge.
- Energy reading of the environment: Helps perceive whether a place or person has a harmonious or dense energetic charge. This improves decision-making in everyday or spiritual settings.
- Connection with spiritual guides: Facilitates feeling the presence of beings of light or subtle entities. This reinforces the sense of companionship on the spiritual journey.
- Increased body awareness: Clairsentience trains the ability to listen to the body’s signals as intuitive guidance. This allows acting with greater coherence between mind, emotion, and action.
- Development of conscious empathy: Enhances the ability to understand what others feel without absorbing their emotions. This enriches relationships and strengthens compassion from a balanced place.
Differences Between Clairsentience and Other Psychic Abilities
Although all psychic abilities belong to the realm of extrasensory perception, each one manifests through a different channel. Clairsentience is distinguished by its bodily and emotional sensitive focus, while other abilities operate through auditory, visual, or cognitive pathways.
- Clairvoyance: Is based on the visual perception of mental images or non-physical visions. Clairsentience, on the other hand, operates through bodily and emotional sensations.
- Clairaudience: Involves perceiving sounds or voices from the subtle plane. Clairsentience does not involve hearing, but internal physical sensations.
- Claircognizance: Is intuitive knowledge that arises immediately without sensory mediation. Clairsentience requires a concrete bodily or emotional perception.
- Telepathy: Is the direct transmission of thoughts between two minds. Unlike clairsentience, it is not based on feeling but on receiving ideas or thoughts.