What is Astral Projection?

Call it what you like — dream body, astral body, energy body, Buddhist light body, Taoist diamond body, Egyptian ka, Tantric subtle body, Hindu body of bliss — and in Christianity, the experience of different “heavens,” i.e. “I know a man who was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in our out of body, I do not know,” from Corinthians 12:1-4. The subtle body is a universal human experience, and apparently part of our standard human design like toenails and kidneys. It is this subtle body that projects astrally and is active during unconscious and lucid dreaming; astral projection and dreaming often go hand-in-hand as “out-of-body” experiences, or OBEs.
The subtle body, when cultivated, can survive the physical body as a matrix for consciousness, and astral projection and lucid dreaming are part of spiritual training paths for subtle body cultivation. Neophytes confuse the subtle body with the soul or spirit, two additional aspects of multi-dimensional humans.
Out of Body Experiences and Astral Projection
The OBE can be intentional or involuntary, as with near-death events when people report finding themselves floating near the ceiling of their hospital rooms, perhaps observing medical staff attempting to revive them. Trauma, illness, or water and food deprivation, as with Native American vision quests, can trigger OBEs. Lucid dream states are opportunities for intentional OBEs. For the purposes of this article, OBEs may be spontaneous, and astral projection a conscious choice, though some would argue otherwise.
Essentially, the OBE begins with an experience of leaving the body and consciously observing it from a detached perspective. With practice and lucidity, awareness can be directed to locations or activities like flight. Yes, flight. If you’ve had flying dreams — literal flying, no 747 required — or being in the sky, you’ve had OBEs. Some say that we have regular OBEs during sleep, often hovering a few inches over our physical bodies.
Neuroscientists are puzzled — while the experience is no longer dismissed out of hand by medical professionals, science holds the view that OBEs involve neurological or brain dysfunction. After his own experience, Dr. Raymond Moody MD became interested in near death OBEs, and for decades interviewed hundreds of experiencers and collected data, defining common qualities of OBEs. Moody identified nine common elements of a near-death OBE — some experiencing all, some, only two or three.
Benefits of OBE
The tantrics mastered lucid OBE and dream states to overcome the fear of death by learning that we are not our “bodies.” They also discovered that the physical body can experience deep healing during OBEs — the mind can be tough on the body. And rather than losing time to practice meditation during sleep, yogis continued working through the night while the body rested.
Some athletes learn lucid dreaming to practice and visualize their game. By working in a dream or out-of-body, not only do they visualize, they have a “felt sense” of their practice, and can actually acquire the muscle memory for winning habits. Others benefit from the opportunity to explore past lives as well as accelerated personal development.

It is our energy, or subtle body that comes and goes from our physical form.
Astral Projection Methods
There are dozens of methods to learn conscious OBE and astral projection. There are two approaches — one is to keep the mind awake while the body falls asleep. It’s tricky — the mind wants to do what the body is doing. The goal is to take the body into deeper and deeper states of relaxation without drifting into unconsciousness. Yoga Nidra is one method. Once the body enters sleep state, practitioners simply “roll” out of their physical form.
Ancient yogis would tie two frogs together before sleep. Once tied, the frogs would continuously croak— a yogi would use the sound to anchor awareness as the body drifted into sleep, and either leave the body, or enter lucid dream states. If, during a dream, the yogi could no longer hear the frogs, he/she knew lucidity had been lost, and could “wake” again within the dream.
How to Astral Project/Travel
Monroe Institute Steps
Bob Monroe, founder of the leading research organization in the field of human consciousness called The Monroe Institute, penned a body of work titled “Journeys Out of the Body” in 1971 in which he provides a detailed outline for how to astrally project one’s self in seven steps:
- Step 1: Relax, both physically and mentally.
- Step 2: Enter a hypnagogic state, or half-sleep.
- Step 3: Deepen the state by prioritizing mental sensation over physical sensation.
- Step 4: Pay attention to the presence of vibration in your environment, which becomes apparent in a state of deep attention.
- Step 5: Incur the vibration in your physical body, and relax into its presence. The purpose of this is to gently jiggle the subtle body out of the physical body.
- Step 6: Focus your thoughts on leaving the limbs and the torso, and try to do so one at a time.
- Step 7: Known as “lifting out,” focus on effortlessly drifting out of your physical body.
The Astral Projection Rope Technique
From the work of Robert Bruce, founder of the Astral Dynamics movement, the rope technique is regarded one of the most accessible astral projection methods.
Step 1: Relax the physical body by visualizing each muscle.
Step 2: From your space of relaxation, enter a vibrational states; this should feel like an amplified version of a cell phone’s vibration mode pulsations coursing through the body.
Step 3: Imagine a rope hanging above you.
