Beyond Zero Point: The Journey to Compassion

Some 1,700 years ago, key elements of our ancient heritage were lost to the West, relegated to hidden libraries and elite priesthoods. Yet manuscripts, recently translated, from the Essenes, the mysterious authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls, offer new insight into our lost texts – with surprising implications.

Key to understanding Essene wisdom is the science of compassion, with effects that begin in our bodies and extend into the cosmos. The Essenes suggested that the events of the world around us mirror the beliefs that we each hold within us.

Before an intimate studio audience, author and teacher Gregg Braden shares the Essene science of compassion. He explains the five Essene tenets of compassion. He also reveals powerful new evidence confirming the links among feeling, human DNA and our immune systems. And Braden closes by showing how to use the ancient gift of the Blessing to change life’s hurts into wisdom and life’s pain into joy.

Moderator: Gregg Braden