The Top Five Subtle Body Treatments for Back Pain

The Top Five Subtle Body Treatments for Back Pain

Don’t laugh when you see me walking down the street. In my life I have broken my neck in a hard bicycling fall and had rods inserted into my lower spine after plummeting to the ground in a skydiving accident.

I walk a bit funny because they put my leg back together crookedly. It was not the doctor’s fault – he did the best he could. I am not about to get my leg fixed. I’ll wear it crooked, thank you very much. I feel very lucky just to be alive and walking at all. In fact, I am completely functional and pain free, and I’m the one laughing as I consider those two major accidents, countless minor ones and the amount of major metal now in my body.

My life took a very different turn over a decade ago that led me to study and experience my subtle body energy or what some call our chakra system. This has taught me lessons to help address my pain and made obvious what I once would not have believed. In this article I’ll share what I’ve learned through first-hand experience and outline some concrete steps you can take to help tackle your pain.

Our back and other parts of our body have a very specific language or way of communicating with us. Many times the expression can be quite literal, such as painful hands resulting from our holding tight onto something and the fear of letting it go. This happened to me.

A few years back my hands and the inside of the forearms began to hurt for seemingly no reason. Over a few months it became so bad that I could no longer pull my pants up, so I had to wear loose, stretchy shorts. I happened to run into a very wise old soul who I told about the pain. She touched my hand and said, “You are afraid of losing your job. Just let go and do your best.” I worked on letting go of that fear, and the pain went away as mysteriously as it had arrived. A few months later, a friend told me about similar pain and I had the answer. His went away as well.

The underlying premise of the discovery is that our body will express for us the emotion that we cannot process. Interestingly enough, our bodies use of language is amazingly consistent, regardless of race, nationality or gender. Our body communicates without bias, so lessons learned can be applied universally.

These energetic systems run throughout our body but the adverse expression of emotion felt in our bodies is a topic greater than can be covered in just this article. We’ll focus our discussion today on the back, since back pain is so prevalent worldwide and the third most common reason people visit the doctor’s office in the U.S., according to a major study conducted by the Mayo Clinic.

While there are no “silver bullets” and nothing works 100% of the time, I have discovered that simple, specific realizations can relieve back pain. Once I understood the function and location of chakras within the body, I was able to map these energy centers to the cause of the pain. Through trial and error with thousands of people, I’ve identified the most common resolutions for addressing back pain.

It’s not a coincidence that most people’s back pain emanates from the mid- to lower-back. From a chakra point of view, these areas correspond to the more base parts of life – money, sex, pleasure, relationships and power. These are the focus of most of humanity’s fear and doubt.

Finally, in this stage the instructor guides us not to seek the primordial seed outside of us. It is, as Jesus and so many others have taught, within us.

Here are five common areas of back pain and the top five realizations for making that pain go away. Identify one or more areas where you’re feeling pain under “Pain Location” and simply walk through the steps listed under “The Relief” for three to five minutes. See what happens. Hopefully you’ll be laughing with relief soon.


#1 – Pain Location: Very base of the spine. Note that it will often radiate to the sides of the spine, hips and legs.

The Relief:

  • Ask yourself how bad is your pain right now? Rate it on a scale of 1 to 10.
  • Note how old you are now and recognize that for all of your life you have always had a place to sleep, something to eat and clothing to wear.  This is true since birth, right? (For most people, this is true.)
  • Note that you focus on fear of financial doom. You tend to focus on your bills and what would happen if you don’t have enough to make it.  You don’t see how you are going to make it.
  • Look back at your life.  You have had this fear many times but the truth is that  somehow, some way you made it….month after month, year after year, decade after decade, you made it, right?  The truth of your life is that the fear was false. You addressed the issues, adjusted and made it. Right?
  • Now apply this to every real financial concern you currently have.  Apply it to all of your loved ones.
  • You most likely learned this fear from your parents and they from your grandparents. Not true for them too, right? They made it too, right?
  • Apply the truth of your entire lifetime of experience to your current fear and frustration around all financial issues. Let go, you are going to make it again.  So too will your loved ones. Do this for every financial concern.
  • Rate your pain on a scale of 1 to 10 again.


#2 – Pain Location: Lower back – area across from the belly button

The Relief:

  • How bad is your pain right now? Rate it on a scale of 1 to 10.
  • Think of someone you love non-romantically, it could even be a pet. Allow yourself to fully feel that feeling of love for them.
  • Give this feeling very specifically to the person(s) you are related to that irritate you.   Do not hold back, give this to them 100% even though they don’t deserve it. Do this for 3 to 5 full minutes.
  • Rate your pain on a scale of 1 to 10 again
  • Bonus – Let go of the feeling that you are not safe enough to enjoy the physical pleasures of life. Give yourself permission to fully enjoy.

