The Ark of Gabriel: Unearthing an Ancient Secret Weapon

Pope Francis’s meeting with the Patriarch Kirill? Russian ships found docking at Arabic ports? What could possibly be so important that would bring religious entities who haven’t met in 1,000 years, together? Some believe they know the answer: to move the Ark of Gabriel from the Grand Mosque in Mecca, to a secret base in Antarctica where it could be safely kept.
What is the Ark of Gabriel?
Not to be confused with the Ark of the Covenant, which houses the two stone slabs of the Ten Commandments, the Ark of Gabriel, which is not mentioned in the Christian Bible, is a mysterious device, a secret weapon that many people are only beginning to learn about. Its legend has been perpetuated by the havoc it has wreaked over the centuries, as well as its potential to be unleashed upon the world.
This legend is said to have ties to both the Christian and Islamic faiths in that Archangel Gabriel is sacred to both — he foretold the birth of Jesus and dictated the entirety of the Koran to the Prophet Muhammed.
When the Roman Catholic Crusaders pillaged Constantinople in 1204, the Eastern Orthodox Church was able to squirrel away the contents of a manuscript from the Hagia Sophia Cathedral, titled “Gabriel’s Instructions to Muhammed.” The document details the message that the archangel gave to Muhammed in a cave near the holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It tells of a box — an ark — that holds a “tremendous power” and belongs only to God. This ark was forbidden to be used until the “Resurrection Day,” and until then, buried in an altar within “the place of worship of angels before the creation of man.”
Signifying the End of the World
To the followers of Islam,“the place of worship of angels before the creation of man” could be no place other than Mecca — the holy city where all devout Muslims must attempt a hajj, a yearly five-day pilgrimage, at least once in their lifetimes. And it is here that the Ark of Gabriel was said to be buried, beneath the Grand Mosque, quietly waiting for the end of the world.
But due to the ever-growing influx of pilgrims coming to pray at the Grand Mosque, the structure has had to continually expand to keep up. During such construction efforts, a crew of laborers purportedly discovered the Ark of Gabriel that had been secreted away for over a thousand years. The consequences were severe: On Sept. 11, 2015, a crane fell, causing 107 casualties, including the 15-man crew, and injuring as many as 238.
The conspiracy alleges that, as a cover-up, the spokesman for the Presidency of the Grand Mosque and the Prophet Mosque attributed the so-called accident to “a strong sandstorm, winds and torrential rains.” Why? A report that’s claimed to belong to the Russian Ministry of Defense says it was on this day that the construction crew attempted to remove the Ark, and it states that the workers were killed by a plasma emission that spewed up from the ground with such vengeance that it knocked over the massive crane.
Twelve days later disaster struck again, this time three days into the hajj, when millions had gathered from across the world to worship in Mecca, slaughtering at least 2,400 worshippers. The cause? A stampede of people whose origins have yet to be explained. However, many people believe it was another plasma emission, made after a second attempt to unearth the Ark.
What Do the Russians, the Pope, and the Patriarch Kirill Have to Do With The Ark of Gabriel?
In December 2015, Russian naval warships were seen docking in Jeddah, a key Saudi Arabian port city, not far from Mecca.
Shortly after the second grave accident, Grand Mosque emissaries decided they wouldn’t take anymore chances. They reached out to Patriarch Kirill, knowing not only that the Church was in possession of “Gabriel’s Instructions to Muhammed,” but that the instructions likely contained information on how to safely approach the Ark.
Two months later, the heads of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church met for the first time in 962 years, where it’s thought that the Pope gave the Patriarch Kirill the vital information that had been missing from the manuscript stolen at the Hagia Sophia in 1204. Immediately after their meeting, the Patriarch Kirill voyaged to Antarctica himself, to allegedly perform a ritual, using the ancient documents.
Of course, without any hard evidence, the Ark of Gabriel, and the rumors surrounding it, can only be relegated to conjecture. That said, it is comforting to think that some of the world’s most powerful entities would set aside their differences to come together and fend off the end of the world. But if it is true, the hope is that the Ark stays undisturbed in the most desolate region of the world for millennia to come.
Upon being briefed of the cataclysmic potential of the Ark of Gabriel, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin ordered his naval ships to transport the Ark (using the Kirill’s precautions) to Antarctica, where the Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Church stands as the only religious structure on the continent.
Professor Finds $21 Trillion Missing from Government Budget

A Michigan State University economics professor discovered $21 trillion unaccounted for in the federal budget starting in 1998 until the end of fiscal year 2015. Professor Mark Skidmore enlisted the help of his graduate students to examine government documents from the Department of Defense and Housing and Urban Development to uncover an unfathomable amount of unauthorized spending.
According to the Constitution, all federal spending must be voted on and authorized by Congress each fiscal year. Any discrepancies found in the way of unauthorized spending would normally elicit a congressional hearing and investigation.
Skidmore and his students’ analysis used publicly available government documents from the two agencies’ websites to expose this inconsistency. Shortly after Skidmore published his findings, both agencies removed those documents from public access.
While no congressional committee tied to the budget had signaled the would open an inquiry prior to Skidmore’s findings, the Department of Defense allowed a first ever department-wide audit by independent firm Ernst & Young.
Skidmore says that sometimes there can be discrepancies meant to account for inadequate transactions, but those adjustments are usually no more than 1 percent of the total budget.
The Army’s annual budget for FY 2015 was $122 billion, meaning that an adjustment for inadequate transactions might be around $1.2 billion. The Army’s actual adjustments for FY 2015 were $6.5 trillion – 54 times what it was authorized to spend.
Out of thousands of documents spanning that period, Skidmore was able to find Army budget documentation for 13 of those years, saying its budget represented roughly $11.5 trillion of the missing $21 trillion. He also called these accounting documents “opaque,” saying it was not clear what the unauthorized adjustments were for.
That amount of unauthorized, “missing” money is equivalent to about $65,000 for every person in America. The government estimated that the federal deficit sits at around $20 trillion, an entire $1 trillion less than what Skidmore found missing in these adjustments.
So, what exactly is this money going towards? The revelation of a $56 billion Pentagon black budget for secret military, space, and surveillance programs has led some to speculate that it could be merely a fraction of what’s actually being spent.
Skidmore said he reached out to the Office of Inspector General, the Government Accountability Office, and Congressional Budget Office, asking if maybe the $6.5 trillion figure was a mistake and was instead supposed to be $6.5 billion. It was confirmed that $6.5 trillion was the correct adjustment. Though, when he asked if any of these agencies were alarmed or considering this a red flag, his questions were met with slight confusion and little concern.
Though Skidmore has reserved his speculation as to what he thinks the money might be going toward, it’s clear that either someone knows that a large amount of taxpayer dollars is being spent without authorized permission, or the accounting practices of those in charge of massive amounts of public money are that flawed.