Mysterious Triangular Object Floats Past SpaceX Dragon Capsule

During a livestreamed rendezvous between SpaceX’s Dragon cargo capsule and the ISS, viewers spotted a glowing, triangular object appearing to float by, before the camera feed switched to display another angle. Many were quick to point out similarities in its appearance to the alleged TR-3B “black triangle” UFO – a type of reverse-engineered alien technology believed to be secretly possessed by the government.
Skeptics say the alleged UFO is actually just the lights from a city on Earth as the camera footage comes from the ISS looking down toward the Dragon coming to meet it. Though others say this doesn’t explain the second pass-by of the same triangular shape just three minutes later.
Others said the distinct, linear shape as well as reflection of light on the object as it bounces off the Dragon’s solar panels provide evidence that there was something physically flying past the Dragon capsule (scrub to 00:54 seconds in the below video to see the reflection in question).
No comments have been made to question or dispel speculation on the mysterious object from either Elon Musk or SpaceX, despite the multitude of comments on the official YouTube video and Musk’s propensity for tweeting often.
Of course, conspiracies from every angle have been proposed – some serious and others not so much.
“Is that Elon Musk’s space Roadster photobombing the Dragon?” one YouTube commenter wrote.
Others claimed the triangular object was proof that the entire mission was being faked and the product of a complex studio production.
But the majority of comments focused on the possibility the lights were in fact the aforementioned TR-3B technology of ufological legend. This mysterious craft has allegedly been observed at clandestine military bases and hovering in the skies across a number of countries.
Once believed to be merely conspiracy, a patent for the TR-3B recently appeared on Google Patents before being virally spread across the internet. The invention was credited to a mysterious John St. Clair, of whom little is known.
About five years ago, a strange, blurry video showed two of these craft airborne, conducting peculiar maneuvers, through what is allegedly anti-gravity technology. According to reports, the TR-3B uses highly pressurized mercury to produce a plasma that creates a field of anti-gravity around the ship.
Is this latest video evidence that the TR-3B or another highly advanced military spacecraft exists and is capable of spaceflight? Moreover, does this expose the existence of a secret space program conducting clandestine operations under the obscurities of what we’re allowed to see? Or are these simply city lights on Earth passing by the capsule on its way up to the ISS?
For more on the likelihood that NASA may be cover for a secret space program that has existed for years check out this episode of Cosmic Disclosure :
New Legislation Could Open Floodgates of Government UFO Reports

The US government just made it easier to report UFOs, possibly releasing people from non-disclosure agreements. Will this open the floodgates of information?
As part of the annual defense spending bill, within the National Defense Authorization Act for 2023, the House just approved an amendment that would make it easier for current or former members of the military, government-employed civilians, and contractors to report UFOs or UAPs as the government now calls them.
The measure was sponsored by Reps. Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin and Ruben Gallego of Arizona, who have been among those in Congress calling for more transparency into UFOs.
The amendment would create a secure system for reporting any UFO phenomena and protect those who come forward from any repercussions.
Gallagher told Politico, “I believe it’s possible that folks may be precluded from being fully transparent with congress due to their being bound by non-disclosure agreements… if that’s true, I want to make sure that there’s no technical reason preventing them from speaking to us.”