When Did the Americas Actually Become Inhabited?

Earlier Migration
Theories surrounding how the Americas grew to become inhabited vary somewhat and have been challenged within relatively small margins of thousands of years. However, a new theory is disputing the preconception that our hominin ancestors arrived roughly 15,000 years ago, potentially drawing that date back 100,000 years or more.
A group of researchers in California found remains of animal bones appearing to have been crushed by stones at the hands of early hominids, as opposed to homo sapiens. The researchers say that their evidence is supported in the way the bones were crushed matching similar behavior and techniques by hominin tools of that era.
The bones were found during construction on a road in San Diego in 1992, whereafter an excavation, led by paleontologist Tom Deméré uncovered teeth and tusks of a mastodon that had been smashed, seemingly by a hammer and anvil stone.
Traditional theories hold that between 15-20,000 years ago, homo sapiens hunting large mammals crossed over a land bridge between what is modern day Siberia and Alaska over the Bering Strait. The team of researchers that discovered the bones was unable to extract any carbon for dating, but was able to use a method of radioactive dating that appears to hold up. But Deméré’s colleagues have had mixed reactions.
In an interview with the Washington Post, one fellow paleoanthropologist, recognized that their site, “contains less archaeological evidence than scientists would like before making a claim of this magnitude. But as someone who has spent her whole career looking at scratch marks and breakage patterns on bones, the evidence looks to her like it could be human modification.”
Ghost Populations
Although this traditional theory has been widely held, often new evidence will arise that adds layers and challenges it. One such example is in the “ghost populations” of esoteric tribes deep in the Brazilian Amazon whose members’ DNA can be traced back to Australasian ancestors. It is still unclear as to how these ancestral groups migrated and whether or not they assimilated with their Siberian counterparts, but the majority of Native American DNA can be traced to a single group, making this discovery more intriguing.
There are two tribes in particular from the Amazon, the Suruí and the Karitiana, whose lineage can be traced back to Papua New Guinea and Australia. The theory still holds that these ancestors crossed the same land bridge over the Bering Strait, however it is likely that they were pushed out in North America and much of South America by the more prominent migrants. This ancestral group, dubbed, “Population Y,” no longer exists in Asia.
Archeological Debate
While the theory of the ghost population has been accepted, unsurprisingly, stalwarts of archeology are rejecting the new hypothesis of a significantly earlier migration. But Deméré insists there is a connection to similar patterns in which bones were struck at a particular angle that have been seen in instances of that era. He also claims to know of other sites that he believes may contain more evidence supporting his theory. Deméré and his team urge his colleagues to remain open to his hypothesis and not immediately dismiss it.
A skeptical colleague of the team, who says he has seen misinterpretations in similar cases in the past, told the Washington Post, “It is one thing to show that broken bones and modified rocks could have been produced by people. It is quite another to show that people, and people alone, could have produced those modifications.”
The diaspora of humans from the African continent is typically thought to have occurred less than 100,000 years ago, however human teeth found in China dating back 120,000 years could be evidence of an earlier migration. If the theory proves to be true, these ancestors could be either Neanderthal, Homo erectus or Denisovans, the latter being an extinct species that was found to have inhabited Siberia.
Turning Back Time
On the tiny Pacific island nation of Vanuatu people are looking back to find their future. This remote nation is one of the last remaining places on earth where true Stone Age culture and tradition persists.
The History of Lemuria: Discover the Lost Continent

Lemuria was a vast continent that existed in the Pacific Ocean, inhabited by an advanced and spiritually developed civilization. It significantly influenced human evolution and left a legacy that endures to this day. In this article, we explore what Lemuria was, its origins, evolution, and impact on human history.
Table of Contents
- What Was Lemuria?
- Origins and Evolution of Lemuria
- Life in Lemuria
- Lemurian Technology and Knowledge
- The Relationship Between Lemuria and Atlantis
- The Fall of Lemuria
- The Legacy of Lemuria
What Was Lemuria?
Lemuria was a continent located in the Pacific Ocean, home to one of the earliest advanced civilizations on Earth. The Lemurians were highly spiritual beings who lived in perfect harmony with their surroundings. Their civilization was known for its profound knowledge of energy and its ability to manipulate it for the well-being and evolution of their society.
The Lemurian civilization thrived for thousands of years, developing advanced technologies that allowed them to build great cities and temples dedicated to meditation and spiritual connection. Lemuria was also a center of knowledge and wisdom, where various spiritual and scientific disciplines were taught and practiced. The Lemurians were known for their telepathic communication abilities and their capacity to access higher dimensions of existence, which enabled them to reach high levels of evolution and consciousness.
In the series Initiation, available on Gaia, Matías De Stéfano delves deeply into how this ancient civilization influenced human evolution and its connection with other advanced civilizations, such as Atlantis.
Origins and Evolution of Lemuria
The history of Lemuria begins approximately 200,000 years ago when the Alithir, an advanced race, arrived on Earth to raise the planet’s vibration and encode the water. These highly evolved beings chose the continent of Lemuria as their home, establishing a civilization that would become a beacon of light and knowledge for the world.
The evolution of Lemuria was marked by a deep respect for nature and an advanced understanding of cosmic energies. The Lemurians developed technologies that allowed them to harness the energy of natural elements, using resonance and vibration to create sustainable structures and systems. Their ability to work in harmony with nature enabled them to thrive for thousands of years, maintaining a perfect balance between technological development and spirituality.
