Connection: Check In

In this lesson, Kevin Courtney offers valuable insights as you delve into the transmutative practice of connecting with your breath. He emphasizes the correlation between internal expansion and the shifts you may encounter along the way.

Kevin Courtney helps you remember to: ✓ Gently inquire about the potential challenges that may arise as you step into a deeper connection with your breath. ✓ Gain insights into the internal shifts that naturally occur as you expand your awareness and connection. ✓ Learn to navigate and harness the profound power inherent in your breath, transforming it into a tool for personal growth and well-being.

Kevin Courtney will help you reframe challenges into stepping stones that catapult you into internal shifts that lead to massive growth. Embrace the journey within.

Home play: • Get curious about challenges you’re facing as you connect more deeply with your breath.

Moderator: Kevin Courtney