What is Remote Viewing? Declassifying a Psychic Phenomenon

Remote viewing is the psychic ability to acquire accurate information about a distant or non-local place, person, or event without using your physical senses or any other obvious means. It’s associated with the idea of clairvoyance, seemingly being able to spontaneously know something without actually knowing how you got the information. It is also sometimes called “anomalous cognition” or “second sight.”
Many of us experience this from time to time as an intuitive flash of insight that turns out to be correct. Many well-known entrepreneurs and business people, like George Soros, Conrad Hilton, Thomas Alva Edison, and Akio Morita, the co-founder of Sony, have attributed their business success to this ability. And we’ve all seen natural psychics perform seemingly amazing feats of mental skill on TV.
The difference between natural psychic receptivity and remote viewing is that the latter is a trained skill, a controlled process, that the average person can learn to do to some degree.
This ability seems to be distributed in the human population in varying degrees, just like a musical skill—some people are really good at playing an instrument, but almost everyone can hum a tune or whistle.
History of the Remote Viewing Program
Remote viewing in modern times originates from the U.S. government’s interest in psychic espionage during the Cold War with the Soviet Union. Back during World War II, the Soviets had heard rumors that the U.S. military was using psychic spies and communications at sea. While it’s not clear now whether this was true, the Soviets believed it and started their own psychic training within their military and intelligence agencies many decades ago. The U.S. government learned of this program and, in the early 1970s, decided to create a remote viewing CIA training program.
Stanford Research Institute Remote Viewing Experiments
Money and resources were given by the Central Intelligence Agency to Stanford Research Institute (SRI), located on the campus of Stanford University at the time, to test the possibility of remote viewing. The goal was to disprove that psychic functioning was real. No one wanted it to exist. It was the last thing the military establishment wanted to worry about, especially if it was a new Soviet threat.
Physicists Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff, working at SRI, were tasked with determining whether extrasensory perception (ESP) and related phenomena were real or not (known as parapsychology). During their parapsychological research, Targ and Putoff set about to locate some natural psychics and test them. Their first subject was artist, psychic, and scientist Ingo Swann of New York City, who had demonstrated an ability to accurately “remote view” weather in various American cities. He also published some articles about ESP and psychokinesis (the ability to mentally affect distant objects) when he worked with researcher Gertrude Schmeidler of City College and the American Society for Psychical Research.
Working with Schmeidler, Swann had shown that he could affect the temperature of thermistors sealed in insulated thermos canisters twenty-five feet away from him. At a friend’s request, Swann sent his published findings to Putoff, who asked Swann to come to SRI and demonstrate his abilities. The first thing they had Swann do was to see if he could affect a super sensitive, electromagnetically shielded quark detector buried five feet underground in a cement floor. Every time Putoff asked Swann to think about the detector (used to detect subatomic particles), the readings from the device would noticeably deviate from the baseline readings. Putoff was convinced that Swann had special abilities, and so the program to test and develop remote viewing began.
Expanded Scope
At first, they had Swann view objects in a box; this was a practice he was good at but quickly became bored with. Swann said to them, “I can view anything in the universe; this is a trivialization of my abilities.” A few days later, he came up with a new way to do remote viewing: viewing map coordinates. Targ and Putoff went out and bought the biggest atlas they could find at the local bookstore. Swann’s coordinate map viewing turned out to be a big success. A critic at the Central Intelligence Agency suggested that maybe he had memorized the entire global map.
Swann went on to use randomly chosen numerical coordinates to view randomly selected events, people, and structures around the planet. He performed equally well using this coordinate-based viewing system.
Validation of Remote Viewers
Swann coined the term “remote viewing” to describe the process, though you can question whether the information is remote to the viewer or whether the process is entirely visual. Some people are more sensitive to auditory, kinesthetic, or other sensory types, and few viewers actually “see” the target very clearly. Nonetheless, the name stuck and was sufficient to convince the intelligence agencies to fund the project.
