What is a Spirit Guide?

Many of us have experienced a spontaneous action that made no sense at the time but turned out to be exactly what was needed at the proper moment. We scratch our heads and think, “what made me do/say that?” This is an example of a spirit guide stepping in to help you in some facet of your life.
There are many types of spirit guides that are able to provide advice and assistance in any situation. Be confident that the right guide will present itself at exactly the right time in order to help you in the best way possible for your life without hurting anyone else.
Spirit guides can be labeled as Archangels, Angels, Guardian Angels and Guides, Goddesses, Ascended Masters and Enlightened Beings, Ancestors, Spirit Animals, Elemental Energies (Sylphs, Undines, Salamanders, and Gnomes), or something residing upon the earth such as a tree, mountain, or body of water. Anything that holds energy has the ability to use that energy to communicate impressions, feelings, thoughts and healing.
The term spirit guide infers that these energies are positive in nature and become known to us to offer assistance in one way or another.
Guides are always there to help in any situation; implanting a thought to assist in keeping you safe and they can become a constant part of your life if you remember to ask for their help.
In the Hierarchy of Angels, the Archangels are the highest of all. They are said to be made of pure love and bring us much needed messages. Some of the better known Archangels are:
- Archangel Ariel is Nature’s Protector and connects you to the Earth
- Archangel Chamuel is the Nurturer, teaching self-love and love of others
- Archangel Gabriel is the Messenger and helps you to receive clear messages
- Archangel Michael is the Leader and aids in most everything; you can also ask him to direct you to the best Archangel to help you deal with your situation
- Archangel Rafael is the Healer and can be called upon for any work healing mind, body and spirit
- Archangel Uriel is the Transformer and brings truth, light and wisdom to bring about transformation
- Archangel Zadkiel is the Forgiver bringing you the strength of compassion and forgiving
Angels and Guardian Angels
The term Angels can be any spiritual being in the angelic hierarchy. Angels communicate messages, give direction, comfort, protection and can conduct rescues. A Guardian Angel is said to be assigned to you at birth to help you throughout your lifetime; this guardian can be any Angel within the angelic hierarchy including an Archangel.
Guides are any spiritual beings that help you at any time during your life for any length of time to become a better person. Guides may present themselves when you are in a stressful situation or have been with you your entire life.
Goddesses are revered in all areas of the world in vast numbers. They offer help in a myriad of areas that affect human existence. Familiarize yourself with the goddesses that handle the particular facets of particular situations you are dealing with. A few examples are:
- Amaterasu the Japanese Sun goddess
- Durga, the Hindu Divine Mother
- Fortuna, the Roman goddess of fortune
- Freya, the Norse goddess of fertility, sexual liberty, abundance, and war
- Gaia the Greek primordial Earth Mother
- Isis, the Egyptian mother goddess and matron of nature, magic, and creativity
- Quan Yin, the Chinese goddess of mercy and compassion
- Pelé, the Hawaiian volcano goddess, both destroyer and creator
- Sedna, Inuit goddess of the sea and queen of the underworld
- Shekina, Hebrew goddess of compassion
Ascended Masters
Ascended Masters were enlightened beings upon earth who spiritually transformed (a.k.a., ascended). They make their presence known to us to guide us in our work to raise our vibrations in order to bring about the greater growth within ourselves. Having us become more enlightened is their goal. Aside from this they are also able to assist us when we ask for help. There are many ascended Masters who have traversed the enlightenment route through existing on earth in human form. Among the many are:
- Babaji, the immortal master of the Himalayas promised to stay in his physical body to help all humanity after Ascension
- Confucius, born in 551 BC, was a well-educated scholar. His teachings emphasize the growth towards perfect virtue in every thought, word and deed
- Gautama Buddha, one of the great enlightened ones, represents wisdom energy
- Christ Jesus, the world’s Savior and teacher, to bring peace and brotherhood
- Maitreya embodies loving kindness and works diligently to enlighten humanity
- Mother Mary, Mother of the World, is an ascended Master of great love, wisdom and compassion
- Melchizedek works towards establishing heaven on earth and is said to hold the secrets of God, Universe and Earth
- Ramtha is said to be the first human to ever ascend 35,000 years ago and now leads the teachings of Enlightenment and Ascension
- St. Germain assists in the transformation of one’s human consciousness into the Higher Self
Shamans, Sacred Elders and Wisdom Women
Shamans, Sacred Elders, and Wisdom Women all share the energy of spirit guides who carry the knowledge of the ancients. They are more than willing to share these valuable teachings of the past to those residing in the here and now. They communicate in ceremony and storytelling is their method of teaching. Frequently, they show up asking you to understand and teach the shared information with others.
Ancestor spirit guides are connected to you through genetic memory. They can fill the role of a guardian or protector for your lifetime. Occasionally, they assist in repairing genetic scarring from an intense trauma that has persisted through the generations. This work repairs that of the past, bringing it forward into the present, and perpetuating the repair through the future.
