Exclusive Interview with Michael Tellinger: Hidden Origins of Humanity

Exclusive Interview with Michael Tellinger: Hidden Origins of Humanity

Michael Tellinger, considered a “real-life Indiana Jones”, is a South African author, scientist, explorer, songwriter, and politician; he has made ground-breaking discoveries about advanced vanished civilizations at the southern tip of Africa that question previous theories about the origins of humanity. Join Gaia on January 11, 2016 for the new series featuring Michael Tellinger on the hidden origins of humanity. Read the exclusive Gaia interview with Michael below.

Watch Hidden Origins with Michael Tellinger here.

Q and A with Michael Tellinger

Q: What is Adam’s calendar and how old is it? How does this timeline compare to other theories of the history of humankind?

A: Adam’s Calendar is a stone calendar that shows every day of the year, like a sundial, by the shadow of the setting sun, which is cast by the taller of the 2 stones onto the wider stone closer to the eastern edge. It is also a powerful energy generating device, a giant vortex energy generator with 2 intersecting electromagnetic fields that interconnect. One runs horizontally and the central one between the calendar stones runs vertically out of the ground into the sky.

The site is around 300,000 years old, correlating with the Anunnaki arriving on earth and starting their gold mining activity.

Q: Why do African elders call Adam’s calendar Inzalo y’Langa and what does that mean?

A: It means “Birthplace of the Sun/Son” where humanity was created by the gods to be slaves in the gold mines. The African Shaman call the creator god being Enkai, which is the same as the Sumerian God Enki.

Q: How many stone structures have you cataloged around South Africa?

A: I have extrapolated the count from Google Earth and other aerial photos to reach the staggering number of over 10 million of these structures, indicating that we are dealing with a vanished civilisation in deep antiquity, that we know almost nothing about.

Q: Have you connected with the people who discovered Homo naledi and how has this recent discovery changed or confirmed your theories?

A: Discoveries like this are constantly used to confuse humanity and make us believe that we evolved from apes. This is part of the elite agenda and they use the academic institutions to keep this lie alive. Homo naledi has nothing to do with human beings: it is just another ancient hominid species that was either cloned by the gods or most likely killed off by invading beings, like the Anunnaki.

A: Who are the Annunaki?

Q: The Anunna gods, also known as the Anunnaki, meaning gods of heaven and Earth, are a group of highly skilled and able beings that arrived on Earth around 450,000 – 300,000 years ago to find and mine gold. They are the clone masters who created the human race and many others, mostly under the guidance of Enki. The majority of them are not of higher consciousness but have most likely also evolved in consciousness since first starting their activity on Earth. We were cloned as slaves to mine the gold for the Anunnaki. They are a deeply complex group of beings, very diverse within their own group, some may be reptilian. They seem to have an ability to move between dimensions, but just because they have access to advanced technology does not mean they are highly conscious. Enki is the central leader among the Anunnaki and his brother/ offspring Enlin is most likely what many people refer to as the wrathful, vengeful God of the old testament in the Bible. The Anunnaki story is the central story of human presence on earth with a focus on the control and manipulation of our species for millennia. The offspring of the Anunnaki are most likely the majority of the global elite that control our planet today.

Q:How do you think the stones got to Adam’s Calendar?

A: The stones are dolerite, however, the mountain itself is sandstone. The closest outcrop of dolerite is faraway, so I suspect that they were transported long distances.

Q: Do you think the stone gongs were used to communicate across long distances?

A: It is possible – and probable. The smaller elongated stones were most likely used in activating a standing wave when placed in a circle, when they were activated themselves somehow. Possibly by the stones being placed in a torus in the middle and emitting a powerful frequency into the smaller surrounding stones. These resonating stones, placed in a circle, are then activated by the ash placed in the centre, like sand on a metal plate, which create the cymatic patterns to show the shape of the flow of the sound energy coming out of the earth. The walls were then packed along the lines of the cymatic pattern to amplify the subtle frequencies in the walls – and to create powerful electromagnetic fields and frequencies in very high decibels. The stone circles give off frequencies in the gigahertz range and as high as 30,000 decibels. This is a very powerful energy source that we cannot fathom yet.