Other viewers were also tasked to help Targ and Putoff understand remote viewing. Pat Price, a former police commissioner from Burbank, California, also proved to be an excellent viewer. Price used his own system to view where he imagined that he was at the distant target site. His results were so good that the Central Intelligence Agency hired him to work for them directly. Back East, another natural viewer, Joe McMoneagle, also known as “Remote Viewer No. 1,” worked directly with the U.S. Army and the Defense Intelligence Agency. He was also tested and found to have amazing abilities to describe and sketch distant locations. Upon retirement, McMoneagle was awarded a Legion of Merit award, in part, for his five years of remote viewing missions for the military and various government agencies.
Coordinate Remote Viewing
However, Swann was able to describe, with great precision, what he was doing with his mind and attention as he was viewing, an ability other viewers did not have. This allowed him to come up with a 6-stage system that could be taught to anyone, including you or me. It became known as CRV: Coordinate (or Controlled) Remote Viewing.
Swann’s CRV system is based on separating out signal from noise in your mind as you are viewing. All the information is recorded during a session, but the viewer puts the noise in a different place on the paper than the signal. At the end of the session, you can separate them from one another. The method became the basis of the remote viewing protocols that the U.S. Army taught to several groups of viewers. The program continued until 1995, at which point it was declassified by the government. Over two decades, approximately $20 million of funding went to what eventually became known as the Stargate Project.
Princeton’s Random Number Generator Research
During this time, the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab (PEAR) at Princeton University, run by Bob Jahn and Brenda Dunn, also conducted twenty years of research into remote viewing and so-called “micro-psychokinesis” with experiments on the effect of human intention on Random Number Generators (RNGs). They found that looking at the cumulative results of hundreds of thousands of trials, their subjects could influence about 2 or 3 events per 10,000 random coin flips by seemingly moving the device away from true randomness in an inexplicable way. The odds of these results being by chance were an astonishing 375 trillion to one.
Scientific Analysis of the Program
When the Stargate program was declassified, one of the two people asked to evaluate the program was statistician Jessica Utts, the head of the American Statistical Association at the time of this writing. She concluded, “Using the standards applied to any other area of science, it is concluded that psychic functioning has been well established. Arguments that these results could be due to methodological flaws in the experiments are soundly refuted. Effects of similar magnitude to those found in government-sponsored research at SRI and SAIC (another government-sponsored think tank) have been replicated at several laboratories across the world. Such consistency cannot be readily explained by claims of flaws or fraud.”
Researcher Dean Radin, doing very complex meta-analyses using the results of many studies about psychic perception over many decades, came to the same conclusion. Looking at the entire population, not just trained viewers, remote viewing has a weak effect, about four to eight percent higher than expected if we were only using our physical senses to gather information; yet, it’s consistently there in everyone.
Coordinate Remote Viewing
However, Swann was able to describe, with great precision, what he was doing with his mind and attention as he was viewing, an ability other viewers did not have. This allowed him to come up with a 6-stage system that could be taught to anyone, including you or me. It became known as CRV: Coordinate (or Controlled) Remote Viewing.
Swann’s CRV system is based on separating out signal from noise in your mind as you are viewing. All the information is recorded during a session, but the viewer puts the noise in a different place on the paper than the signal. At the end of the session, you can separate them from one another. The method became the basis of the remote viewing protocols that the U.S. army taught to several groups of viewers. The program lasted until 1995 when it was declassified; about $20 million was spent over the two decades.
How Does Remote Viewing Work?
When someone asks you to describe something, you normally proceed to name what you’re perceiving using nouns and symbols. Remote viewing is just the opposite. You begin by describing your perceptions without trying to identify anything about what they mean or what the larger picture is. Start with basic gestalt: fundamental, general components of the target site, such as whether it’s manmade, living, or natural. You then proceed to basic colors, smells, temperatures, shapes, and sizes.
Only after you’ve been describing the target for a while can you proceed to more specific ideas and possibly names, nouns, and more analytical types of information.
In this way, Swann would say that you are opening the aperture of your perception slowly and resisting the temptation to draw conclusions about what you are viewing.
Follow the Ambiguity Methodology
Our minds are always attempting to conclude what we’ve perceived at any given moment, but because you have no conscious, physical information to work from in remote viewing, you’re almost always likely to be wrong if you do so. This brings us to one of the great paradoxes of remote viewing: the fainter the perception, the more likely it is to be accurate and the less likely you are to feel confident in that perception.
