Exposing Proof of UFOs with Chase Kloetzke

In this interview with George Noory, Chase Kloetzke presents her case that the public is ready for disclosure of extraterrestrial activity, however, the evidence must be presented in a way that is not rejected or ridiculed. She tells us the evidence that our skies are indeed the stratum for UFO activity is accruing amply. Yet, what these strange craft might be has yet to be determined or officially disclosed in such a way that can be readily accepted by the public.

Chase Kloetzke, author of two popular books, Admissible and Are Aliens Really Real?, earned her Master Trainer, Master Instructor title while employed with the Department of Defense. With her Bio-mechanical Engineer accreditation, she was responsible for designing specialized programs. She joined the Mutual UFO Network in 1996 and was selected as The Star Team Manager and Deputy Director of Investigations through 2011. In 2015 she accepted the position of Deputy Director of Investigations and Special Case Manager leading a team of high performance and highly skilled investigators to special assignments in MUFON.

Moderator: George Noory
In den Hauptrollen: Chase Kloetzke