Step 4: Using the astral, or subtle, body, attempt to hold on to the rope with both hands. The physical body remains completely relaxed.
Step 5: Begin to climb the rope, hand over hand, all the while visualizing reaching the ceiling above you.
Step 6: Once you are aware of your full exit of the physical body, you are able to explore the astral plane.
Lucid Dreaming Techniques
Again, there are numerous lucid dreaming techniques. Some are designed to train the sleeper to wake within the dream, others offer methods of staying lucid while letting the body fall asleep.
A Nootropic Approach
Yes, it’s sounds weird. Nicotine has specific actions on brain chemistry — but no, it’s not about smoking. Considered a cognitive enhancer, nicotine is gaining fans among biochemical brain hackers.
Many, using nicotine patches to quit smoking, have inadvertently discovered what happens when they forget to remove a patch before sleep. Nicotine can induce hyper-realistic, but bizarre dreams that are so outrageous that many simply say to themselves, “Omg. This MUST be a dream. It’s too nuts to be anything else.” And voila — lucidity is attained. This is not an endorsement of the method, as many report nightmares when using nicotine.
Lucid Dreaming With Habit and Repetition
We attain lucidity the instant we recognize we’re in a dream state. Some people train by asking themselves, several times a day for days or weeks, “is this a dream?” The question eventually gets stuck in the place songs and jingles get stuck and are hard to unstick — things like “Afternoon Delight” by the Starlight Vocal Band. You know what we’re talking about.
The premise is that the question begins to habitually repeat by itself, and that eventually the mind will ask during a dream. When the dreamer answers, “why yes, this IS a dream!” they achieve lucidity.
The best opportunities for becoming lucid within a dream are during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. This stage happens in the first two hours after we fall asleep and before we wake up. By waking and going back to sleep during the night we increase REM sleep time. Some use the sleep/wake method by setting interval alarms during the night, getting up for a few minutes, and going back to sleep with an intention of keeping the mind awake. If awakened during a dream, immediately go back to sleep — if possible, re-enter the dream with lucidity.
Spiritual Channeling: Discover Your Hidden Abilities

Spiritual channeling is a practice in which a person acts as a conduit to receive messages from entities or spiritual guides. This ability, which has been part of various spiritual traditions throughout history, is considered a powerful tool for divine connection and personal growth. This article explores what spiritual channeling is, the different types that exist, and how anyone can access this capability.
Table of Contents
- What Is Spiritual Channeling?
- Types of Spiritual Channeling
- Who Can Channel Spiritually?
- How Is Spiritual Information Received?
- Benefits of Spiritual Channeling
- Basic Exercise for Spiritual Channeling
What Is Spiritual Channeling?
Spiritual channeling is the process by which a person receives messages and information from non-physical beings, such as spirit guides, angels, ascended masters, or even deceased souls. This communication can be conscious or unconscious and can occur in various forms, such as automatic writing, spoken words, or internal visualization.
There are different levels and types of channeling, ranging from everyday intuition to the transmission of complex and profound messages. For many, channeling is a way to receive spiritual guidance, heal emotionally, and gain clarity on different aspects of life. Practicing channeling requires an open mind, meditation, and often the guidance of an experienced mentor or teacher.
In the series Channeling: A Bridge to the Beyond, available on Gaia, the experiences of different channelers and the techniques they use to connect with spiritual entities are explored. This series offers an in-depth look at how channeling can transform lives and provide a direct connection with the spiritual realm.
Types of Spiritual Channeling
Spiritual channeling manifests in various ways, each with its own approach and method of connecting with the spiritual world. Below are some of the most common types of channeling:
- Channeling of deceased souls: Involves communicating with the souls of people who have passed away, offering messages of comfort and guidance to their loved ones on Earth. This practice can provide closure and emotional relief to those in mourning. Many find peace knowing that their loved ones are well in the afterlife.
- Channeling of spiritual guides: Refers to connecting with personal spiritual guides who provide wisdom, guidance, and support on life’s path. These guides can offer insights into important decisions and difficult situations. Working with them can lead to a clearer understanding of one’s life purpose.
- Angel channeling: Involves receiving messages and energies from angels, who offer protection, unconditional love, and divine guidance. Angels can assist in times of need and provide comfort in moments of distress. Their presence may feel like a warm and enveloping energy.
- Channeling of ascended masters: Involves communication with enlightened beings who have transcended reincarnation and offer advanced spiritual teachings. These masters impart deep wisdom and tools for spiritual development.
- Channeling of the Akashic Records: Allows access to the ethereal library that contains the history and knowledge of all souls, providing information about past lives and potential futures. The Akashic Records are an inexhaustible source of spiritual knowledge.