#3 – Pain Location: Mid-back – area across from the solar plexus

The Relief

  • How bad is your pain right now? Rate it on a scale of 1 to 10
  • Let go  of all of your fear of someone controlling you. Do this by letting go of your fear of the worst- case scenario.  This is most often work-related but does not have to be. Imagine the worst case scenario as if it has happened, you fully accept it and are moving on to the new phase of life. If you let go of all of your fear no one can really control you.  Feel it.
  • Let go of your insistence that things have to be done your way.  Allow others to be, do and say as they wish. Feel that you are now doing that.
  • Rate your pain on a scale of 1 to 10 again

black shirt

#4 – Pain Location: Upper back – area between shoulder blades, behind heart

The Relief:

  • How bad is your pain right now? Rate it on a scale of 1 to 10.
  • Let go of your judgements of others, any and all judgements no matter how small.
  • Notice that every time you were hurt by love it was when your love went from unconditional to conditional
  • Let go and allow yourself to make it now unconditional again, feel it…just for 3 to 5 minutes.
  • Rate your pain on a scale of 1 to 10 again

#5 –Pain Location: Neck

The Relief:

  • How bad is your pain right now? Rate it on a scale of 1 to 10.
  • Let go of being right and making others wrong around you.
  • Realize that they simply have a different perspective from you.
  • Allow yourself to see the others’ perspective. Do this while making neither one of you right or wrong. Let go, feel it.  Do this for 3 to 5 minutes.
  • Rate your pain on a scale of 1 to 10 again


Why does this work for so many people?

Your chakras are energy centers that are related to different aspects of life, emotion and even organs and glands. Chakras open and close like flowers, in love and trust they open, in fear and doubt they contract. Meridians in the body are as hoses with energy flowing through them. If you get a kink in the hose then the energy cannot flow. If the energy is not flowing, then you might feel it as pain, or possibly, if it continues long enough, as disease.

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Energy comes into our chakra system in love and trust.  We mess it up with fear and doubt. Each chakra performs at its optimum when we apply thoughts and feelings of love and trust to the aspect of life that the chakra controls. All we have done is just un-kink your hoses and open your flowers.



About the Author:

Bill McKenna; Creator and Founder of Cognomovement, has helped countless individuals find relief from physical, emotional, energetic and even spiritual discomforts. He is the author of The Only Lesson and regularly leads seminars on pain relief. Bill has made multiple appearances as a guest on Open Minds with Regina Meredith. Learn more about Bill and where to experience other methods of profound healing. Get in touch with Bill today.


1) Mayo Clinic Proceedings, January 2013, Volume 88, Issue 1, Pages 56-57

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Human Biofield Research Shows Efficacy in Energy Healing

Human Biofield Research Shows Efficacy in Energy Healing

Exciting new scientific research is finally showing the efficacy of an age-old practice: biofield healing.

Humans have been using various forms of energy healing for eons, today the emerging field of biofield medicine is ushering in serious scientific inquiry. Dr. Shamini Jain is a researcher and founder of the Consciousness and Healing Initiative, a collaborative of leading scientists and practitioners seeking to expand our understandings of biofield healing. She is the author of the new book “Healing Ourselves.”

“The biofield is a new term that’s been coined by Western scientists to explain what really is a very age-old concept that aligns across traditions around the world, and that is that the biofield is a set of fields, it’s a set of interpenetrating and interacting fields of energy and information that connect us and heal us,” Dr. Jain said.

“So we can talk about and explore the biofield of a cell, the biofield of a person, and even the biofield of a tree or the biofield of the Earth. What’s really cool about it, is we can look at the interactions between our biofields we can look at the biofields between cells, and we can look at the biofields between us and Earth. And it turns out when we start exploring those things in science, we learn about healing effects; we learn how our connection actually heals.”

Cyndi Dale is an energy healer and intuitive who has been working with the biofield’s subtle energies for decades.

“To me, energy is information that moves. Now, Einstein said it forever ago, ‘everything is energy,’ it’s just a matter of how measurable or immeasurable it is,” Dale said.

“So these days, we’ve subdivided those types of energy into subtle energy, which is 99.999 percent of an object or person, versus so-called ‘physical’ energy, which is really, simply denser energy. We’re increasingly being able to measure subtle energy which is really exciting. First of all, we’re explaining it in terms of quantum physics because subtle energy is really most like quanta, which are the smallest units, not just of matter, but of energy. So, therefore some of these quantum wave particles can move faster than the speed of light, but they all carry information or data.”

Biofield healing can take various forms of working with energy, these include reiki, acupuncture, healing touch, and pranic healing, amongst others. Scientists are now looking at ways in which this healing might work, right down to the cellular level.

“We’re bio-electromagnetic beings, even our bones are piezoelectric, and our cells give off charge,” Dr. Jain said. “As it turns out, we can actually even manipulate, for lack of a better term, work with the charge in our cells to grow new neural tissue. We have chemicals that run around in the body, but as it turns out in many cases, it’s actually the electromagnetic charge that might drive the chemicals to move from one cell to another. So as we begin to explore the biofield there’s so much to learn.”

While much still remains to be discovered about the exact mechanisms by which biofield healing works, emerging research is showing it does. Studies have shown the efficacy of biofield therapies in dramatically reversing fatigue in breast cancer survivors, improving immune function in patients receiving chemotherapy, and reducing PTSD symptoms in active-duty military.

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