Breathwork for Active Release
Sah D'Simone

Walk into the depths of your internal landscape, guided by Sah D'Simone, as he encourages you to connect with the emotions stored within your body.

In this lesson, you will: ✓ Dive into the intricate spaces of your internal landscape, recognizing and feeling the emotions that have become embedded in your body. ✓ Gain insights into what causes the body to get stuck in survival mode and the connection between emotional experiences and the body's response, offering clarity on the impact of on overall well-being. ✓ Navigate mental stories with resilience and freedom by learning transformative techniques to process emotions tied to mental stories, liberating yourself from their power.

Unearth the wisdom needed to release emotional blockages and thrive in the richness of your authentic self.

Home play: • Next time you are moving through an emotional release, try using the process of scanning your internal landscape, ask where the grief is stored, and repeat “I face you, I recognize you and I permit you to pass through me and over me”.

Moderator: Sah D'Simone