YouTube Earthquake Forecaster Predicting With Shocking Accuracy

An online independent forecaster continues to make prescient predictions of future earthquakes using seismic data, Google Earth, and imaging from the recently launched GOES weather satellite.
His predictions have consistently fallen within a 70 to 80 percent accuracy range, correctly predicting the recent spate of earthquakes on the Pacific, from southern Peru to Alaska. His predictions over the next week portend earthquakes shaking locations in the Midwest and northern New York.
Using the pseudonym Dutchsinse, the forecaster’s YouTube videos provide fast-paced walkthroughs of global seismic events with uncanny accuracy. Over the past week he has correctly predicted a multitude of quakes throughout the west coast of North and South America, picking up on evidence from geophysical and tectonic activity to eruptions from volcanoes and fracking operations.
His latest video, in the wake of predicting a 7.9 magnitude in Alaska, as well as a 5.8 magnitude quake in northern California, shows two plumes of steam erupting from locations in Death Valley and the Grand Canyon. Dutchsinse points to these two spots as being isolated, arid, and desolate localities to dispel comments from detractors saying he’s just seeing weather phenomena or controlled burns from farmers.
He also notices that at one point in the day, there appears to be small eruptions of steam across the Midwest. Upon further inspection, he discovers that all of those spots were fracking and oil drilling locations, from which tectonic activity is emitting steam.
Within the next week he expects an earthquake to hit the east coast, an area that rarely sees significant seismic activity. But not to fear (hopefully), Dutchsinse thinks this quake will only be within the 3.0 magnitude range, striking near the border between Canada and northern New York. A quake of this magnitude could be felt within a roughly 100-mile radius from its epicenter.
To add to the intrigue, some have commented that his predictions, which have often trumped those of “professional” seismologists, are being suppressed on YouTube’s view counter. This, he tends to agree with, as well as an occasional off-handed, conspiratorial comment here and there.
We’ll see if his predictions continue to hold up. In the meantime, his channel is updated several times a week with more groundbreaking foresight.
Achieving Unlimited Free Energy

Free Energy
What if we could harness an energy source that provided free unlimited energy? An energy source that is pervasive throughout the universe and all around us, like a sea of energy. The answer to this might be Zero Point Energy (ZPE). ZPE is thought to be the quantum energy that exists in what we see as empty space from electromagnetic waves. To give an idea of this type of energy’s potential, one cup of ZPE would be enough to evaporate all the water in Earth’s oceans.
Originally, it was believed that at absolute zero, also known as the vacuum state, all subatomic movement stopped. However, scientists found that, in fact, there is movement and extensive amounts of energy, which is referred to as zero-point energy.
The theory of ZPE and whether it can be harnessed to produce energy has been an ongoing point of contention. But ZPE’s existence has been proven, and to hopeful scientists it has the potential to be a viable power source. Skeptics brush it off as being either non-existent or impossible to attain as an energy source. But Dr. Garret Moddel from the University of Colorado at Boulder, recently patented a prototype to harness ZPE.
Casimir Cavity
Moddel’s method relies on what is referred to as a Casimir cavity for harvesting ZPE. The ZPE field is close to an absolute minimum energy field where electromagnetic fluctuations force particles to pop in and out of existence.
The Casimir cavity, consisting of two plates held very closely together with an electromagnetic field separating them, creates an even lower field restraining the atomic particles from these electromagnetic fluctuations which subsequently release energy that can be harnessed. The atoms then travel out of the cavity and become reenergized by the universal quantum vacuum, which exists everywhere, allowing for an unlimited power source. And although this may sound fantastical, it is theoretically possible.