The Norse Gods: Behold the Light

From the time I was young, I was fascinated with mythology. Any and all cultures caught my attention, but especially Norse mythology. The more I studied Norse mythology, the more amazed I was at its depth and profound philosophies. They had a rich and dynamic pantheon, one featuring gods and goddesses powerful and eager to live their lives to the fullest. Stories of the Aesir, the race of gods and the Jotun, or Frost Giants, filled my imagination. There’s a sense of reality to these tales, a cold wind that reflects the truth of the human condition.
What follows is by no means a complete list of the Norse gods, but these are some of the most fascinating to me.
Odin: The Wise
The ruler of the Aesir was Odin. Odin was unlike most kings of other pantheons. His thirst for knowledge and his willingness to sacrifice anything for that goal made him unique. He gave one of his eyes in return for wisdom. A one-eyed god is an interesting theme and is also used in the story of Thoth. Thoth sacrificed his eye for Horus and was rewarded with great gifts of knowledge and invented writing. Such was the case with Odin, and his search for the truth never ended.
My take on Odin is that his unquenchable thirst for knowledge was a symbol of the fact that at one time, oral tradition was the only way of passing along information from one generation to another.
Odin became despondent with the fact that there was no way to pass along history in a reliable manner. Mankind had to start over with every generation, keeping humans from moving forward, losing what generations before had accomplished. We are nothing more than an accumulation of our knowledge and everything that evolves in the present is dependent upon the lessons of the past, but to what avail if the past is lost.
His depression became anguish and Odin decided to sacrifice himself upon Yggdrasil, the tree of the cosmos. This remarkable myth culminates with Odin hanging himself upside down over the well of Urd, one of the Norns, they being knowers of the past, present, and future. He then caused himself to be pierced with a spear, and for nine days and nights, he hung in agony. By his order, no water was to be given and no food offered.
At the end of his long ordeal and with death approaching, he saw a gleaming within the water below him. He reached down, grasped the shining objects, and pulled them out with a mighty roar. These were the runes, the alphabet that would allow the sharing of history, thoughts, laws, and more importantly, the tales that made the Norsewhat they were. Being a god, he recovered, but his sacrifice is a model for mortals to never stop learning, or seeking the truth.
Odin rode an 8-legged horse named Sleipnir, an animal mount typical for a shaman, due to its having 8 legs. He wielded his famous spear, Gungnir, that never missed its mark. He was accompanied by two wolves, but also Hugin and Munin, ravens who were able to bring him any knowledge he needed from anyplace in the cosmos. The raven’s names mean thought and memory. Within these names resides one of the great truths of understanding metaphysics, a hint for all those with an unquenchable need to learn.
Odin often wandered amongst mortals to learn of their lot in life, bearded, wearing a broad brimmed hat pulled low over his eyes, and a wearing a cloak.
As any traveler could be a god in disguise, it was considered a good idea to treat everyone hospitably and to open one’s home to strangers. How interesting that the idea of kindness to strangers would be so ingrained in such a fiercely martial culture.
Thor: The Strong
Without a doubt, the most popular of the Norse gods is Thor. When I think of Thor, I don’t imagine a handsome fellow with long, blonde hair and a fetching smile. To me, Thor is always grouchy, easily angered, massive, with a bristling red beard and frizzy hair to match. He eats immense amounts of food and drinks anyone in the universe under the table. Thor can be easily fooled and in some myths, is the butt of a joke or two. As the god of thunder and lightning, Thor is unpredictable and brutally violent at times.
Thor wore a girdle which helped him maintain his immense strength. He also wore metal gloves that allowed him to wield his hammer, Mjollnir, without injury.
This hammer was a weapon of unbelievable devastation and when thrown, always returned to his hand. Interestingly enough, the hammer was also a sign of protection and a magical implement used in sacred rituals and rites. Thor traveled in a cart pulled by two goats. No ordinary creatures, they could be eaten daily. By placing their bones in their skins and holding Mjollnir over the bundle, they were revived and ready for another day’s journey.
