The Mystery of Torsion Fields

Russian scientist Nikolai Kozyrev was considered a prodigy. In 1925, at age 17, he published his first scientific paper, which focused on astrophysics and the atmosphere of the sun and other stars. It was met with great acclaim by other scientists.
At age 20, he graduated from the University of Leningrad with degrees in physics and mathematics. By age 28, he was a college professor and distinguished astronomer. To the science community at large, this promising young physicist disappeared for the next 11 years.
Nikolai Kozyrev: Russian Concentration Camps
While Korzyrev was enjoying a successful career as a professor and researcher, Josef Stalin, leader of the Soviet Union, was feeling threatened by scientists whom he perceived were independent thinkers. He was concerned they would see through his propaganda program. To prevent this, in 1936, he arrested them and sent them to concentration camps. Nikolai Kozyrev was among those imprisoned. There wasn’t much for him to do during the long 11 years he spent in the camps except to observe, meditate, and think.
During his imprisonment, Kozyrev was enthralled watching bacteria grow and noticed it grew in a perfect spiral. This led him to conclude that all life-forms likely draw off of an unseen spiraling source of energy. This energy is as important to maintenance and growth of life as are “eating, drinking, breathing, and photosynthesis.”
Kozyrev also concluded that this spiraling energy and growth is how time works, with the Earth orbiting in space by way of a “complex spiraling pattern.”
As the Earth rotates on its axis as it orbits the sun, it releases energy, or torsion waves, that propel it through space. The torsion waves travel at speeds faster than the speed of light. These torsion fields are actually “waves of time” which also cause ripples in gravity. Indeed, some scientists now believe that “electromagnetism, gravity and torsion waves are all members of the same family; they are just different forms of ether vibrations.”
Post-Concentration Camp Research and Study of Torsion Physics
In 1948, Kozyrev was released from the concentration camp. He was then able to seriously begin his research and test the theories he had developed while imprisoned. Using standardized laboratory methods, he used pendulums and gyroscopes to test how the rotations and vibrations create torsion fields and thus change the flow of time. The results of his complex studies convinced him that torsion fields control everything, including time, space, matter, gravity, and electromagnetism.
Kozyrev determined that any activity you can think of that releases energy is a source of a torsion field and causes a ripple in the wave of time. The heating and cooling of liquids, as well as friction and burning, all create torsion fields that cause ripples in the wave of time. Even the fading death of a plant releases energy that affects time.
Kozyrev’s most controversial theory was that even sudden changes in human consciousness had an effect on torsion waves and disrupted matter in some way.
On September 11, 2001, when the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City resulted in a measurable change in the behavior of computerized random number generators around the world, particularly in those that were geographically near to the site of the actual attacks. This data showed that the generators were affected by a “change in the mass consciousness of humanity.”
Kozyrev, Torsion Fields, And the Life Force
Some scientists refer to torsion fields as the “missing link” in the “theory of everything.” Kozyrev believed our thoughts, feelings, and actions influence torsion fields. He developed a complicated meter to measure the physical effect of his own psychological changes. He discovered that his emotional thoughts had a greater effect on his meter than did his intellectual thoughts. His meter showed a remarkable change when he was reading his favorite author, Faust. This led him to believe that “our thoughts could change the density of time.”
Kozyrev’s proof that consciousness and actions have an effect on torsion fields has inspired studies that show how consciousness may have a “detectable force which can act on the environment both locally and remotely.” Kozyrev believed that if we can “master the ability to make time dense at will,” we can then make telepathy occur at will.
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Bioresonance Therapy: A Scientific Anomaly or Magnetic Magic?

Pseudoscience involving quantum scanners? Bioresonance therapy should be banned in the US? Medical science on the warpath against this groundbreaking healing modality? Woash! Let’s all settle down!
Each of us is born from stardust and then infused with a soul and a specific signature comprised of electromagnetic vibrations. Given that we embody and emanate electric current, it stands to reason that electromagnetic or vibrational therapy would be of benefit for a long list of our physical diseases, emotional challenges, and other ailments.
Functioning in ways similar to how adjacent guitar strings affect each other’s tone, electromagnetic waves are proven to be useful in diagnosing and treating human illness.
While this effective modality might not be entirely curative in every category, many doctors, naturopaths, and patients have experienced Bioresonance to be a highly beneficial, complementary therapy.
Bioresonance therapy: does it work? You betcha.
“Our bodies … are electromagnetic machines. We simply can’t move a muscle or produce a thought without an electrical impulse – and wherever there is electricity, a magnetic field is also produced, which is why we link the two together into one word: electromagnetic.”― Ann Louise Gittleman