UFOs and Bigfoot; Evidence of an Inter-Dimensional Connection

John Keel, the prominent ufologist and paranormal researcher, famous for the Mothman Prophecies, once proposed the idea that there are “window areas” throughout the world, connecting our reality with parallel dimensions. These areas, Keel imagined, may help elucidate some unexplained reports of entities that are too fleeting or confusing to later detail or prove. With the increasing plausibility of the multiverse theory and infinite neighboring universes, maybe we should be asking ourselves; are UFOs and Bigfoot interdimensional travelers, and could there be a connection between the two?
Interdimensional Bigfoot Theories
For hundreds of years, people worldwide have reported encounters with monsters, fairies, demons, and cryptids. To this day those experiences persist, while many of these same entities have also been encountered through the use of psychedelics.
Now, it would be easy to say these are simply archetypal figures; beings our collective consciousness conjures in our minds with anthropomorphic features based on fears or subliminal functions of our psyche. Or we could entertain the ostensibly bizarre possibility that these are entities from another dimension operating on higher realms of existence.
Keel referred to these entities as ultra-terrestrials; beings capable of crossing dimensions at will, often acting as “cosmic pranksters.” Daniel Pinchbeck says he experienced prankster entities from a psychedelic realm cross into the real world after encountering them during and in the subsequent weeks following a psychedelic trip.
When it comes to Bigfoot, Sasquatch, the Yeti, or whatever you want to call them, there is often a playfulness and/or spookiness described in their actions. Tree knocking or eerie screams alert us to their presence until we get close enough where they might offer a glimpse, before vanishing seemingly into thin air.
Their appearance could be considered another form of prank, embodying a primitive, ape-like creature that exudes a noxious odor. Yet, they’re able to evade contact with us despite thousands of reported sightings over hundreds of years. Is Sasquatch cosmically trolling us?
An intriguing account tying UFO’s and Bigfoot together comes from an 1888 meeting between cattle ranchers and a group of Native Americans in Northern California. The natives described three “crazy bears” that descended from the sky in a small moon, leaving them in the woods before taking off.
In another instance, in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1973, a woman named Reafa Heitfield and her daughter were awakened in the middle of the night to a beam of light extending down from a bulbous umbrella shape in the sky. Tracking the light to where it landed in the nearby woods, the two noticed a grayish, simian creature wandering toward the beam. Before they knew it, both the ape and the craft disappeared.
Though these stories may be apocryphal in nature, it’s reported that at least 20 percent of Bigfoot sightings coincide with UFO events.
Jack Cary, a cryptozoologist who has studied Bigfoot for decades, says he believes it’s alternatively plausible that Bigfoot is being abducted by UFOs in much the same way humans are, to study its DNA and physical attributes.
Cary also ascribes to the idea that something called the Mach Effect could explain the possibility of interdimensional travel. The Mach Effect, which is actually a sound principle in physics being tested by NASA, employs the use of fluctuations created by a body of mass as it accelerates, that are in turn used to generate thrust.
Cary says he believes the Earth’s fluctuations can create momentary tears in the electromagnetic membrane, separating our universe with a parallel one, allowing extra-dimensional entities access into this dimension.
The illustrious Jacques Vallee is also of the mindset that there may be something extra-dimensional going on, sharing a similar sentiment to Keel when speaking about the UFO phenomenon. Vallee believes there is something more than the traditional explanation of an extraterrestrial race visiting Earth, instead believing in a possible window to another dimension.
“We are dealing with a yet unrecognized level of consciousness, independent of man but closely linked to the Earth…. I do not believe anymore that UFOs are simply the spacecraft of some race of extraterrestrial visitors. This notion is too simplistic to explain their appearance, the frequency of their manifestations through recorded history, and the structure of the information exchanged with them during contact.” – Jacques Vallee
The CIA’s UFO Bigfoot Evidence
In the 1960s, the CIA investigated an alleged simultaneous encounter with Bigfoot and a UFO at Presque Isle State Park in the all too appropriately named city — Erie, Pennsylvania. The ensuing reports were documented as part of the infamous Project Bluebook, during which the government investigated thousands of cases involving UFOs.