There’s no doubt that the Norse enjoyed a good fight, at least philosophically, and Thor was the epitome of that mindset. He was a favorite god of the common people, as his demeanor was anything but elitist. Easily offended, lacking judgment at times and quick to retaliate, the God of Thunder was a dangerous but incredibly popular deity, as he is to this day. Thor’s hammer is still worn by many as an amulet, not only for protection but as a symbol of the mighty glory and the power of the old ways.
Uncompromising and intolerant of those who abuse others, Thor was a worthy patron. As an indulgent lover of food and drink, he was the very embodiment of celebrations. As a guardian of the cosmos, he was the power of justice to abusers of the weak. His continued popularity is a testament to Thor’s appeal as a deity for the common people, and I doubt he’ll ever lose his following.
Loki: The Magician
There are two kinds of people: those who can feel compassion for Loki and those who can’t. Loki is one of the most formidable tricksters and troublemakers in all world mythology. Half Aesir and half Jotun, Loki is a perennial outsider, yet still a part of the family. He’s the antagonist in many of the most interesting Norse myths. Without him, the stories of the Aesir would be bland, to say the least. Although he adds excitement and humor, there’s no doubt that he makes lots of trouble. I started reading Norse mythology at an early age and Loki reminded me of a friend of mine, as well as myself on some occasions. Mischief is something all youngsters understand.
It always seemed to me that Loki couldn’t help himself. He was brilliant and could outthink almost anyone around him. He hung out with Thor, who wasn’t always the brightest lamp in the hall and took advantage of that fact. One story features Thor’s hammer being stolen and Loki dressing Thor up in women’s clothing, in a plan to get the hammer back. It’s quite a tale.
Many myths represent Loki as being relatively civil and even helpful, but the main emphasis is on his troublemaking and even the disastrous effects that he brings into play that eventually lead to his eternal punishment.
Loki is self-centered and malicious. Yet, he can be a friend and powerful ally in a tough spot. He can taunt, intimidate, connive, cheat, boasts and create situations that bring about horrible consequences, and still is a comrade for several excursions with Thor and Odin. In fact, Odin’s miraculous, 8-legged horse’s mother was Loki. Yes, Loki had taken the form of a mare, well, it’s a long story.
Loki’s consort, Angrboda, was a Frost Giant and bore him 3 children, all of them worth mentioning. The best known of Loki’s offspring was Fenrir, the wolf destined to play a part in the death of Odin at the end of times, Ragnarok. Jormungandr, the second of Loki’s sons was an enormous, venomous serpent encircling the earth, or Midgard, by gripping its tail in his mouth. Releasing his tail would signal the onset of Ragnarok. Loki’s daughter Hel, was half alive and half corpse. Hel ruled Niflheim, the world of those who died a peaceful death and uneventful existence. Going to Hel meant dying and going to a boring afterlife.
A shape-shifter and magician, Loki exemplifies the dilemma of all magicians. Just because I can do it, should I? Magic is a journey many cannot navigate wisely.
For those of you who work with Tarot, think of The Fool in connection with Loki. Give it time.
Loki is credited with orchestrating the death of Balder the Beautiful. Eventually, Loki was hunted down and chained to a rock beneath the jaws of his son, the great serpent. The snake’s venom dripped on Loki, causing unbearable pain. Loki’s wife, Sigyn, held a bowl over Loki’s face, catching the venom, but every now and then she had to empty it, and the dripping poison reached Loki, causing screams of agony, thus shaking the foundations of the cosmos, causing earthquakes to tear the earth apart and volcanoes to erupt.
Although enigmatic and troublesome, there’s something likable about Loki. Perhaps it’s the fact that there’s a little Loki in most of us and he gives us a good example of why it’s desirable to keep that side under control, as much as possible.
Tyr: The Selfless
The story of Tyr and Fenrir is one of the most compelling myths I know. Tyr was a god of war, often associated with Mars, but his story is unlike anything attributed to that Roman war god.
