Choosing Real Immunity: The Road Less Traveled

Cilla Whatcott shares her fascinating experience of living on a tiny island in the Pacific where she raised her children in a unique and idyllic environment. Throughout episode 7, she opens up about her own cancer diagnosis that caused her to examine her choices for healing more carefully and choose a path outside of conventional treatment.

Dr. Tony Jimenez, the founder of Hope4Cancer clinics in Mexico, tells us how as a child he had a pivotal experience that led him to choose a road less traveled. Similarly, pediatrician Linda Baker also recognized her need to explore natural medicine and embarked on four additional years of training in homeopathic medicine. Janet Levatin, MD, was disillusioned with her medical training. She discovered homeopathy and chose to focus more fully on this method to transform people’s lives.

Valerie Ohanian created the fully accredited Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy in 1995 after being healed herself from a devastating illness. And Torako Yui came close to death before bumping into homeopathy and changing the entire course of her life.

And finally, see the inside of the Hope4Cancer clinic where Cilla Whatcott chose to receive treatment, and she takes the viewer through some of the unique therapies offered there.

In den Hauptrollen: Antonio Jimenez, MD; Cilla Whatcott, PhD; Janet Levatin, MD; Linda Baker, MD; Valerie Ohanian; Torako Yui, PhD