Spirit Animals
Spirit Animals share information you need to help you balance and grow in your life. The qualities of a Spirit Animal are all the inherent attributes of the particular animal’s entire species. As you research a particular species, you understand which qualities her talents the Spirit Animal is suggesting that you adopt for your benefit in order to grow in your life.
Elemental Spirits
Elemental Spirits are said to be the spirit of things that inhabit Nature such as trees, mountains, rivers and waterfalls. All things contain energy vibrations including humans and communication with all spirit guides is accomplished through this energy. These elemental energies follow Natural Law which may be an obstacle to understanding the messages they bring. People who are extremely close to Nature are most likely those to receive messages from this group of spirit guides.
How to Connect with Spirit Guides
Learning to connect with spirit guides is similar to learning any Oracle. You must seriously invest the time and effort to broadly learn about the kinds of guides in which you were interested. Create a sacred space to use and try to keep to a consistent time of day to do this work. You can sit quietly or meditate. You can also set up a special place within your meditations in which you meet and greet your guides. Think of it as showing up for an important appointment each day. When working with Spirit Animals, Elementals or the Natural World a place out in nature may work to your advantage (example: embracing tree communication by sitting up against a tree).
Think Like an Animal
When you start communicating with spirit animals don’t approach it with a human point of view. Learn about the animal and its qualities and behaviors. Start thinking like the animal, getting familiar with how they move through their environment, what sounds they make, how they use their senses, and what skills they use. What about this animal can protect, guide, and/or teach? Once you become closely familiar with the animal(s) you will be increasingly receptive to the spirit animals’ telepathic messages. Use your inherent intuitive gifts, animals do. Remember as human beings, we are also spirit animals and have the capacity for the same power and gifts.
Show Your Dedication
As you seriously work with any type of spiritual guides to develop life balance and purpose, these guides get to know that you are serious about your personal growth. This may show up as increased communication. Spirit guide communication is a practice and your ability to listen and receive messages increases with dedication. The most common forms of communication with spirit guides are through your intuitive gifts, meditation periods, dreams and telepathy. Occasionally a ‘heads up’ shout out is given through an actual appearance. This in-depth work also makes you more aware of Spirit Messengers that show up to add a certain piece of needed information of any kind. They can show up in real life, briefly in a dream, or during a meditation.
Build Rapport
Having some background information on any spirit guide that presents itself is most helpful in building a rapport. Sitting quietly, walking in nature, or meditating are the simplest ways to connect. Have no expectations of whom or what will present itself and have patience. If nothing shows up at first persist and dedicate your time and effort, you may have to show the guide(s) that you are not here just for entertainment but are willing to accept and trust what comes through and the messages they bring. Remember: have no specific expectations.
Keep a Journal
Keep a journal to record impressions, pictures, feelings, smells, specific messages, sensations, and information of any kind that you experience. Do not analyze or judge what you get and write it down as soon as possible otherwise you may forget things the longer you wait to record it. What transpired may not make sense at first but possibly may in the future; this is why writing everything down is so important. If you ask specific questions make sure to jot it down in your journal before you start your session of attempting to contact a guide.
How to Ask Your Spirit Guide Questions
Once a guide starts coming through you can start asking specific questions. When you have established a trusting and nonjudgmental rapport with a consistent guide you can also ask if there is a guide to better assist you to answer certain questions moving forward. Your guide may answer the question itself or bring in another. Don’t try to second-guess this process. This will also help to expand your contacts within this realm of guides.
Another method is to ask to meet one of your guides just before falling off to sleep. Something may come through within your dreams. Keep paper and writing implements at the bedside to jot down anything that may have transpired in your dream state.
No matter what types of guides present themselves, remember that you have a circle of guides around you at all times to help you grow as a person. You may not be aware of them, you may not see them, but have the trust that they are there. All you have to do is have faith and ask for their help.
Who are our spiritual guides and how do they manifest?

Spiritual guides are beings that accompany us and offer guidance on our life path. They can manifest in different ways and through various signs that help us make decisions and find our purpose. In this article, we explore who these guides are and how we can recognize their presence in our lives.
Table of Contents
- What are spiritual guides?
- Types of spiritual guides
- How many spiritual guides do we have?
- Are our spiritual guides always with us?
- How do our spiritual guides manifest?
- Can we communicate directly with our spiritual guides?
What are spiritual guides?
All human beings have spiritual guides who accompany us throughout our lives. These guides can be permanent, continuously supporting us, or they may appear at specific moments to offer particular assistance. Their main objective is to help us grow spiritually and overcome the challenges we encounter on our path.
Spiritual guides are entities that exist in the spiritual plane and are dedicated to our evolution and well-being. They can be ancestors, angels, or nature spirits who have attained a high level of wisdom and compassion. Each guide has its own way of communicating and a specific mission in our lives.
In addition to offering guidance, spiritual guides help us stay connected to our spiritual essence and life purpose. They accompany us in moments of doubt, protect us from dangers, and inspire us to move forward when facing difficulties. Their presence reminds us that we are never alone on our journey.