It was foretold by the Norns that Fenrir, the son of Loki and a massive wolf, would swallow Odin at the end of time, Ragnarok. In an attempt to forestall this from happening, it was decided that Fenrir, also known as the Fenris Wolf, should be restrained, but how and by whom? Several chains were fashioned by the dwarves, the great magical metallurgists, to no avail. Eventually, a magical chain was made of six impossible substances that might conceivably hold the giant wolf. This thin chain was known as Gleipnir and was made from the sound of a cat’s footstep, a woman’s beard, the roots of a mountain, the nerves and calm demeanor of a bear, the breath of a fish, and the spittle of a bird.
Fenrir, wanting to ensure his freedom, demanded that he’d only submit to the chain if someone put their hand in his mouth, with the understanding that if he was actually constrained, the hand would be bitten off. Tyr immediately offered his hand, knowing that he’d lose it. His sacrifice was a tribute to a sense of duty and was hailed as the aspiration of all warriors and members of society at large. The good of the many over the needs of the individual was thus proclaimed as the epitome of bravery and selflessness.
Fenrir couldn’t break the chain and Tyr lost his hand. Undaunted, Tyr want on to fight in battles, one handed, and lost none of his prowess.
One of the names he was known by was, “Wolf Leavings.” Although there have been many theories put forth as to the meaning of this epithet, I find it quite lovely and simple. His hand, eaten by the wolf, would have been excreted eventually, the wolf’s leavings. Such a term is both humbling and laced with ironic humor. It’s indicative of the nature of all great sacrifices, and the sense of play that made the Norse gods amongst the most interesting of the world’s great pantheons.
Until next time, I wish you all peace and love.
About the author:
Of Egyptian heritage, Mo has been a student of the mysteries for over fifty years and has been a professional consultant for over thirty. His intensive studies have encompassed Tarot, Vedic Astrology, I-Ching, Hermetic Qabalism, Runes and numerous other spiritual systems. Mo’s lifelong quest into all things metaphysical has provided him with a powerful intuition and accurate tools with which he has guided thousands of clients worldwide. Mo specializes in providing clarity and helping the seeker in making solid decisions or forging new paths in life. He’s well known for his sound relationship counseling and has a reputation for providing gentle guidance without sugar coating the hard issues. A Master of his art, he believes in empowering his clients, not encouraging codependency.
Dimensions of the Universe: What They Are and How Many Exist

The dimensions of the Universe offer a fascinating view of the structure and nature of reality. Through them, we can expand our perception and better understand our place in the cosmos. In this article, we explore the different dimensions of the Universe and their deeper meaning.
Table of Contents
- What are the dimensions of the Universe, and how many exist?
- One by One: All the Dimensions of the Universe
- Dimensions of the Universe and Their Perception
- The Role of Dimensions in Creation
- Dimensions and Sacred Geometry
- Dimensions and Dimensional Planes
- Dimensions and Spiritual Awakening
What are the dimensions of the Universe, and how many exist?
The dimensions of the Universe are different levels of existence that allow us to perceive and experience reality in different ways. Each dimension adds a layer of complexity and offers us a new perspective on how the cosmos functions. As we explore each one, we discover that dimensions are not merely abstract concepts but directly influence our experience of the world.
The Universe has nine dimensions, each with its own function and characteristics. These dimensions intertwine, allowing us to experience different aspects of existence. Each dimension offers a new level of understanding and invites us to expand our consciousness into deeper and more meaningful realities. In this article, we explore the dimensions from the perspective of Matías De Stefano, as explained in the series Initiation, available on Gaia.
One by One: The 9 Dimensions of the Universe
Each dimension of the Universe offers a unique way to experience and understand reality. From unity to totality, the dimensions describe different aspects of existence, each with its own characteristics and functions. Below, we explore each dimension individually to better understand its meaning and importance.
First Dimension: Unity
The first dimension, also called the “zero dimension,” is the dimension of unity. At this level, everything is one, and there is no separation or distinction between things. It is a perspective of totality and completeness, where everything is interconnected. In this dimension, there is no duality or diversity, only pure existence that encompasses all.
This dimension represents the fundamental principle that everything in the Universe is interconnected and is part of a single reality. Unity is the foundation of all other dimensions and the starting point from which the different levels of existence develop.