Q: Is Adam’s Calendar a protected heritage site? If not, are there plans to protect Adam’s Calendar?

A: Adam’s Calendar is protected as part of the Blue Swallow Nature Reserve. However, South African authorities do not recognise it in any way and neither do the parks or tourism boards. We do the best we can to protect it with very limited funds and access to the site.

Q: Who is Credo Mutwa and what role has he played in your adventures/ discoveries?

A: Credo is the the senior Zulu shaman that has shared a lot of sacred knowledge with the people of this planet. By doing so he has cursed himself and his family because the knowledge he shared was not supposed to be shared: he did so because he believed that the people had a right to know the deep history and the mysterious secrets kept by the global elite. Credo was initiated at Adam’s Calendar in 1937 and has deep understanding of the significance of this site and it link to human origins.

Q: What is the connection between Adam’s calendar, Great Zimbabwe and the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt?

A: All three of these ancient sites are built on the the Nilotic Meridian along the 31-degrees east longitude. This is the ancient Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) line; there are other ancient sites along this line still undiscovered.

Q: What are you thoughts on BitCoin, the digital asset marketplace and payment system?

A: It seems to be an interim relief for many people but any form of currency or exchange will eventually have to be eliminated to prevent individuals from abusing it for their own benefit against others. Remember that we do not need money. Money does nothing. People do everything. We need each other; we need cooperation. Money just gets in the way of all our progress.

Q: In your opinion, what is the greatest unsolved mystery today? What keeps you up thinking at night?

A: There are many great unsolved mysteries: they all revolve around the unimaginable set of events that led to the corrupted system we find ourselves in with the enslavement of our species. The universe and galaxies that have been caught up in this universal enslavement of some species by other warring entities and the deeply complex legal and corporate structure that has been imposed on us. The good news is that it is all collapsing around us as our consciousness rises. All we have to do is to take small steps towards creating a new alternative for humanity, an alternative driven by our individual passions for life and the infinite creative spirit of our species. We have to generate abundance beyond our understanding today on every level of our activity, through cooperation and collaboration. We need to move away from the competition that allows the few to control the majority. We are the ones we have been waiting for and our numbers are growing exponentially as more and more people wake up from their deep slumber and join the universal community of enlightened beings of higher consciousness.

Q: What does Ubuntu mean and what is the origin of the word?

A:Ubuntu is an ancient African philosophy that speaks of unity and harmony and support for each other by the people of a community; in essence, it means “I am what I am because of who we all are.” It refers to communities where people contribute for the benefit of the whole community. I called this idea Contributionism in the modern world, to separate it from the ancient form of the word, to something that we can embrace and understand in the world we live in today.

“I am what I am because of who we all are.”

Leymah Gbowee

How the Mystery of Puma Punku Rivals the Pyramids

Pumapunku, also spelled Puma Punku, is the remains of an Incan holy site in the jungles of Bolivia that has attracted much attention as of late. The name means “door of the puma,” and as far as archaeologists know, Puma Punku was a thriving, ancient town originating somewhere around 500 and 600 C.E.

Here we are, a century and a half later, and irrepressible rumors continue to grow that Puma Punku’s massively heavy stone block structures were cut so precisely that highly advanced, ancient technology seems to be the only explanation for their incredible stone masonry.

The Tiwanaku (Tiahuanaco) civilization, which predated the Inca, likely influenced them through advanced stonework and agricultural practices. Although the Tiwanaku had declined before the Inca rose to power, the Inca may have adopted and adapted their techniques.

Located 45 miles west of the modern-day city of La Paz, Puma Punku is situated in the still-thriving city of Tiwanaku, high upon a desert plateau of the Andes Mountains, at an altitude of more than 12,000 feet. Tiwanaku is significant in Inca traditions, where the world was once believed to be created.

In this isolated part of the world, the ruins of Puma Punku showcase smooth stone structures made from large andesite and sandstone blocks, featuring precision cuts, clean right angles, and expertly fitted joints without the use of mortar. The megaliths are among the largest on earth, with some weighing several tons. While many of the structures are still standing centuries after their inhabitants disappeared, most of the buildings are scattered and broken around the area, leaving researchers to wonder what possibly could have moved around impossibly heavy buildings.

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