Backstage Pass to the Flipside: Talking to Bill Paxton

Ten years ago, best selling author Richard Martini began an investigation into what people say under deep hypnosis about the afterlife (“flipside”). He expanded that research into near death events and then mediumship. For the past three years, he’s been interviewing various friends of his who are no longer on the planet, and then setting about to verify the details he’s been learning.

In this portion, Richard interviews his old friend Bill Paxton. He has a series of interviews with Medium Jennifer Shaffer, and then during an interview with another medium (Kim Babcock), he asks a few of the same questions to see what the answers might be. Finally, with the help of Dr. Elisa Medhus and her son Erik (on the Flipside) medium Raylene Nuanes answers the same questions asked by the other two to Bill Paxton.

By using three different mediums to access the same person, this documentary shows that it's possible to speak to departed loved ones. While admitting there’s no way to prove he is speaking with his old friend, having three different mediums say the exact same things about someone they did not know and who is no longer with us, shows that while it's difficult to lose a loved one, we do learn they keep an eye on us from the flipside.

In den Hauptrollen: Richard Martini, Jennifer Shaffer, Kimberly Babcock, Dr. Elisa Medhus, Raylene Nuañes