The Hollow Moon Theory; Is the Moon an Artificial Satellite?

The Hollow Moon Theory; Is the Moon an Artificial Satellite?

The moon is often described as having divine, feminine energy – the female counterpart to our Sun. It is a source of cosmic phenomena, providing us with beautiful eclipses, changing tides, and hopefully a future staging point for missions to Mars and beyond. But when we start to look at the moon under a closer lens, a number of aberrant characteristics suggest that it might be hollow — and that there may be a secret moon base.

The Moon Rings Like a Bell

The Apollo missions and subsequent moon landings have been at the center of controversy and conspiracy for years. There has been an interminable debate as to whether we actually landed on the moon, what was found there, or to what extent NASA has been hiding information from us. But amid the quarreling and speculation, the number of anomalous features on the moon has puzzled scientists and conspiracy theorists alike.

Toward the latter end of the Apollo missions, NASA astronauts placed seismic recording devices on the lunar surface to document artificial and natural moonquakes. Their equipment recorded activity ranging from meteorite strikes to man-made explosions, and crash landings of Apollo rockets. Even the sun’s heat created seismic activity when it caused the moon to thaw on a daily basis.

The astronauts were given a series of ALSEPs, or Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Packages to set up seismographs and initiate detonations ranging from shotgun-like charges to mortars with multiple grenades. Eventually, NASA intentionally crash-landed the Apollo 12 module as well as the S-IVB rocket setting off an explosive force equivalent to nearly 12 tons of TNT.

What they found was that the moon rings like a bell, reverberating sometimes for hours at a time. Not knowing much about the moon’s material composition, NASA and the Apollo astronauts were astounded by what they heard and the results that it entailed. Clearly the moon’s density was significantly less than the Earth’s.

The Moon is a little more than one-quarter of the size of Earth, another bizarre characteristic compared to any other natural satellite in our cosmic region. Of all the moons in the solar system, ours is the 5th largest. No other planet that we’re aware of has a moon that is as proportionately big as ours. All other planets with moons that size are massive gas giants. Neptune, the closest in size with a moon that big, is four times the size of Earth.

The moon is about 2,100 miles in diameter, compared to the Earth’s nearly 8,000-mile diameter, yet the mass of the moon is only 1.2 percent of Earth’s, while the volume of the moon is only 2 percent of Earth’s.

After NASA conducted these tests, it concluded that the moon has a similar composition to our planet, although significantly less dense, with a 31-mile crust of mineral plagioclase, a mantle of olivine and pyroxene, and a very small core of Iron and Sulphur. But when the Apollo astronauts first landed on the moon, they had difficulty drilling into the surface of the craters, which are anomalies in themselves.

Craters are thought to be the result of meteorite and asteroid impacts, meaning there should be a certain proportion between their depth and width. Instead many wider craters have similar depths to significantly narrower craters, with some even appearing convex. And when astronauts attempted to drill into the craters, they were barely able to penetrate the surface, discovering processed metals like brass, mica, and pure titanium.


astronaut on moon

The Moon is a Spaceship; A Secret Moon Base?

In 1970, two Soviet astronomers had been studying the satellite and theorized that it was likely a hollow moon put in place by a highly-advanced extraterrestrial race. Their theory was based on these observable anomalies, claiming the Moon was an artificial shell that had been inhabited internally for years.

While it might seem farfetched that we are being surveilled by an extraterrestrial race on the moon, or that a hollow Moon may have been intentionally placed in Earth’s orbit as a secret moon base, there are a plethora of inexplicable facts about its relationship with Earth. To this day, there are several theories that attempt to explain how the Moon ended up orbiting our planet, though none have been absolutely accepted, leading many to believe that the moon is a spaceship.




Without the moon orbiting precisely where it is, it’s possible that life on Earth wouldn’t exist, or at least wouldn’t have evolved to the point that it has. In fact, it is estimated that less than 10 percent of all terrestrial planets in the universe have an Earth to moon ratio like ours, which provides the stability that is necessary to maintain a climate that can harbor life.

The size of the moon is such that it affects our axial tilt or the way that the Earth wobbles on its axis, changing by a single degree over the course of thousands of years. This relegation to one degree of movement is necessary for climatic stability; without the moon’s balance, the Earth could tilt as much as 85 degrees every million years or so, causing drastic changes.

This would adjust the orientation of the Earth to the Sun so significantly that the Sun would shift to be situated directly over the poles rather than the equator where it currently is. Life could not evolve during such radical shifts.

Is the Moon Artificial?

There are two ways that planets typically acquire moons, through accretion or capture. The process of capturing a moon is just like it sounds, a moon will drift into the orbit of a planet and become trapped in its gravitational field.

In the process of accretion, a moon is formed at the same time as the planet from the accretion disk of the solar system. But this theory has been widely dismissed due to the differences in core composition and the fact that the moon is almost a billion years older than the Earth. In fact, the mineral composition of rocks found on the surface of the moon varies drastically from those found on Earth.