In other words, the more confident you are about your remote perceptions during the session, the less likely those perceptions are to be correct! And the less confident you feel, the more likely it is that your perceptions are right on. How’s that for a paradox?
Good remote viewers learn to trust the feelings of uncertainty and ambiguity they get while doing a session.
How to Learn Remote Viewing
If you’d like to learn how to remote view, pick up any books written by those who participated in the program, such as Joe McMoneagle, Lyn Buchanan, Paul Smith, Ingo Swann, Dale Graff, or any of the researchers like Russell Targ or Ed May who conducted and analyzed the early experiments. You might also want to read books from those who independently studied the phenomena after the official program closed, such as Dean Radin, Courtney Brown, or Angela Thompson Smith. And don’t hesitate to check out IRVA, the International Remote Viewers Association, which holds an annual conference.
No one entirely understands how it works, so you’re likely to learn the most by keeping an open yet reasonably skeptical mind as you read about the subject and perhaps try it out for yourself. If you’ve never had any spiritual or subtle awareness training before, try some meditation. Trust in your own experiences before trusting skeptics and their biases.
What Is Clairvoyance and How to Develop It

Clairvoyance is a psychic ability that allows the perception of events, people, or places beyond the reach of normal physical senses. This perception can manifest through visions, mental images, or even lucid dreams. In this article, we explore what clairvoyance is, its different types, and how you can develop this ability to enrich your spiritual connection.
Table of Contents
- What Is Clairvoyance
- Clairvoyance and Channeling
- Types of Clairvoyance
- How to Develop Clairvoyance
- Can Everyone Develop Clairvoyance?
- Benefits of Clairvoyance in Spiritual Growth
- Differences Between Clairvoyance and Other Psychic Abilities
What Is Clairvoyance?
Clairvoyance is a form of extrasensory perception that involves the ability to see beyond physical reality. People with this ability can receive mental images or visions that provide information about past, present, or future events. This information can come in the form of detailed scenes, symbols, or fleeting images that require interpretation.
Unlike Clairaudience, which is based on auditory perception, clairvoyance focuses on the visual. This ability can arise spontaneously or be developed through practices such as meditation and guided visualization. Clairvoyants often describe their experiences as “seeing” with the mind’s eye, gaining information that is not available through physical senses.
Clairvoyance and Channeling
Clairvoyance and channeling are closely related, as both abilities allow access to information from non-physical sources. Channeling is the process by which a person allows a spiritual entity to communicate through them, using abilities like clairvoyance to receive and transmit visual messages.
In the series Channeling: A Bridge to the Beyond, available on Gaia, the complexities of being a channel and how clairvoyance is used in this process are explored. Experts in the series explain how the visions perceived through clairvoyance can provide guidance and wisdom, helping practitioners connect more deeply with the spiritual world.
Types of Clairvoyance
Clairvoyance manifests in various forms, each providing different types of information and visual experiences. Understanding the different types of clairvoyance can help identify and develop the specific ability each individual possesses.
Spiritual Clairvoyance
Spiritual clairvoyance is the ability to see spiritual entities such as guides, angels, and deceased loved ones. This type of clairvoyance allows for a direct connection with the spiritual world, facilitating communication and the understanding of spiritual messages.
Aura Clairvoyance
Aura clairvoyance is the ability to see the energy field that surrounds people, known as the aura. This type of clairvoyance provides information about a person’s emotional, mental, and physical state by observing the colors and patterns in their aura.
Precognitive Clairvoyance
Precognitive clairvoyance is the ability to see events or situations that have not yet occurred. This form of clairvoyance allows a person to receive information about the future through spontaneous visions or during meditative states.
Retrocognitive Clairvoyance
Retrocognitive clairvoyance is the ability to see events from the past. Through this ability, clairvoyants can receive information about situations or experiences that have already happened, offering a unique perspective on the past and helping to solve mysteries or better understand personal or collective history.