- Channeling of nature energies: Involves connecting with nature spirits, such as elementals, to receive wisdom about the environment and the connection with the Earth. This practice fosters a deeper relationship with nature and can inspire actions to protect the environment.
Who Can Channel Spiritually?
It is an innate ability in every human being. The capacity to connect with spiritual energies and guides is not reserved for a select few; it is a skill that all humans naturally possess. Since ancient times, various cultures have recognized and cultivated this natural ability, demonstrating that with practice and openness, anyone can develop their channeling potential.
Although some individuals may have a natural sensitivity or past experiences that make channeling easier for them, everyone can learn to develop this ability. Regular meditation, an open mind and heart, and a clear intention are essential for those who wish to explore this ability. With time and dedication, anyone can learn to receive and understand messages from the spiritual world.
Constant practice and a willingness to learn are fundamental for anyone wanting to channel. Additionally, trusting oneself and the sensations that arise is crucial for strengthening this spiritual connection, allowing messages to flow more naturally and effectively.
How Is Spiritual Information Received?
Channeling manifests in various forms, each with its own method of connection with the spiritual world. These forms include clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance.
Clairvoyance is the ability to see with the “mind’s eye” images, symbols, or visions that convey spiritual information. This gift allows the reception of visual messages that provide guidance and insight into present or future situations. People with clairvoyance often describe their experiences as seeing movies or images in their minds, helping them better understand messages from spiritual guides.
Clairaudience is the ability to hear spiritual messages that do not come from the physical world. These messages can be received as internal voices, sounds, or even music, offering guidance and answers to important questions. Those who develop clairaudience can tune into the voice of their spiritual guides and receive valuable information through sound and words.
Clairsentience is the ability to feel and perceive emotions and sensations that come from spiritual sources. People with this gift can experience feelings that inform them about the energy or intention behind a situation or entity. Clairsentience enables a deep and empathetic connection with the spiritual world, providing an intuitive and emotional understanding of the messages received.
Claircognizance is intuitive knowledge that arrives without logical explanation or prior reasoning. This gift manifests as a sudden certainty or an instant understanding of spiritual information. Those with claircognizance receive insights and answers to their questions spontaneously, relying on their intuition and the deep knowledge that emerges from their connection with the spiritual world.
Benefits of Spiritual Channeling
Spiritual channeling offers numerous benefits that can enrich both the personal and spiritual life of the practitioner. By connecting with spiritual guides and other entities, individuals can receive guidance, healing, and a greater understanding of their life purpose. These benefits not only enhance the quality of life but also promote a sense of peace and connection with the universe.
- Guidance and direction: Channeled messages provide clarity and insight for important decisions and challenging situations, helping individuals make choices that align with their personal life purpose.
- Emotional healing: Channeling can reveal and release repressed emotions, facilitating the healing of past traumas and emotional wounds. This process leads to deeper and longer-lasting emotional well-being.
- Spiritual growth: Connecting with spiritual entities elevates consciousness and expands spiritual understanding, fostering personal development and a stronger connection with the divine.
- Mental clarity: Receiving spiritual messages can resolve doubts and confusion, offering a clearer perspective on situations and reducing stress and anxiety.
- Life purpose discovery: Channeling can help uncover and understand one’s life purpose and soul missions, providing a deeper sense of meaning and direction in everyday life.
- Spiritual protection: Connecting with spiritual guides provides a sense of security and energetic protection, helping individuals navigate life’s experiences with greater confidence and resilience.
Basic Exercise for Spiritual Channeling
To begin with spiritual channeling, it is essential to establish a routine that prepares your mind and environment for connection with the spiritual world. Below is a simple and effective exercise you can incorporate into your daily practice to develop your channeling abilities.
- Prepare the environment: Find a quiet place where you will not be interrupted. You can use candles, crystals, or incense to create a conducive atmosphere that elevates your vibration and facilitates spiritual connection.
- Set an intention: Before beginning, set a clear intention for your practice. This could be something like “I am open to receiving guidance and wisdom from my spiritual guides.”
- Meditation and deep breathing: Start with meditation and deep breathing exercises to calm the mind and open your heart. Regular meditation helps develop concentration and elevate your energy, which is crucial for channeling.
- Protective visualization: Imagine a white light surrounding you. This light serves as a shield, protecting and purifying you, creating a safe space for spiritual communication.
- Record your experiences: Keep a journal to write down your experiences and the messages you receive. This will help you identify patterns and improve your channeling ability over time.
As you practice this exercise, be patient and trust the process. Your first attempts may not yield clear messages, but with dedication and persistence, your connection will strengthen. Over time, your ability to channel will become more natural and fluid, allowing you to receive and understand spiritual messages with greater clarity.