Sound Resonance: Feel the Vibration

Sound is a powerful tool for any metaphysician. It can be linked to colors, chakras, moods, pathways on the Tree of Life, and many other uses. Resonance is a scientific principle based on a phenomenon in acoustics. The ancients knew about resonance and understood the principle that if two bells are tuned exactly the same when one is rung, the other will also begin to ring without being touched.
If something vibrates at a specific frequency, other things with that same frequency will also begin to vibrate, providing there is air between them to transmit the vibrations. Furthermore, the secondary vibration will move back to the initial and make it begin again. The philosophy hidden in this phenomenon is deeper than the physics behind it and can reveal much about life to the industrious student.
As Above, So Below
There’s an old saying in Hermetic Qabalism: as above, so below. This axiom implies that everything that exists in the microcosm, namely you, is reproduced somewhere in the Universe, in some form or another, and vice versa.
We are a reflection of the cosmos and the cosmos reflects us.
This belief was the basis for many of the Hermetic teachings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus and should be a focus of contemplation and investigation by every individual. It not only makes sense but will be found to be true, over and over again, with a minimum of study.
The Mystery of Sound
Since resonance is linked to vibration and there are viable theories claiming that everything is vibrating, we could infer that there must be resonance going on at all times. Of course, this isn’t necessarily a scientific way of looking at things, but it fits beautifully in our world of the mysteries. We find ourselves in possession of a way of looking at the world that allows us to be more sensitive to what we resonate with and what makes us cringe.
Not all we sense that’s vibrational is sound, and thankfully we can’t hear or see, all the vibrations that are in our world. Can you imagine being able to hear ultrasonic or subsonic tones? It might be novel in the beginning, but it wouldn’t take long to become bombarded by the din of the cosmos. The same is true of light. X-rays, Gamma rays, and all invisible waves of electromagnetic frequencies, including radio, television, microwaves, and cell phones, are constantly before us, but luckily invisible.
This reminds us that just because something can’t be seen, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist.
Our brains are complicated biochemical electrical systems, designed to transmit thought. Our eyes are designed to receive light waves. Our skin is sensitive enough to feel minute changes in temperature and barometric pressure. We are finely tuned receptors, almost invisibly aided by the autonomic nervous system, and are essentially on autopilot. The autonomic system receives constant information from the outside world and adapts to its surroundings accordingly. If the temperature drops, the body shivers in order to bring warmth.
If our body chemistry signals a need for energy and our stomach is empty, we feel hunger. It makes sense to me that we are always perceiving information in the form of vibrations, some of these are sound-based, but much of it isn’t. As we receive the information around us, some of it from situations, others from people, some from nature itself, and some from places unknown, these vibrations, what we call intuitive knowledge and raw data, is turned into valuable information – if only we actually listen.
Those things that we vibrationally resonate with, either exactly or in a way that creates harmonic chords, bring us a sense of well-being, comfort, and pleasure. When we are faced with vibrations that don’t match our own, either directly or harmonically, we feel tense, suspicious, anxiety-ridden, and even miserable.
Such stresses on our system can bring unhappiness, dissatisfaction with our lives and the world, tendencies toward carelessness or recklessness, depression, or illness. The sheer amount of vibration in the world today caused both by artificial and natural sources is staggering and mustn’t be underestimated as to their effect upon our psyches. In order to feel the best that we can, it’s helpful to experiment and find tones that make us happy or at least make us feel calmer.
Sound is often a tool used in meditation. Chanting a mantra, humming a tone, listening to a bell, whether it be mentally rung or actually, are ways of achieving a resonance that can merge with our own vibration, bringing it into harmony again, or unifying it with an energy known to be stable and supportive.
Find the Music
Years ago, I experimented with a tuning fork that I’d bought to help me tune my ukulele. It was an A-440.000Hz fork and I experienced some odd feelings when I used it. I experimented by striking it and then closing my eyes. I was startled to discover that I had a definite reaction, some of it visual. Using an electronic tuner, I experimented with other tones and combinations of notes, with remarkable results.
I discovered that some tones were completely annoying to me, even though there was nothing inherently wrong with them. I also discovered that just because some notes harmonized and made a musically viable chord, it got on my nerves. Some might be tempted to chalk this up to personal preference, but I think it has more to do with my vibrations and what resonates with me. It’s probable that you would react differently to some of the tones.
I began using these sounds as the foundation for my mantra meditations, finding that the exact same mantra, given a different note, rendered unique results. I also experimented with bells. My favorite is a lovely set of Tibetan bells, known as Tingsha. Further experiments with the Tingsha proved them to be remarkable at sensing energetically dead spots in houses, malefic energies, and even dishonesty in others. This particular set of bells resonates well with me. When I bought them, I tried every set in the store, much to the chagrin of the shopkeeper, until I found my set, the one I felt the most comfortable with.
It’s important to discover what brings us comfort and to work with it and on it. You can bring positive sound resonance, also known as good vibes, into your world. Here are some suggestions as to how to do just that.