Second Dimension: Duality
In the second dimension, reality is divided into two opposite and complementary aspects, such as positive and negative, day and night, or masculine and feminine. In this dimension, existence is experienced through polarity, allowing for the creation of contrast and diversity.
This dimension teaches us that duality is a fundamental part of the human experience and that, although things may seem opposite, they are actually two sides of the same coin. Duality helps us understand the nature of change and balance in the Universe and is essential for the development of consciousness and spiritual evolution.
Third Dimension: Trinity
The third dimension introduces the idea of trinity, where the dual aspects of the second dimension integrate to form a three-dimensional reality. At this level, we experience life through height, width, and depth, allowing us to interact with the physical world in a more complex way. The third dimension is where consciousness manifests in material form, enabling us to see, touch, and feel the world around us.
In this dimension, we also experience the trinity of body, mind, and spirit. This integration of different aspects of our existence allows us to have a more complete and balanced experience of reality. The third dimension offers us the opportunity to explore and understand the physical world and is a crucial stage in the development of consciousness.
Fourth Dimension: Time
The fourth dimension is the dimension of time. At this level, reality is experienced as a continuous flow of events and moments, allowing us to perceive change and movement. Time is a crucial dimension that enables us to experience life in sequences, with a past, present, and future. Through this dimension, we can observe how things evolve and change over time.
Time gives us the opportunity to learn, grow, and evolve. It allows us to experience life as a series of lessons and challenges and gives us the ability to reflect on the past, enjoy the present, and plan for the future. The fourth dimension is fundamental to our understanding of the world and helps us connect our experiences and learnings into a coherent narrative.
Fifth Dimension: Consciousness
The fifth dimension is the dimension of consciousness. At this level, we begin to understand the nature of reality. It is the dimension of perception and knowledge, where we can observe and analyze our experiences from a higher perspective. In the fifth dimension, we can see the connections between events and understand how our actions and decisions affect our lives.
In this dimension, we begin to explore our inner consciousness and connect with our true essence. It is a level of self-awareness and reflection, where we can understand our thoughts, emotions, and motivations. The fifth dimension offers us the opportunity to awaken to our true nature and expand our consciousness beyond the physical world.
Sixth Dimension: Transformation
The sixth dimension is the dimension of transformation. It is a space where we can explore and shape reality from a higher consciousness. In this dimension, we can perceive the interconnection of all things and transform our experiences to align them with a higher perspective. Here, reality is fluid and in constant change, reflecting the flow and potential of the Universe.
At this level, we understand that we are part of a higher consciousness. The sixth dimension invites us to recognize our role as co-creators in the great tapestry of existence, using our awareness to evolve and adapt. It is a space of unlimited potential, where we can explore and manifest different aspects of reality.
Seventh Dimension: Divinity
The seventh dimension is the dimension of divinity. At this level, we experience a sense of unity and connection with the Universe and understand that time is an illusion and that everything happens in the now. It is the dimension of enlightenment, where we awaken to our true nature as divine beings and feel a deep sense of peace and understanding.
In this dimension, we realize that everything is one. The seventh dimension is a space of unconditional love and compassion, where we experience the beauty and perfection of all creation. It invites us to awaken to our divine nature and to live from a place of love and unity.
Eighth Dimension: Eternity
The eighth dimension is known as the dimension of eternity. At this level, reality is experienced from a timeless perspective, where all events and moments are seen as part of a continuous flow. We realize that we are part of something much greater and that our existence extends beyond the limitations of linear time.
In this dimension, we experience an infinite sense of possibility and can choose any path. The eighth dimension invites us to transcend time and see life from a broader and more expansive perspective, where past, present, and future intertwine into a single flow of existence.
Ninth Dimension: Totality
The ninth dimension is the dimension of totality. At this level, we realize that everything is one, and we are connected to everything that exists. It is a dimension of pure consciousness and understanding, where we experience the Universe as a living and conscious being.
In this dimension, we experience a profound sense of peace and unity. We understand that everything in the Universe is interconnected and is part of a single reality. The ninth dimension invites us to awaken to our true nature and experience reality from a state of complete clarity and wholeness.
