Green Smoothie

Drinking Green Smoothies can be enormously beneficial for health. They are rich in chlorophyll, protein and many other nutrients that are vital for creating an alkaline environment in the body. As people begin to consume blended greens they notice that it adds an unparalleled level of wellness and vitality!


(use organic ingredients where possible)

  • Kale, silverbeet (swiss chard), rainbow chard, spinach, bok choy, lettuces, dandelion greens
  • Any seasonal fresh fruits
  • Frozen bananas
  • Purified water or organic coconut water
  • Lemon,juiced
  • Ice (optional, if not using frozen fruit)

Optional Extras

  • Spirulina powder
  • Maca powder
  • Probiotic (capsule) powder
  • Chia seeds, hemp seeds, flax seeds
  • Fresh mint leaves
  • Ginger
  • Raw cacao
  • Fresh dates (pitted)
  • Coconut milk


  1. Chop all the greens.
  2. Prepare the fruits you will use, then place them together with the greens into the blender with water or coconut water.
  3. Place all other ingredients into the blender, adding ice last, and blend until smooth.


  • In time, we encourage you to increase the green component of your smoothie for an even bigger hit of chlorophyll nutrition. We typically use a 60% green to 40% fruit ratio.
  • It's important to alternate your greens each day.
  • Remove stems of kale unless you have a powerful, high-speed blender.
  • We always use plenty of frozen bananas as the main fruit component as this gives the smoothie a creamy texture. Mix it up with any other seasonal fresh fruit that you have.