Byron Katie: Master Class with Interview

After suffering through more than a decade of depression, Byron Katie woke up one morning, opened her eyes, and discovered that all of her problems came from believing her thoughts. She understood that when she believed her thoughts, she suffered, but when she was free from her thoughts she could experience the world directly and her suffering disappeared. In this intimate interview, Byron reveals the stories from her own life that led her to create The Work and the four simple questions and three “turnarounds” that can become a mantra to opening your heart and realizing your true nature of love. Lisa Garr, creator of radio’s The Aware Show, interviews Byron Katie for Gaiam Portraits of Inspiring Lives. Please take a moment to download the Judge-Your-Neighbor Worksheet and get ready to engage The Work offered in this extraordinarily life-changing program.

In den Hauptrollen: Byron Katie, Lisa Garr