The abundance of titanium is one example of such an anomaly, with certain lunar samples containing up to 10 percent of this precious mineral; the highest abundance of titanium-rich minerals on Earth has never exceeded 1 percent. There are other processed metals found on the moon like mica and brass, as well as the presence of radioactive elements like Uranium-236 and Neptunium, none of which are found naturally on Earth.

These moon rocks brought back from the Apollo missions, presented another surprise; they were magnetized. Scientists were baffled, having previously assumed that the moon never had a magnetic field. The Earth’s magnetism is thought to be the product of an internal dynamo, in which the rotating, convecting, and electrically conducting liquid iron in the core generates the field. However, the moon wasn’t believed to have a core large enough to generate this type of dynamo mechanism.


Hollow Moon Proof?

According to Zulu legend, our hollow moon was put in place by two brothers with scaly, fish-like skin. The legend tells of Wowane and Mpanku, who brought the moon to Earth after stealing it from a great fire dragon. They are said to have emptied out the egg-like satellite of its ‘yolk,’ subsequently placing it in orbit around the Earth. Prior to this, the planet was said to have been shrouded in a sheath of watery mist, which came raining down to Earth once the moon came into orbit.


hollow moon


Some believe that this deluge of water may be a reference to the great flood that destroyed the antediluvian civilizations. The two brothers mentioned also bear similar characteristics to Enki and Enlil of ancient Sumerian lore, who was responsible for instituting the first civilizations of man and are often depicted wearing fish garb.

Another strange characteristic recorded on the moon from one of Apollo 14’s ALSEPs was the presence of a cloud of water vapor on the moon. After 40 years, NASA reported finding the presence of water in rock samples brought back from these missions, stating that the discovery would change how we think about the moon. A further examination showed that this water had twice the levels of a deuterium isotope compared to water found on Earth. Furthermore, they said there was reason to believe that there are 600 million tons of water trapped in craters on the moon.

At the time of the Apollo 14’s discovery of water vapor, NASA claimed that it was the result of ruptured water tanks that had leaked Earth water into the atmosphere. This cloud of vapor covered 100 square miles and lingered for 14 hours before dissipating, making NASA’s explanation improbable, considering the tanks they were referring to only contained between 60-100 pounds of water.

NASA also claimed that the water from the ruptured tanks simultaneously burst, though they were over 100 miles apart. Why would they make such an absurd claim and why did it take 40 years to analyze and discover water in these rock samples brought back from the Apollo missions?

Could the water be coming from an internal source, perhaps one that NASA doesn’t want us to know about?

Alleged Volcanic Eruption on Mars Sparks NASA Cover-Up Conspiracy

Conspiracy and speculation erupted across the internet yesterday over an alleged volcanic plume stretching roughly 1,200 miles across the Martian atmosphere. The plume appears to originate from the planet’s supposedly dormant Arsia Mons volcano.

Images of the activity were taken on Sept. 24 by the Mars Express orbiter and later published by the European Space Agency.

According to NASA, volcanic activity on the red planet ceased some 50 million years ago after Earth’s Cretaceous-Paleogene event that killed off the dinosaurs, but some believe this latest imaging shows otherwise.

Spurred by conjecture from a popular YouTube conspiracy channel, claims of volcanic activity on Mars reignited theories of government cover-ups and strange happenings within NASA, the FBI and other controversial government agencies.

Many are pointing to last month’s Sunspot National Observatory shutdown, the switch to a limited “safe mode” on the Hubble and Chandra telescopes, and the sudden failure of NASA’s Mars Curiosity Rover as evidence that strange events occurring on the planet may be intentionally obfuscated.

Arsia Mons is located within a tightly situated line of volcanoes on Mars, collectively known as Tharsis Montes, which lie in the shadow of Olympus Mons – the largest volcano in our solar system (more than twice the size of Mt. Everest).

Arsia Mons happens to be the planet’s second largest volcano in terms of volume and is home to a series of caves NASA has studied as the best places to situate research and habitation modules. Could there be something already underway?

“This project developed a revolutionary system to exploit the novel idea of extraterrestrial cave use” stated a project summary published in 2004, further explaining that two “missions” were tested to gather data.

Arsia Mons is known to have an annual whether phenomenon in which sunlight warms the area around the volcano, bringing small amounts of dust into the air. Rising air currents bring this dust and other fine sediment above the volcano’s caldera into a thick, spiraling cloud that is big enough to be seen by a probe orbiting the planet.

Mars Volcano Eruption


But the latest plume looks nothing like the spiraling cloud recorded from this phenomenon in the past. Instead it appears as more of a streaking trail that’s persisted over the course of weeks.

NASA has attributed the plume to water ice clouds that are gathering over the volcano. The agency says that at certain times of year, the small amounts of water in the atmosphere freeze and condense near areas of high altitude, notably above this volcanic region.

If this is the case, then maybe there’s significantly more water on the red planet than previously believed and we should study the areas it’s sublimating from.

But then again, there’s always some simple explanation from NASA that seems to make everyone’s concerns seem trivial. Is this really just a storm or are they covering up something far greater?

For more on the drips of disclosure coming from NASA’s Mars operations, check out this episode of Deep Space:

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