Experiment with Different Musical Tones
Electronic Tuners are readily available at music stores and on the Internet. You can find tone generators online for free that will allow you to create notes, usually for the tuning of a particular musical instrument. However, you find them, start with any note and decide if it resonates with you. Listen to it for a while, then allow it to vibrate in your mind. Do this three or four times and then switch to actually humming that note with your eyes closed.
It won’t take long for you to decide whether or not the tone has positive, negative, or neutral effects upon you. The benefit of this is being able to use a tone at any time, through the use of a tuning app or a pitch pipe, allowing it to help ground you, center your energies, and bring you back to a place of feeling good. The more tones you try, the better off you’ll be. Soon you’ll be building a library of vibrational tones that can help you to sleep, perk up, study, think more clearly, enjoy yourself, meditate, or any other of the personal activities that sound vibrations can enhance. This is a powerful and often neglected tool. I can’t suggest it to you enough.
Try Feeling Other People
When I say try feeling other people, I mean their vibrations, as you’re liable to get yourself into a lot of trouble otherwise. It’s important that you not judge someone based upon their appearance or your preconceived notions. Luckily we live in a society where shaking hands, although at times unsanitary, can also put you in direct contact with the vibrations of the person in question.
I’m sure you’ve met someone and instantly liked them, while others you’ve met have left you ice-cold. One of the most amazing aspects of all of this is that people can be vibrationally sensed over long distances, even through photographs. I’ve been using the technique for decades and have found it to be uncannily accurate. Imagine being able to say no to an online date profile based solely on the photograph and the vibrations you feel.
There will be those who scoff at this concept, but it works and if you try it, you’ll be hooked. Don’t be surprised if you feel great warmth and love coming from the most unsuspecting individuals. Likewise, never ignore your vibrational intuition when you sense that someone is not at all what they seem to be and may be hiding something. Forewarned is forearmed.
Get Some Bells
Almost every culture uses bells, in some form or another. Experiment with anything you find and see how it makes you feel. The vibrations from a Tibetan Singing Bowl will be completely different than those of a crystal bell. One bell may make you feel at ease and put you in contact with benevolent energies that surround you. Another may bring you to a state of anxious trepidation and make you break into a cold sweat.
Pay attention to what does what, and don’t neglect to note your responses. With practice, you’ll be able to feel these energies in the presence of others, which can give you a good idea as to what’s actually going on beneath the surface. There are very few people who can masquerade their vibrations as one thing when in fact they’re different. Use this fact to your advantage.
Consider Playing a Musical Instrument
You don’t have to be a good musician to benefit from making music. I love musical instruments and have collected them all my life. When it comes to vibration, I’m especially fond of playing the Didgeridoo. One of the most amazing experiences of my life occurred when I communicated with a dragonfly while playing a 7-foot long Didgeridoo.
The dragonfly landed on the end of the instrument and moved its wings in time to the vibrations I was putting out. Stunned, I stopped playing and it flew away. The instant I resumed, it once again lit on the end of the Didgeridoo, moving its wings to the exact rhythm of the notes I played. I sped up and so did the dragonfly.
I slowed down and its wings kept time. Through vibrational resonance, I communicated with an insect, which I consider to be one of the most astounding accomplishments of my life. As I mentioned, don’t worry about playing well; just play. Whether it be a flute, concertina, organ, piano, pennywhistle, ukulele, drum, violin or any other of the thousands of instruments used by humans to bring sound to the world, use it. It isn’t important to strive for mastery, for the joy is in the experience and the energy. Mastery will come if you pursue it.
My hope is that someday we can all harmonize with each other, making the world a much softer, more loving place to be. Remember, it begins with us.
I wish you all peace and love.
Healing Energy Tools: Supporting Wellness Inside and Out

According to energy healer and author Donna Eden, our bodies are “lattice works of force fields,” in which “energy is the infrastructure.” But what happens when that infrastructure is stressed, exhausted, depressed, and filled with anxious thoughts, resulting in illness? To support wellness inside and out, healing energy tools can help foster physical, mental, and spiritual health.
Thankfully, we have an abundance of healing energy tools, from pyramids to crystals, energy healing stones to tuning forks. Whichever modality you or your energy healing professional work with, all are designed to optimize our wellness and heal what ails us.
Energy healing, or energy medicine, can be defined as any healing work designed to balance and restore our energetic channels. Similar to our circulatory system, which can have negative impacts on our health if not running smoothly, our energetic field also has a flow. If that flow is blocked, our energy fields can lead to emotional, spiritual, and soul pain.
Also similar to our physical body, energy carries its own anatomy — aura, meridians, and chakras. The balance for optimum energetic functioning leads to a sense of calm, equilibrium, and peace. To help achieve this balance, energy healers have a veritable energy healing toolkit at their fingertips. These range from ones steeped in ancient healing traditions, the natural world, and those derived from modern technology.