The Little Known History of Tarot
Among the many tools and traditions that have circulated through occult culture, none have stood the test of time or gained as much popularity as the tarot. Throughout its history, the tarot has been associated with various esoteric ideologies and the true origin of the cards has been a topic of debate. However, historical evidence points to a deck of playing cards that wasn’t used exclusively for divination and fortune-telling until centuries after its creation.
Occult historian and author Mitch Horowitz sheds some light on how this powerful tool transitioned from an early version of bridge to a mystical divination tool.
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Journey of the Tarot: How Major Arcana Meanings Mirror the Soul
Cloaked in mystery and magic, the Tarot is more than a mere card game or parlor trick. In fact, the symbolism of this mysterious set of cards dives deeply into the realm of human consciousness and experience, revealing patterns of both the past, present, and probable future. The Major Arcana meanings in particular echo important aspects of the human experience, shedding light onto the many stages of spiritual development.
Divided into two separate Arcana, the Tarot tells the story of human experience using archetypal symbolism, numerology, and elemental meanings. The Major Arcana in particular speaks to what Carl Jung termed “the universal subconscious.” Each of the 22 cards symbolizes a different portion of the psyche, leading the querent on a spiritual journey from division to wholeness. On the path of the Major Arcana the seeker faces various trials and tribulations, which eventually lead to understanding and individuation.