Hale Dwoskin on the Sedona Method

In 1976, Hale Dwoskin met Lester Levenson who, in 1952, had been told by doctors that he had only a few weeks to live. Lester discovered that by releasing his non-love feelings his health improved, and that after 3 months he attained both renewed health and peace of mind, both of which lasted 42 years beyond his doctors’ expectations. From this state of mind and his work with people for 22-years, Levenson inspired the creation (in 1974) of what is now known as the Sedona Method.

Dwoskin immersed himself in the releasing process and developed a close relationship with Lester that lasted until Levenson’s death in 1994. Several years before his death, Lester transferred his copyrights to Hale and asked that he continue his work. Sedona Training Associates is the main vehicle for sharing Lester’s teachings with the world, and Hale has added over 28 years of experience and knowledge to the work.

Moderator: Regina Meredith
In den Hauptrollen: Hale Dwoskin