Dimensions of the Universe and Their Perception
The dimensions of the Universe provide different ways to perceive reality, allowing us to understand the cosmos from multiple angles and perspectives. Each dimension offers a unique viewpoint and helps us comprehend the different levels of existence.
Dimensions as Different Points of View
The dimensions are different ways of seeing reality. They are different perspectives that allow us to perceive and understand the Universe from varied angles. Rather than being separate spaces or parallel worlds, dimensions are facets of a single reality that intertwine and overlap.
Each dimension represents a level of perception, and as we explore them, our consciousness expands, allowing us to understand more aspects of the cosmos. Dimensions are like different windows through which we observe the same reality, each offering a unique and complementary view of the Universe.
Multidimensionality and Consciousness
Multidimensionality refers to the ability of consciousness to exist and operate in multiple dimensions simultaneously. This means that even though we focus on a particular dimension, such as the third dimension, our consciousness is also present and active in other dimensions.
Through multidimensionality, we can experience and explore different levels of existence, expanding our perception and understanding of the Universe. Consciousness is the guiding thread that allows us to move through dimensions and explore the vast and complex reality around us. Multidimensionality invites us to awaken to our expansive nature and explore the Universe from a broader and deeper perspective.
The Role of Dimensions in Creation
Dimensions play a fundamental role in the creation and functioning of the Universe. Each dimension represents a level of reality that contributes a unique perspective on existence. According to Matías De Stefano’s perspective, dimensions are not steps through which we ascend but rather different ways of observing and understanding reality. From the first dimension, which represents unity, to the ninth dimension, which symbolizes totality, each contributes to the experience of being.
In the process of creation, dimensions act as different perspectives through which the Universe knows itself. Each dimension is like a mirror reflecting an aspect of totality. Through these dimensions, the Universe experiences itself in diverse and complex ways, allowing the manifestation of reality in all its forms. Dimensions are not hierarchical levels but facets of a single reality that invite us to explore and understand the mystery of existence.
Dimensions and Sacred Geometry
Sacred geometry is a universal language that helps us understand and work with the dimensions of the Universe. It is through geometric patterns that the structures of dimensions manifest, allowing us to connect with different levels of existence. Sacred geometry acts as a map guiding us through dimensions, showing the interconnection of all things.
The Cube of Metatron
The Cube of Metatron is a sacred geometric figure that contains all geometric shapes, representing the structure of the Universe and its dimensions. It is a symbol of balance and harmony that reflects how dimensions relate to each other. The Cube of Metatron is considered a bridge between dimensions, allowing consciousness to move and explore the multiple realities of the cosmos.
The Merkaba
The Merkaba is another sacred geometry symbol that represents a light vehicle enabling travel through dimensions. It consists of two interlocked tetrahedrons, symbolizing the union of the masculine and feminine, the spiritual and the physical. The Merkaba is a powerful tool that helps us expand our consciousness and explore the different dimensions of the Universe.
Dimensions and Dimensional Planes
Dimensional planes are levels of density and vibration in which existence manifests. Dimensions and dimensional planes are related but distinct concepts that help us understand the structure of the Universe. Dimensions represent different ways of perceiving reality, while dimensional planes refer to levels of vibration and density that coexist within those dimensions.
Dimensional planes can be understood as different levels of consciousness and existence occupying the same space but vibrating at different frequencies. These planes may be inhabited by beings and entities existing in various states of density and energy. While dimensions allow us to perceive reality from different angles, dimensional planes show us how those angles and perspectives manifest and are experienced.
For example, within the third dimension, there are different dimensional planes, ranging from the densest and most material to the most subtle and ethereal, like different floors in a building.
Dimensions and Spiritual Awakening
Spiritual awakening is a process in which we become aware of our true nature and connect with higher levels of being. Through dimensions, we can experience different levels of consciousness and awaken to the reality of our multidimensional existence. Dimensions allow us to see beyond the superficial appearance of reality and connect with the deeper essence of life.
As we explore dimensions, we can experience a spiritual awakening that leads us to understand our true nature and connect with the Universe in a deeper way. Dimensions offer us different perspectives and levels of consciousness that help us expand our understanding and awaken to the totality of our existence.