Remote Clairvoyance
Remote clairvoyance, also known as remote viewing, is the ability to see people, places, or events that are at a great distance from the clairvoyant. This ability allows one to see or experience situations that are beyond normal physical or visual reach.
How to Develop Clairvoyance
Developing clairvoyance requires patience and regular practice. Techniques such as meditation, guided visualization, and conscious breathing are essential to open your third eye and strengthen your psychic visual abilities.
Meditation to Open Clairvoyance
Meditation is fundamental to developing clairvoyance. Find a quiet place and sit in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths to relax. Focus your attention on the third eye area, located on your forehead between your eyebrows.
Visualize a bright light in this area, expanding with each inhalation. Keep this image in your mind as you continue breathing deeply. This practice helps activate and open the third eye, facilitating the reception of visions and clairvoyant perceptions.
Guided Visualization Practice
Guided visualization is a powerful technique to strengthen clairvoyance. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Imagine a calm and safe place, such as a garden or a mountain. Visualize every detail of this place: the colors, textures, sounds, and smells.
Allow yourself to explore this space with all your senses, noticing any image or symbol that appears. Practicing guided visualization regularly enhances your ability to see with the mind’s eye and improves your capacity to receive clairvoyant images.
Conscious Breathing Techniques
Conscious breathing is another useful technique to develop clairvoyance. Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Inhale deeply through your nose, filling your lungs completely, and exhale slowly through your mouth. Focus on your breath, feeling the air enter and leave your body.
As you relax, visualize your breath carrying energy to your third eye, activating it and clearing any blockage. Practicing conscious breathing regularly helps calm the mind and facilitates the opening of your clairvoyant abilities.
Can Everyone Develop Clairvoyance?
Developing clairvoyance is possible for the majority of people, as long as they are willing to dedicate time and effort to its practice. Although some individuals may have a natural predisposition toward psychic abilities, many can cultivate this ability through consistent practice and an open mind.
It is important to remember that progress may vary from person to person. Some may notice progress quickly, while others may need more time and patience. The key lies in persistence and trusting the process, allowing the abilities to develop naturally.
In the series Open Minds, available on Gaia, various techniques and experiences of people who have developed their psychic abilities, including clairvoyance, are explored. In the sixth season, Regina Meredith interviews Mariana Cooper, a psychic who explains that we all have latent psychic talents and details different ways to open our intuitive senses.
Benefits of Clairvoyance in Spiritual Growth
Clairvoyance offers numerous benefits for spiritual growth, allowing individuals to connect more deeply with their intuition and the universe. This ability can transform the way spiritual experiences are perceived and understood, providing guidance, clarity, and comfort on the spiritual path.
- Spiritual Guidance: Clairvoyance allows one to receive visions and messages from spiritual guides, helping to make informed decisions aligned with one’s life purpose.
- Connection with the Higher Self: It facilitates the connection with the higher self, offering a deeper understanding of oneself and one’s life purpose.
- Emotional Healing: Clairvoyant images can offer solutions and comfort, helping to heal traumas and emotional wounds from the past.
- Clarity and Focus: It helps focus energy on spiritual goals and objectives, providing a clear vision of the path ahead.
- Energetic Protection: It allows one to anticipate and avoid negative situations, offering an extra layer of energetic protection.
- Development of Intuition: It strengthens overall intuition, enhancing the ability to perceive and understand subtle signs in everyday life.
Differences Between Clairvoyance and Other Psychic Abilities
Clairvoyance is distinguished from other psychic abilities by its focus on the visual perception of spiritual information. While other abilities may involve different senses or forms of perception, clairvoyance centers on seeing images, symbols, and scenes that provide valuable information.
- Clairaudience: Involves hearing sounds or voices that are not audible to the normal human ear. It is based on auditory rather than visual perception.
- Clairsentience: Consists of feeling or sensing physical or emotional sensations in a psychic way. It is related to sensory and emotional perception.
- Claircognizance: Is the intuitive knowledge of information without knowing how it was acquired. Unlike clairvoyance, it does not involve visual images but rather an immediate understanding.
- Telepathy: The ability to communicate mind to mind without using the five traditional senses. It involves the direct transmission of thoughts instead of visions or images.