The Corporate Exec Who Met With an Extraterrestrial

Every day, millions gaze to the stars for signs of intelligent extraterrestrial life, but what if they’re looking in the wrong place?
Sebastien Martin, a highly successful business leader, offers insight into an alien’s life among humans on a strange planet—Earth. What is the source of this insight? His own life experience as a visitor from somewhere beyond the stars, and what he has to offer is a stark message for our little blue planet.
Martin has seen the tragedies of our world and communed with ancient beings, ranging from archangels to Sumerian gods. As revealed in his autobiography, “Inner Journey in Outer Space,” he has traveled through the cosmos in past lives and received sacred information he’s felt compelled to share with the world. All the while, Martin has lived the life of a man climbing the corporate ladder to become the CEO of a multinational corporation, while also maintaining home life as a happy husband and father.
In the sixth installment of ETs Among Us, viewers are privy to quite the unusual and compelling story of a man who is much more than your average business executive. Beginning in Martin’s childhood, random, prophetic visions came to him. At first, he was perplexed, but when he realized his visions were coming true, he knew something greater was at play. Crediting his mother with providing encouragement Martin said she taught him we are much more than a physical body.
As time marched on, Martin’s gift of psychic insight continued to strengthen until one day he had a meeting with a being from another world — a brother from an alien planet who pointed out that we are all living an illusory existence steeped in suffering. This encounter changed Martin’s worldview as he realized there was more than the temporal and self-limiting nature of reality as most earthlings perceive it.
In November 2011, he had a close encounter of the fifth kind with an interdimensional being and has been in communication with an extended celestial family ever since. From this relationship, Martin receives seemingly inexplicable downloads aimed at raising consciousness.
Much of his work now has to do with passing along otherworldly wisdom to those seeking the deeper truths of the universe. In the process, he’s developed new faculties, including the ability to remote view, which has led him to discover an agenda involving Men in Black, a secret space program, and an understanding of ancient technologies, stargates, and portals on our planet.
With his unusual ability to traverse the intricacies of the multiverse and see what others cannot, Martin offers a glimmer of hope to the world. His greatest gift is teaching that offers the human race a way to be an influential and positive force in the universe.
Martin is thought-provoking, challenging our sense of self and understanding of others, as well as our relationship to the planet and the universe. With his ability to receive sacred information and seamlessly travel through the quantum lines of space and time, he reveals how each of us can improve the world and live up to our potential.
Do Thousands of Alien Contact Accounts Share Same Message?

Though UFO sightings have been traced to the days of prehistoric man — with ancient drawings of spacecraft, mysterious symbols, and humanoid creatures depicted on cave walls all over the world — the overwhelming number of encounters are only now starting to receive the attention they deserve. UFO abduction stories and alien contact have poured into the mainstream for decades, even while those who claim to have had these experiences find themselves as targets of social mockery.
UFO Abduction Experiences
Detractors who disbelieve abduction experiences often fail to take into consideration the character of the individuals who claim to have been abducted. A vivid stereotype stands in the way of fair treatment for experiencers: a delusional hillbilly at a rural bar rambling about far-fetched stories, or a drug-addled person ranting to no one in particular in the middle of a populated city center. But these abductee tropes are unfair and antiquated.
Giving actual credence to contact claims are the accounts of respected professionals who’ve come forward with their own stories, including military personnel, media personalities, and political figures. There are many people from all walks of life who have reported abductions and contact, such that a new generation of dedicated researchers has emerged, interested in learning more about these vivid and often terrifying experiences. Meanwhile, a number of psychologists have attempted to understand the lingering trauma and emotional scars of these abductees who work to cope with the ensuing trauma and disruption in their daily lives.
Harvard psychiatrist John Mack observed that the fear of social rejection and invalidation can often be more traumatic to an abductee than the actual experience of abduction. He said, “Every other culture in history except this one, in the history of the human race, has believed there were other entities, other intelligences in the universe… why are we so goofy about this? Why do we treat people like they’re crazy, humiliate them, if they’re experiencing some other intelligence?”
Similarly, physicist and UFO researcher Stanton Friedman noted, “I check all my audiences [on the lecture circuit] and find that, while in agreement with polls, 10% have had a sighting but only 5-10% of these witnesses have been willing to report what they saw. Biggest reason? Fear of ridicule.”
L. Harvard Psychiatrist John Mack R. Physicist Stanton Friedman
Photographer Kim Carlsberg was a few days into working on the set of the hit television show “Dallas” when she went home and saw her first UFO, which she dubbed the “Moon Over Malibu.”
A few weeks later, Carlsberg went to bed and woke up in a spacecraft, which would be the first of a series of abduction events that continued for seven years. During abductions, she says she was the subject of experimentation and claims to have been impregnated to create hybrids of aliens and humans. She says she has learned profound spiritual lessons, having been shown the oneness of the universe and all of its species. And she reports a resounding mission among the extraterrestrials “[T]hat it is time to save Mother Earth from her inhabitants.”
Carlsberg’s first book, “Beyond My Wildest Dreams,” discusses her personal UFO abduction story, while her second book, “The Art of Close Encounters,” serves as a forum for 150 people to tell their UFO abduction stories.