As Lemuria grew and evolved, it became a center of cultural and spiritual exchange. The Lemurians established relationships with other advanced civilizations of the time, sharing knowledge and technologies that would benefit humanity as a whole. This intercontinental cooperation allowed Lemuria to expand its influence and leave a lasting legacy in Earth’s history.
Life in Lemuria
Life in Lemuria was deeply integrated with nature and cosmic energies. The Lemurians lived in harmony with their surroundings, practicing an advanced spirituality that permeated every aspect of their existence. Their society was based on cooperation, peace, and balance, creating a rich culture of spiritual knowledge and practices.
- Peaceful society: The Lemurian society was characterized by its focus on peace and cooperation. There were no wars or conflicts, as everyone worked together for the common good.
- Natural homes: Lemurian homes were built with natural materials and energetically aligned with the environment. These sustainable structures provided comfort and harmony with nature.
- Spiritual education: From an early age, Lemurians received an education focused on spiritual development and connection with the universe. This allowed them to grow with a deep understanding of their place in the cosmos.
- Telepathic communication: The Lemurians had telepathic abilities, facilitating effective and profound communication among themselves. This eliminated misunderstandings and promoted greater social unity.
- Holistic health: Medicine in Lemuria was holistic, combining spiritual and scientific knowledge. They used energy and medicinal plants to heal and maintain well-being.
- Community rituals: Ceremonies and rituals were an essential part of Lemurian life, strengthening social cohesion and connection with cosmic energies. These events included collective meditations and celebrations of natural cycles.
- Relationship with nature: Daily life was synchronized with natural cycles, respecting and honoring the Earth and all its beings. This respectful relationship ensured the sustainability and abundance of resources.
Lemurian Technology and Knowledge
The Lemurian civilization was known for its advanced technology and profound understanding of natural energies. The Lemurians developed various technologies that allowed them to live in harmony with nature and harness cosmic energies for their benefit.
- Crystal energy: The Lemurians used crystals to store and channel energy. These crystals were essential in their healing and communication technologies.
- Resonance technology: They used resonance and vibration for construction and healing. This technology allowed them to create structures and regenerate tissues using specific frequencies.
- Solar energy utilization: Solar technology was highly advanced in Lemuria. They used devices to capture and store solar energy, providing a sustainable energy source.
- Coded water systems: The Lemurians encoded water with specific energies for healing and growth. This knowledge improved the health and vitality of their crops and themselves.
- Light ships: They developed ships capable of traveling through dimensions using light and cosmic energy. These ships facilitated contact with other advanced civilizations.
- Sacred geometry knowledge: Sacred geometry was used in all their constructions and technologies. Geometric patterns ensured energetic alignment and resource efficiency.
- Planetary energy networks: They created a network of connected energy points that facilitated energy transfer and long-distance communication. This network maintained balance and harmony throughout Lemuria.
The Relationship Between Lemuria and Atlantis
Lemuria and Atlantis were two advanced civilizations that existed during different periods, though there was a time when they coexisted and maintained contact. Both civilizations shared knowledge and technologies, establishing a relationship of cultural and spiritual exchange. The Lemurians and Atlanteans collaborated on several projects, mutually benefiting from each other’s discoveries and advancements.
The relationship between Lemuria and Atlantis was based on cooperation and mutual respect. The Atlanteans, who emerged after the Lemurians, adopted many of the spiritual and technological practices developed in Lemuria. This exchange allowed both civilizations to reach high levels of evolution and consciousness, significantly influencing the progress of humanity.
However, as both civilizations grew, differences in their approaches and philosophies began to emerge. While the Lemurians focused more on spirituality and harmony with nature, the Atlanteans began to develop technologies aimed at control. These differences eventually led to tensions and conflicts that contributed to the fall of both civilizations.
The Fall of Lemuria
The fall of Lemuria was a cataclysmic event that marked the end of a golden age of wisdom and peace. According to various esoteric traditions, Lemuria was destroyed by a series of natural disasters, including earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, that submerged much of the continent into the Pacific Ocean. This event was seen as a necessary energetic rebalancing of the Earth.
Before their fall, the Lemurians knew their time was coming to an end. Many of them migrated to other parts of the world, carrying with them their knowledge and traditions. These survivors established new communities in regions such as Asia, the Americas, and Africa, where they influenced the development of local civilizations and planted the seeds of new spiritual cultures.
Despite the physical destruction of Lemuria, its legacy continued through the stories and teachings passed down by the survivors. These stories became the foundation of many mythologies and belief systems around the world, keeping the memory of Lemuria alive and preserving its contribution to the spiritual evolution of humanity.
The Legacy of Lemuria
The legacy of Lemuria is evident in various spiritual and cultural traditions around the world. The knowledge and practices of the Lemurians were integrated into the cultures of Asia, the Americas, and Africa, influencing their belief systems, ceremonies, and social structures. This legacy can be seen in the similarities between the mythologies and spiritual practices of these regions.
The Lemurian teachings on connecting with nature and utilizing cosmic energies have endured through the centuries. These teachings are reflected in practices such as meditation, the use of crystals for healing, and the application of sacred geometry principles in architecture. The influence of Lemuria is especially notable in indigenous wisdom and shamanic traditions.
Today, many seekers and spiritual communities continue to explore and honor the legacy of Lemuria. Through study and spiritual practices, they strive to revive ancient knowledge and apply it to the modern world. This renewed interest in Lemuria highlights the ongoing relevance of its wisdom in the quest for balance and harmony with nature and the cosmos.