Presque Isle is a peninsula arching out over Lake Erie to form Presque Isle Bay, one of the state’s most visited summer tourist destinations. On the night of July 31, 1966, four tourists from New York found their car stuck in the sand after spending the day relaxing on Beach Six of the peninsula.
One member of the group, Gerald LaBelle, was sent to call a tow truck, while the others remained in the car. Around 10 pm, police on patrol stopped to ask if they were alright. After being informed that help was on the way, the officers said they would check back within the hour.
When the police returned about 35 minutes later, the group said it witnessed “something weird going on up there,” pointing to a location in the sky above a wooded area. One of the group’s members, Douglas Tibbets, went to investigate along with the two officers.
The two women in the group, Betty Klem and Anita Haifley, remained in the car while they waited for everyone’s return. Tibbets and the officers walked roughly 300 yards up the beach before hearing the honking of their car’s horn, hurrying back to see what happened.
Klem and Haifley clearly shaken, said they witnessed a “dull black shape, bigger than a man, big head and shoulders, arm-like appendages, no hands, no face visible, as though it had its back turned” in front of their car before it “lumbered into the bushes,” when Klem blew the horn. A scratching sound on the hood or roof of the car was also reported.
In the end, this creature was dismissed by investigators as a raccoon, despite the ladies’ very distinct description of a bipedal, humanoid figure. But what about the UFO?
The UFO was described as an angular craft emitting red and orange lights, before descending down to the beach where it radiated a beam of white light that tracked something into the woods. But eventually, it took off at an incredible speed to the North, shortly after the women encountered the humanoid figure.
In the early hours of the following morning, officers patrolled the area where the craft allegedly landed. The report says they noticed the presence of two unusual triangular marks in the area coinciding with the craft’s landing zone. The officer writing the report said, “I have no reasonable explanation of the UFO,” and described the witnesses as creditable.
Investigation of the case was eventually abandoned, remaining unsolved to this day. The Project Bluebook report dismisses the groups’ testimony as possibly a hoax, though no definitive conclusion was made.
A local television station aired a segment some decades later, interviewing a man who said the UFO was a hot air balloon he ordered and built from an issue of Boy’s Life magazine. But this man’s claim implies that the homemade hot air balloon would have traveled in a straight line, precisely due North for several miles, carried by the wind without straying off course.
Despite the fact the witness’ accounts describe something far more complex than a paper balloon, the man’s testimony doesn’t explain the strange marks on the beach where the craft supposedly landed, baffling CIA investigators.
Could the Presque Isle incident be the result of a “window area,” where archetypal beings from another dimension entered our universe? To this day the witnesses maintain their accounts of what happened and many others have come forward saying they too, saw a UFO above the peninsula that evening.
As theoretical physics continues to change our perception of reality, with the prospect of a multiverse and quantum entanglement, it seems Einstein’s spooky action at a distance might be a little spookier than we imagined.
Missing 411

Special thanks to Jim Malliard, paranormal researcher and radio host for his views and contributions to this article.
Since 1752, thousands of visitors to National Parks and Forests in the Western U.S. and Canada have disappeared. Sometimes they return, and sometimes they don’t. What makes these disappearances strange is the fact that once they happen, mum’s the word. Beyond the standard 7-10 day investigation window and period of grief for those affected by the disappearances, no one talks about it.
Strange weather patterns erupt after someone goes missing as if the earth is covering up the trail. K9s can’t even pick up a scent with their highly trained noses. Park rangers and service staff are reluctant to speak up. Is it part of their code of conduct, or are they too afraid to say what they’re really thinking?
Who Is Disappearing?
Those who vanish without a trace tend to be highly intellectual types, while others have been children. Take for example Alois Krost, a 62-year-old German physics professor, a highly skilled mountaineer who vanished in Lake Arrowhead. Then there’s Jaryd Leto, a tiny 3-year-old who went missing from a trail in Northern Colorado. His shoes later turned up – laces tied and all. But Jaryd didn’t know how to tie his shoes when he went missing. Based on some theories, those who want these people maybe tapping their brains for information.