Types of spiritual guides
Spiritual guides can vary widely in their nature and purpose, offering support in different areas of our lives. They can be ancestors, guardian angels, nature spirits, or other types of light beings. Each of them provides a unique and valuable perspective on our spiritual path.
Master Guide or Primary Spiritual Guide
The Master Guide or Primary Spiritual Guide is the main spiritual being that accompanies us throughout our entire life. They have deep knowledge of our mission and purpose and offer constant guidance, helping us stay on the right path. Their wisdom and insight are essential for our spiritual growth and decision-making.
Ancestral Guides
Ancestral guides are spirits of our ancestors who belong to our family, even if we have not met them in this life. They offer their wisdom and protection based on their connection with our family and cultural roots, helping us understand and heal generational patterns and find strength in our heritage.
Guardian Angels
Guardian angels are celestial beings assigned to protect and guide us. They are always near, ensuring that we are safe and directed toward our highest good. Their presence is a constant reminder of divine love and protection, offering us comfort and support at every step of our journey.
Nature Elementals
Nature elementals are spiritual beings that inhabit the natural realm, such as fairies, gnomes, and tree spirits. They help us connect with the energy of the Earth and harmonize with the natural environment, teaching us to respect and care for our planet while providing a deep sense of peace and connection with nature.
Animal Totems
Animal totems, also known as “power animals,” are spiritual guides that appear in the form of animals, symbolizing specific qualities we need in our lives. Each animal carries a unique message and lesson, connecting us to ancestral wisdom and the natural cycles of life.
How many spiritual guides do we have?
The number of spiritual guides we have varies significantly throughout our lives and depends on many factors, including our spiritual and personal needs. Generally, we have one primary spiritual guide who accompanies us throughout our incarnation, offering constant guidance and support. Additionally, it is common to have one or more guardian angels.
There are also other spiritual guides who may enter and exit our lives at specific times, providing their assistance in particular circumstances or during periods of transition and growth.
Are our spiritual guides always with us?
Yes, our personal spiritual guides are always with us. These guides accompany us constantly, offering us support, protection, and wisdom at every stage of our lives. However, there are other light beings, such as angels, archangels, and ascended masters, who may appear at specific moments to provide their assistance according to our particular needs.
These entities come to offer their help in special situations and, once their mission is fulfilled, they may withdraw, leaving space again for our permanent guides.
How do our spiritual guides manifest?
Recognizing the signs from our spiritual guides requires being attentive to the various ways in which they try to communicate with us. These signs can manifest through synchronicities, repeated numerical sequences, messages in dreams, and the use of divination tools.
Being receptive and aware of these signals can help us better interpret their messages and feel their presence in our daily lives.
Signs through synchronicities
Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences that seem too perfect to be mere chance. These situations indicate that our spiritual guides are trying to communicate with us and guide us on our path.
For example, thinking of someone and receiving a call from them shortly after, or repeatedly seeing a specific symbol in different contexts.
Repetition of numerical sequences
The repetition of numerical sequences is a common way in which spiritual guides send us messages. When we frequently observe numbers like 111, 222, 333, and other similar sequences, it is a sign that our guides are communicating with us.
Each numerical sequence has a specific meaning, offering guidance and particular messages about our decisions and actions.
Messages through dreams
Dreams are a powerful channel for communication with our spiritual guides. During sleep, our conscious mind relaxes, allowing guides to send symbolic and direct messages. These messages can provide clarity on difficult situations, offer answers to important questions, or simply bring comfort and support. Keeping a dream journal can help us remember and analyze these messages.
Divination tools
Divination tools such as tarot, oracle cards, angel cards, and pendulums are useful methods for receiving messages from our spiritual guides. These practices allow us to establish a more direct and structured connection with our guides, making it easier to interpret their advice and warnings.
Using these effective tools to communicate directly with our spiritual guides with an open mind and receptive heart can deepen our understanding and relationship with them.
Can we communicate directly with our spiritual guides?
There are practices that allow us to develop the ability to receive and transmit clear messages from spiritual guides. We can try these connections ourselves through techniques such as meditation and visualization, or seek an experienced channeler who has cultivated this skill.
Meditation and visualization
Meditation and visualization are effective tools for communicating directly with our spiritual guides. Deep meditation allows us to quiet the mind and open ourselves to subtle energies. By entering a state of calm and receptivity, we can mentally ask our guides to manifest and send us clear messages.
Guided visualization complements meditation by allowing us to imagine an encounter with our guides in a safe and sacred environment. We can visualize a peaceful place, such as a garden or a temple, and invite our guides to appear. This practice can be enriched with automatic writing, where we allow our hand to write freely without conscious intervention, thus channeling the messages from our guides.
Channeling and direct messages
Another way to receive direct messages from our spiritual guides is to seek an experienced channeler who has developed the ability to receive and transmit clear messages from spiritual guides. By consulting a channeler, we can obtain more direct and specific guidance that may be difficult to access on our own.
A common practice in this context is the reading of Akashic Records, where the reader connects with our spiritual guides, who, in addition to sending us their own messages, also transmit messages from the Akasha.